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All that was nothing but utter Bull----t,lies, propaganda,and nonsense.

Only one item of truth was about Mrs Blenkinsops boots damage to the deck of HMS Troutbridge,but what matter its in Davy Jones's now.

The one and only country that Mrs Blenkinsop has ever visited is Nepal and worked there as a mountain rescuer.

As she reigns from a long long turban of B&B Landladies,publicans and mini-cab controllers in Blackpool and she's never heard of the USSR,apart from the ''Beatles song'',which it must have been during HMS Troutbridges reign of disrepute.

As for M15,she doesn't drive so hasn't much knowledge of Motorways,only a fondness for the M6 for it brings most of her punters during the holiday season.

Old seadog Jellymould-Billow did under torture administered by Mrs Blenkinsop admit to a ''short stretch''in Broadmoor,but was released and just noted as being a touch exccentric with imbecilic tendencies and harmlessly slightly perverted,and is at this very moment sampling the fleshpots of the town AGAIN!

No doubt all drummed up by. the as usual misinformed war office,and just old long dead tripe from their archives.

Lets get on.

We've now been held up here tied to a busted lamppost for nearly a fortnight counting ships rivets as they pass by.Boredom,despondency, and whispered mutinous remarks have been prevailant,but thanks to Mrs B.all forms of mutinous and disobedient behavior has been stamped out ''ooch''.Trixie the gymnast has recovered from her chill,and her father is a bit preoccupied at present. The rest of the crew should be rolling back from the Brewers Elbow soon.

So all looks good for the next tide. bizzard.

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Mrs Blenkinsop triumphs again.

She lay in wait behind one of those old spiky sea mines on the quayside, leaped out and captured all of our drunken crew returning from the Brewers Elbow,and has pitched them all into the Phutt-Phutt boat,where everyone is at action stations and ready to depart ''AT LAST''..

The stove has been lit again,Trixie the gymnast is dressed in a new outfit and poised at the stern end of the tube,awaiting further instructions from Mrs B.as indeed we all are.

We receive the all clear to proceed from old Jellymould-Billow,the harbour master thankfully casts us off from the busted lamppost.

Trixie minces forward a touch,Capt Blenkinsop ollers GO!. nothing happens. The propulsion tube is blocked up with rubbish,so Mrs B.calls for more sticks on the fire and for a big effort under full power.

Trixie and the heavy weights all stumble forward and then. Wow! The biggest ''PHUTT' ever is heard,the crew all fall down,higgle depigglede.like a heap of dominoes,however this has done the trick,blown the obstruction clean out of the tube and hits the Harbour master in the mush.

WE'RE OFF,WE'RE OFF,i can't believe it. As we move off behind HMS Timid down Southampton water,Trixie tip toeing delicately up and down the tube keeping a nice steady rhythmic PHUTT going,we then have to turn left and head in much choppier waters for the start gun at the Royal Yacht Squadron. ''what a name''club. PHUTT-PHUTT-PHUTT-PHUTT--Phutt---Phutt-Phutt-phutt-phutt-phutt-phutt---phutt------phutt-phuttatuphutt--utt----utt--ut---ut----t---t-------------------.To be continued bizzard. :unsure:


P--S For obvious reasons we've had to tow Trixie's father along on a very long rope sitting on his Elsan.

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Mrs Blenkinsop triumphs again.

She lay in wait behind one of those old spiky sea mines on the quayside, leaped out and captured all of our drunken crew returning from the Brewers Elbow,and has pitched them all into the Phutt-Phutt boat,where everyone is at action stations and ready to depart ''AT LAST''..

The stove has been lit again,Trixie the gymnast is dressed in a new outfit and poised at the stern end of the tube,awaiting further instructions from Mrs B.as indeed we all are.

We receive the all clear to proceed from old Jellymould-Billow,the harbour master thankfully casts us off from the busted lamppost.

Trixie minces forward a touch,Capt Blenkinsop ollers GO!. nothing happens. The propulsion tube is blocked up with rubbish,so Mrs B.calls for more sticks on the fire and for a big effort under full power.

Trixie and the heavy weights all stumble forward and then. Wow! The biggest ''PHUTT' ever is heard,the crew all fall down,higgle depigglede.like a heap of dominoes,however this has done the trick,blown the obstruction clean out of the tube and hits the Harbour master in the mush.

