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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/11/12 in all areas

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. And that's exactly how I and some others read the statement. If we read it wrongly then at least we got the point, which some might say is just as useful a skill as being able to pull incorrectly worded language apart to point out the mistakes.
    1 point
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  4. Can one assume you dont appreciate Mrs Melly's take on London. Well I was born there it was my home for twenty years and I think its a shit hole. Been away 40 years now and every time I go back to visit Mother it gets shittier. I dont know you. You are probably a very nice chapess. But I know a shit hole when I see one. I have lived in some of the worlds biggest. London does qualify.
    1 point
  5. Now, now.....this is the life I chose out of my beliefs. At least I'm living the way I learn, instead of just talking. And I'm fully aware it's not for everyone. But I'm amazed how helpless people are when there's no button to press or tap to turn.
    1 point
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  7. Salopgal....make whatever decisions keep you 'afloat' for the time being...these decisions do not need to be permanent ones, and at this stage of your life are probably best being just 'survival' decisions. Whichever way you go now, or later, things can, and inevitably will, change. Allow for that...and try and look forward to that aswell. Support often comes from places you least expect it, at the times you least expect aswell, so keep your options open, don't rule anything out except things that are bad for you, keep your chin up, and be proud to be the survivor of a bad situation. This time next year will be a lifetime's difference to right now, with all the turmoil you are currently experiencing....look ahead, and just see what happens. Good luck with those decisions!
    1 point
  8. Why do CWF discussions so frequently degenerate into silly squabbles? My theory is that most people aren't really suited to the idyllic, low-stress, back-to-nature, peaceful, life that the canals are said to provide. With the birds singing outside, the willows weeping, the water gently lapping on the hull, the typical NB owner is within, hammering the life out of his keyboard and sending vitriolic messages to CWF and (VERY occcasionally) NBW. The truth is that these people MISS the high-pressure, testosterone-fuelled, normal world, and want to create virtual-reality mini-conflicts on their computer screens to compensate. So, another illusion shattered. Not only is living on a boat MUCH more expensive than living on land, but if you thought you'd escape the office bear-garden, think again.
    1 point
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