WE'RE OFF,WE'RE OFF,i can't believe it. As we move off behind HMS Timid down Southampton water,Trixie tip toeing delicately up and down the tube keeping a nice steady rhythmic PHUTT going,we then have to turn left and head in much choppier waters for the start gun at the Royal Yacht Squadron. ''what a name''club. PHUTT-PHUTT-PHUTT-PHUTT--Phutt---Phutt-Phutt-phutt-phutt-phutt-phutt---phutt------phutt-phuttatuphutt--utt----utt--ut---ut----t---t-------------------.To be continued bizzard. :unsure:

Abroad the Flagship HMS 'Thunder', Vice-Admiral "Burbly" Burwasher gives the order 'Flag to Fleet' General Signal Engage the enemy. Captain Povey orders his gunnery officer open fire on the PHUTT PHUTT , There is a thunder in the air, as the big guns of the fleet open fire. As shells start to rain upon the outlawed ship, The Frigates HMS Makepeace, USS Randy , HMS Troutbridge along with the Potarneyland Navy frigate, the Poppadom fire a spread of torpedoes in her path. Below the waves the UBoat U666 lines up on target and prepares to fire.




In the Office

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Abroad the Flagship HMS 'Thunder', Vice-Admiral "Burbly" Burwasher gives the order 'Flag to Fleet' General Signal Engage the enemy. Captain Povey orders his gunnery officer open fire on the PHUTT PHUTT , There is a thunder in the air, as the big guns of the fleet open fire. As shells start to rain upon the outlawed ship, The Frigates HMS Makepeace, USS Randy , HMS Troutbridge along with the Potarneyland Navy frigate, the Poppadom fire a spread of torpedoes in her path. Below the waves the UBoat U666 lines up on target and prepares to fire.




In the Office


I think this thread supplies definitive proof of the existence of parallel universes.

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One thing worries me.


Hell hath no fury like an Eco-warrior scorned.


It seems to me that towing Trixie's Dad down Southampton Water on his Elsan, thereby horribly polluting this charming stretch of water, risks incurring the combined wraths* of Greenpeace, FoE, and Swampy.


And I submit that they are much more to be feared than Britain's much-reduced navy, which (apart from HMS Timid) now amounts to two pinnaces and a rusty WW1 sub that they can't sink because nobody greased the seacocks.


But no doubt Mrs B is equal to the challenge. Stronger men than J Porritt have quailed before her.


*Wraths. Pl of wrath. Perhaps.

Edited by sebrof
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One thing worries me.


Hell hath no fury like an Eco-warrior scorned.


It seems to me that towing Trixie's Dad down Southampton Water on his Elsan, thereby horribly polluting this charming stretch of water, risks incurring the combined wraths* of Greenpeace, FoE, and Swampy.


And I submit that they are much more to be feared than Britain's much-reduced navy, which (apart from HMS Timid) now amounts to two pinnaces and a rusty WW1 sub that they can't sink because nobody greased the seacocks.


But no doubt Mrs B is equal to the challenge. Stronger men than J Porritt have quailed before her.


*Wraths. Pl of wrath. Perhaps.

Mrs Blenkinsop has a plan under her turban concerning Trixie's dad.At the moment he's happy sitting out there being towed along, waving to all the posh yachts and being hauled in now and then to be handed a new toilet roll by Mrs B. Next installment ''Enemy in sight'' and the Royal Yacht Squadron's brass canon. Phutt-Phutt-Phutt. bizzard

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Mrs Blenkinsop has a plan under her turban concerning Trixie's dad.At the moment he's happy sitting out there being towed along, waving to all the posh yachts and being hauled in now and then to be handed a new toilet roll by Mrs B. Next installment ''Enemy in sight'' and the Royal Yacht Squadron's brass canon. Phutt-Phutt-Phutt. bizzard


Mean while back on the side of Law and Order.


On board the 'Thunder a signal comes in from inspector 'Corner' of the Yard. Vice-Admiral "Burbly" Burwasher yells at Flags 'So whats he want does he not known we are engaged in battle with the foe'. Flags tells the Admiral that the signal reads 'Several members of the church, Kidnapped in the night, Including Canon Brass'.

The victims were spotted being loaded abroad the Puttt Puttt by Leninskaja Tereshkova' AKA Mrs Benkinsop and her crew of drunks. From a round the fleet, signals come in reporting the odd sight of a man being shoved down the bore of a large muzzle loader cannon on the foredeck of the Puttt Puttt by Mrs Benkinsop.

The Admiral picks up his telescope and takes a look. 'Ye Gads!!' he yells 'its Canon Brass she's shoved down the that cannon, Does she intend to shoot him at the fleet?, That's low even for a Spy'.


Mean while a signal comes in from the FoE cruiser 'Swampy'. Concerned at the polluting of this charming stretch of water, Request permission from the Admiral to close and board the Puttt Puttt. Vice-Admiral "Burbly" Burwasher" signals back to the 'Swampy', 'Permission granted and orders the rest of the fleet to cease fire.


The FoE cruiser 'Swampy' and its consort Greenpeace Frigate 'Whaler Hunter' close in on the Puttt Puttt with boarders ready, passing the sinking motorboat 'Timid' hit by torpedoes from U666.


Watch this space for the next installment





In Der Fatherland


PS Bizzard, We all waiting for you to explain the picture of You dressed in a flying helmet with 'Tixie' dressed as a french waitress holding a stick of wet celery

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With unswerving tenacity and uncanny leadership skills of Mrs Blenkinsop,we seem to have thwarted em,the enemy,although in peacetime we didn't know one existed.

The method that Mrs B adopted to do this was truly magnificent.She eclipsed the sun which was noticed throughout all Southern England as she stood on the cabin top in her hobnailed boots,turban streaming in the wind,curlers glittering in the sunlight bellowing in her powerful Lancashire voice,blood and thunder and --------------ds,and boomed out ''MAKE SMOKE!'',everyone ''SOCKS OFF'' and in the stove with em. ready about. All this time while the Phutt-Phutt boat had been Phutting about the Solent Trixie the gymnasts father has been having a rough old time in the choppy waters, sitting on his Elsan at the end of the long toe line.Sea sickness has gripped him,what with that and his incontinence problem,green with nausea and surrounded in a sea of soggy toilet rolls looks a sorry sight.

Trixie tried pleading with Mrs B to haul him in but she'd have none of it for she was about to pull off her master plan.

The Phutt-Phutt boat Phutted around in a high speed swerve causing great chaos below,bodies,arms and legs in a great tangle,Trixie was thrown from the tube and the kettle which was on for tea flew off the stove biffed and scalded the bow reverse tube air valve operator on the ear laying him out slumped over his valve.The stinky sock smoke billowing from the chimney completely blotted everything out for miles around,but with Mrs Blenkinsop at the tiller,skillfully manouvered the Phutt-Phutt boat into a position so that Trixie's father sitting on his Elsan was placed strategically dead upwind of the enemy,leaving behind us the most appalling terrible noxious stink,a stink that layed low every living thing in our wake.

We are now heading west our original plan was to circumcise the Isle of Wight in an clockwise direction,now of course altered to an anti-clock one. HMS Timid suddenly steams out of the smoke, old Jellymould Billow ensconced in his deckchair complete with WW2 gasmask as we phutt along zigzagging in and out of yachts and ships leaving behind the most awful mess of smoke,stink and soggy toilet rolls. To be completed bizzard.

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Well thank goodness all that's over.

We're Phutt-Phutting along quite merrily now.The crew seem to have settled to their tasks,Mrs B's tidied her curlers and turban and has now got the kettle on for tea.The propulsion tube is not getting too hot for Trixie's feet,so she's been entertaining the more lustful members of the crew by going through her whole gymnastic routine,multiple cartwheels,ballet twiddles the lot.The astern thrust valve operator has been testing his valve amid massive blasts of compressed air,and now declares us ready to stop on a ''tanner''.Soon we will be veering to port,not the drink, swerving left,and really opening up,the stoker having stacked up a huge pile of sticks in readiness for the maximum speed trials.

Meanwhile old Jellymould Billow on HMS Timid has been enjoying himself bawling out orders and dubious sailing instructions to any vessels in our vicinity,like ''Haul your wind''this is a Royal Navy Vessel,and bare away to a Bikini clad girl on a floating Gin palace,can't you see we're ''Forereaching,sail green4-0''which is all baloney,the only thing forereaching on Southampton water is Trixies father who's still queezey,swooping and planing along on his Elsan at the end of the towrope.

We will soon be in the chop of the English channel,where weather conditions permitting Mrs Blenkinsop and Trixie have promised to demonstrate mountaineering,tightrope walking,and Trixi's dad having brought his swing,will perform trapeze tricks,''TAKE COVER'',all when we reach the Needles. To be continued. Ttfn. Bizzard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well there's been another big hold up with the big Phutt-Phutt boats trials.

Firstly the Phutt-Phutt boat has been performing tremendously, far beyond our expectations in fact.We've been Phutt Phutting about willy-nilly all over the English Channel,willy nilly because the blasted wind kept on changing and as its imperative that we keep Trixie's dad, on tow sitting on his Elsan strictly down wind,the willy-nillyness was for obvious reasons.--the pong!!!.

We then received two urgent messages relayed across to us by flag signals from old Jellymould-Billow on HMS Timid,saying that a desperate and pleading message has been received by Morse-code from a Dutch barge called ''Nova Cura'' on the river Thames near Chiswick,the owner of which calls his self Sebrof,that was having hair raising electrical problems with an bow thruster control magic-box which was refusing to open and so expose its innards for examination,apparently all efforts to open it have been in vain.

And that the owner Sebrof has been laid low with traumatic apoplexy and so taken to his bed,and is crying out for Trixie in his delirium,whilst his boat, stuck on full starboard bow thrust and out of control, scribes endless doughnuts back and forth on the tidal Thames.So Trixie has been dispatched to mop his brow and comfort him. The full story of this mysterious box can be read in the topic Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!.

Secondly Trixie's father,suffering from severe exposure as his trousers and underpants blew away in a bit of a squall and is now recouperating at the local sewage works,the only place he says he can relax and feel secure,his Elsan having been secured to a buoy 5 miles away.Mrs Blenkinsop is out scouring the town for more toilet rolls. To be continued. bizzard.

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Well there's been another big hold up with the big Phutt-Phutt boats trials.

Firstly the Phutt-Phutt boat has been performing tremendously, far beyond our expectations in fact.We've been Phutt Phutting about willy-nilly all over the English Channel,willy nilly because the blasted wind kept on changing and as its imperative that we keep Trixie's dad, on tow sitting on his Elsan strictly down wind,the willy-nillyness was for obvious reasons.--the pong!!!.

We then received two urgent messages relayed across to us by flag signals from old Jellymould-Billow on HMS Timid,saying that a desperate and pleading message has been received by Morse-code from a Dutch barge on the river Thames near Chiswick,the owner of which calls his self Sebrof,that was having hair raising electrical problems with an bow thruster control magic-box which was refusing to open and so expose its innards for examination,apparently all efforts to open it have been in vain.

And that the owner Sebrof has been laid low with traumatic apoplexy and so taken to his bed,and is crying out for Trixie in his delirium,whilst his boat, stuck on full starboard bow thrust and out of control, scribes endless doughnuts back and forth on the tidal Thames.So Trixie has been dispatched to mop his brow and comfort him. The full story of this mysterious box can be read in the topic Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!.

Secondly Trixie's father,suffering from severe exposure as his trousers and underpants blew away in a bit of a squall and is now recouperating at the local sewage works,the only place he says he can relax and feel secure,his Elsan having been secured to a buoy 5 miles away.Mrs Blenkinsop is out scouring the town for more toilet rolls. To be continued. bizzard.


Poor old Sebfor, knew that his bowsthrufter would be the end of him......

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Well there's been another big hold up with the big Phutt-Phutt boats trials.

Firstly the Phutt-Phutt boat has been performing tremendously, far beyond our expectations in fact.We've been Phutt Phutting about willy-nilly all over the English Channel,willy nilly because the blasted wind kept on changing and as its imperative that we keep Trixie's dad, on tow sitting on his Elsan strictly down wind,the willy-nillyness was for obvious reasons.--the pong!!!.

We then received two urgent messages relayed across to us by flag signals from old Jellymould-Billow on HMS Timid,saying that a desperate and pleading message has been received by Morse-code from a Dutch barge called ''Nova Cura'' on the river Thames near Chiswick,the owner of which calls his self Sebrof,that was having hair raising electrical problems with an bow thruster control magic-box which was refusing to open and so expose its innards for examination,apparently all efforts to open it have been in vain.

And that the owner Sebrof has been laid low with traumatic apoplexy and so taken to his bed,and is crying out for Trixie in his delirium,whilst his boat, stuck on full starboard bow thrust and out of control, scribes endless doughnuts back and forth on the tidal Thames.So Trixie has been dispatched to mop his brow and comfort him. The full story of this mysterious box can be read in the topic Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!.

Secondly Trixie's father,suffering from severe exposure as his trousers and underpants blew away in a bit of a squall and is now recouperating at the local sewage works,the only place he says he can relax and feel secure,his Elsan having been secured to a buoy 5 miles away.Mrs Blenkinsop is out scouring the town for more toilet rolls. To be continued. bizzard.


OK, there's good news and bad news.


First the good. Thanks to the sheer genius of the electrical experts on CWF, the BT has been tamed and brought under control. The waters of the Thames are now placid; the Bow Thruster thrusts no more; and the skipper is outside a large Pink Gin.


But the BAD news is that there is no sign of Trixie. Having laid in a supply of alcopops, soulful CDs, and a new smoking jacket a la Hugh Hefner (not to mention 400 loo rolls in case Dad came too) my plans to get closely acquainted with that splendid young filly have been well and truly scuppered.


What was that about old dogs and young Trix?

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I thought you were in the presence of Emelda jnr and her shoes?


Has this not scared Miss Trixie off?


That's more than likely.


Emelda Jnr would scare anyone off.




Anyone need a smoking jacket? Unworn, and a very tasteful design. Canary yellow check, not like those boring dark green or maroon ones.

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That's more than likely.


Emelda Jnr would scare anyone off.




Anyone need a smoking jacket? Unworn, and a very tasteful design. Canary yellow check, not like those boring dark green or maroon ones.

She won't scare the formidable and tenacious Mrs Agatha Blenkinsop the Blackpool B&B landlady off.She'll give you smoking jacket.She's at this very moment pounding up the M3 in her Hobnailed boots armed with her whip and rolling pin to find the elusive little nymph Trixie, breathing fire and brimstone heading straight for the Nova Cura,Chiswick W6.

Edited by bizzard
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She won't scare the formidable and tenacious Mrs Agatha Blenkinsop the Blackpool B&B landlady off.She'll give you smoking jacket.She's at this very moment pounding up the M3 in her Hobnailed boots armed with her whip and rolling pin to find the elusive little nymph Trixie, breathing fire and brimstone heading straight for the Nova Cura,Chiswick W6.


Then she's wasting her time, I fear. Trix ain't here.


Mind you, if she were, I'd probably not let on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blimey,i nearly forgot all about the Phutt-Phutt boat,and because of all the trials and tribulations it has still not completed its proving test.Sorry about that folks i had to see to some other nonsense as well.

Well Mrs Blenkinsop has had incredible adventures crunching her way to Chiswick in search of Trixie the gymnast.

First of all she was had up for jay walking on a motorway,reducing the surface to unusable rubble with her hob-nailed boots,righting off several juggernaughts that had crashed into her,and finally escaping police custody only to crunch her way back to the M3's Fleet services where she lay in wait for an unwary truck driver which happened to be the driver of an Eddie Stop-out wagon,beat the unsuspecting driver on the nut with her rolling pin,yanked the keys from him and hi-jacked his lorry the name of which happened to be Agatha.B. She then drove the thing hell for leather,scattering all asunder in an easterly direction towards Chiswick and the Nova Cura.

Having arrived there and using her shrewd Landlady entrepreneurial money making skills sold the Stopout truck, a brand new Volvo to a fairground operator who needed it to transport fruit machines.

And then commandeered from some poor little chap a small wooden pram dinghy into which she jumped and went clean through its bottom.After shakin it from her boot she jumped into the river,rolling pin in mouth and struck out for the Nova Cura at Chiswick.

On arrival,BANG!BANG!BANG!on its roof with the rolling pin,''no reply'' Sebrof not in or pretending not to be.

So in an absolute highly dangerous fury, she sits down and waits,wringing out her soaking turban and drying her curlers in the sun. To be continued. Bizzard.

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Pssst, Bizz, has she gone yet? I'm fed up with sleeping in my car, and I need a change of clothes.

I'm not sure,i think she caught a chill swimming and has nipped off to find a chemists for a cure.

Yes i think its safe to board your vessel for a wash and brush up,but keep quiet and lie low and don't show any lights.

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Would anyone mind telling me what the f*** this thread is about?


Thanks in advance.

Once upon a time. It all really began in ''Living afloat''-Showering bankside',if you care to look back and follow it through.

If your getting anxious i shall be continuing with this part later tonight. :closedeyes:

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The plot deepens 'The Hunt for Mrs Blenkinsop'


Outraged at the hijacking of the weekly Admiralty supply of 'Plymouth Gin', Which the result was

a shortage of Horseneck's and 'Pink Gin's in the Admiralty. The 1st Lord Sir Willoughby Toddhunter-Brown

has ordered in units of the 'SBS' to Nova Cura,Chiswick W6. To seek out former KGB sleeper agent ' Leninskaja

Tereshkova' aka 'Mrs Blenkinsop' and bring her back 'Dead or alive'. Or at least being back the 'Gin'



Members of the SBS. Fully tooled up! and on the prow. Sebrof can rest easy tonight

Conveys of 'Truckers' are heading towards Chiswick W6. Intent on payback for what

'Mrs Blenkinsop' did to 'Trucker Sandman' with the KGB tool of choice 'The nutcrackers'

He never ride again. When the 'Rubber Duck', 'The Bandit & Frog' and the 'Snowman & Fred'

get they hands on 'Mrs Blenkinsop'. Nobody known's ' But it will be painful.


As for Trixie, She was last seen steaming toward the State's, aboard the USS Randy

surrounded by 'Randy stokers'. Her father is aboard the FoE cruiser 'Swampy' where a

large bung was being hammered in to prevent further polluting of the Solent,





In the Office

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The plot deepens 'The Hunt for Mrs Blenkinsop'


Outraged at the hijacking of the weekly Admiralty supply of 'Plymouth Gin', Which the result was

a shortage of Horseneck's and 'Pink Gin's in the Admiralty. The 1st Lord Sir Willoughby Toddhunter-Brown

has ordered in units of the 'SBS' to Nova Cura,Chiswick W6. To seek out former KGB sleeper agent ' Leninskaja

Tereshkova' aka 'Mrs Blenkinsop' and bring her back 'Dead or alive'. Or at least being back the 'Gin'



Members of the SBS. Fully tooled up! and on the prow. Sebrof can rest easy tonight

Conveys of 'Truckers' are heading towards Chiswick W6. Intent on payback for what

'Mrs Blenkinsop' did to 'Trucker Sandman' with the KGB tool of choice 'The nutcrackers'

He never ride again. When the 'Rubber Duck', 'The Bandit & Frog' and the 'Snowman & Fred'

get they hands on 'Mrs Blenkinsop'. Nobody known's ' But it will be painful.


As for Trixie, She was last seen steaming toward the State's, aboard the USS Randy

surrounded by 'Randy stokers'. Her father is aboard the FoE cruiser 'Swampy' where a

large bung was being hammered in to prevent further polluting of the Solent,





In the Office

sorry, firesprite, I have been reliably correctedinformed that the prow is actually the pointy end.

hope this helps the rescue effort

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Wow.It looks like big trouble is abrewin. Mrs Blenkinsop is just on her way back from the chemists.

The Putt-Phutt boat has been radioed to in Southampton to stoke up the stove cast off and Phutt off as fast as possible with all haste around to the R.Thames, fully armed.The main armament being the Bow reverse thrust pneumatic tube being filled to the brim with the contents of Trixies dads Elsan phew!.

Soon Chiswick W6 in the vicinity of Sebrof's barge The Nova Cura might become the scene of a big battle as Mrs B in all innocense is confronted by this Russian Posse that accuse her of all sorts from spying to bootlegging.But i'm sure that her strength and tenacity will win through,her main aim is to rescue Trixie,re-board the Phutt-Phutt boat and get the trials over and done with.

The Phutt-Phutt boat has been spied passing Southend pier Phutting along at a tremendous pace.

To be continued Bizzard.

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Wow.It looks like big trouble is abrewin. Mrs Blenkinsop is just on her way back from the chemists.

The Putt-Phutt boat has been radioed to in Southampton to stoke up the stove cast off and Phutt off as fast as possible with all haste around to the R.Thames, fully armed.The main armament being the Bow reverse thrust pneumatic tube being filled to the brim with the contents of Trixies dads Elsan phew!.

Soon Chiswick W6 in the vicinity of Sebrof's barge The Nova Cura might become the scene of a big battle as Mrs B in all innocense is confronted by this Russian Posse that accuse her of all sorts from spying to bootlegging.But i'm sure that her strength and tenacity will win through,her main aim is to rescue Trixie,re-board the Phutt-Phutt boat and get the trials over and done with.

The Phutt-Phutt boat has been spied passing Southend pier Phutting along at a tremendous pace.

To be continued Bizzard.


Didn't known that the Russia Federal Security Service had sent in Spetsnaz units. Sebrof's barge may sink under the weight of all them troops.

SBS, SAS, Spetsnaz, The US Navy Seals will turn up late. And not forgetting the 'Hedgehog Sandwich' munching truckers.




In the Office

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