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Can't you get drops from the vet to reduce the swelling in the eyes? Earlier this year our vet thought oneof our dogs had glaucoma. We put the dog on diuretics and eye drops and his eyes cleared up.


My Dad has daily eyedrops to keep the pressure in his eyes down.

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  • 1 year later...

As we want to spend an extended period on the boat this summer need to take the moggie with.....There is nothing in this thread that advises on the best way help the cat acclimatise.....any help/advice would most appreciated...we have been gettting him use to a harness, which he hates :)



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Some friends of ours several yaers ago moved onto their boat permanently with their 2 cats. They did use a harness which their cats hated at first but eventually accepted it. Also to make sure they didn't leave the boat when cruising they made door inserts out of a wooden frame and chicken wire for use when underway or kept the doors and windows closed. To acclimatise the cats they also took them up to the boat in cat baskets on a regular basis and then let them explore inside for a day and then extended this to longer periods feeding them etc: whilst there.

They also ran the engine on a regular basis, one cat always hid under the bed the other one couldn't have cared less. Eventually both cats became acclimatised and they moved permanently on board, although one always hid when underway they could eventually let both cats off when moored and they would return no problems. My advice would be to take things as slowly as possible until you are sure that your cat will return after exploring the countryside. Some are fine immediately, some take a long time but a cat will usually return to where it is fed and cared for.

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Our Jasper has gone. He was fine afloat for 6 months and let himself in and out via his catflap. Then one day about 2 months ago now he hopped off never to return. We put up loads of signs along the towpath but still no sign of him. We're very sad.

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Our Jasper has gone. He was fine afloat for 6 months and let himself in and out via his catflap. Then one day about 2 months ago now he hopped off never to return. We put up loads of signs along the towpath but still no sign of him. We're very sad.



awwww - that is sad...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Our Jasper has gone. He was fine afloat for 6 months and let himself in and out via his catflap. Then one day about 2 months ago now he hopped off never to return. We put up loads of signs along the towpath but still no sign of him. We're very sad.



Awww no..... I`ve only just seen this you must be heartbroken, have you had any luck in finding him since this post?


I am going to be worried about my new baby when he comes aboard too.....I have bought him a harness type lead untill he gets used to it, you can see him here, I cant have him home untill June 9th as it`s the pedigree rules, however I do go to see him every weekend so that it wont be so bad for him when he leaves his parents, or at leaste thats my thinking.......you can see him here



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Awww no..... I`ve only just seen this you must be heartbroken, have you had any luck in finding him since this post?


I am going to be worried about my new baby when he comes aboard too.....I have bought him a harness type lead untill he gets used to it, you can see him here, I cant have him home untill June 9th as it`s the pedigree rules, however I do go to see him every weekend so that it wont be so bad for him when he leaves his parents, or at leaste thats my thinking.......you can see him here



It's crazy to have cats on a narrowboat. They're near certain to get lost once they leave the boat, being the kind of animals they are. Even on land they have little attachment to their owners. On a crusing boat though, I don't see how you can trust a cat to return. Let it out, you want to move off later, what's the chance of it returning when you want it to, or at all? They go astray quite often on land, on a cruising boat that is never in one place for long it seems to me that this is asking for trouble.


As for putting one in a harness, what a cruel idea. Cats are predominantly wild creatures that do you a favour, on land, by returning to the house occasionally and that is their whole attraction to humans. Trying to doggify one with a lead is an appalling concept.




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It's crazy to have cats on a narrowboat. They're near certain to get lost once they leave the boat, being the kind of animals they are. Even on land they have little attachment to their owners. On a crusing boat though, I don't see how you can trust a cat to return. Let it out, you want to move off later, what's the chance of it returning when you want it to, or at all? They go astray quite often on land, on a cruising boat that is never in one place for long it seems to me that this is asking for trouble.


As for putting one in a harness, what a cruel idea. Cats are predominantly wild creatures that do you a favour, on land, by returning to the house occasionally and that is their whole attraction to humans. Trying to doggify one with a lead is an appalling concept.





I agree. If you are going to be cruising, don't get a cat. They hate it. Cats are territorial. Have you ever moved house with a cat? It takes them weeks to get used to their new environment, and if you move them too often, they get very nervous. If you are CCing, the cat will be constatly at a loss. Dogs on the other hand form bonds with their owners and not their environment. They don't care how ofter they move.

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It's crazy to have cats on a narrowboat. They're near certain to get lost once they leave the boat, being the kind of animals they are. Even on land they have little attachment to their owners. On a crusing boat though, I don't see how you can trust a cat to return. Let it out, you want to move off later, what's the chance of it returning when you want it to, or at all? They go astray quite often on land, on a cruising boat that is never in one place for long it seems to me that this is asking for trouble.


As for putting one in a harness, what a cruel idea.

Cats are predominantly wild creatures that do you a favour, on land, by returning to the house occasionally and that is their whole attraction to humans. Trying to doggify one with a lead is an appalling concept.





Poppy Cock and yet again more Poppy cock and yet again from Anhar, :huh:



Why would a cat want to run away?.. Instinct my A£$%e .......Cats know when they are well off matey I can assure you, and as for a harness being cruel, I`ll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one, but I dont want my new Baby falling in the canal and drowning, I purchased the harness (esspecially made for a cat by the way) in the hope that I can show him around kinda thing untill he gets used to it. then he`ll be free. I dont know if you know this Anhar, but cats can almost walk up walls so I`m hopeing he`ll be fine around the boat.


and as for No attatchment to humans??? ........Where do you live? ........On the moon?


I`ve had cats for a few years now and I can tell you they spend most of their time sleeping, I dont think they`ll see much difference from inside the boat and inside the house. I dont expect it will take it long to get used to playing in the country side rather than in an estate or where ever folk useually keep them. As for running away or getting lost.


I think cats have more sence than you pretend to have


I expect its cruel have birds in a cage too?.......... and that they will fly away?

Funny how mine doesn`t fly away isnt it? and he`s always out of his cage. My bird was hatched in an aviary and knows no other way of life, he wouldnt last five minutes in the wild.


Well if I`m wrong, I`ll be having that trouble you mentioned, tough old world isnt it?


Er might I ask you if it will be ok for me to take him to my place in Spain in the winter, He`s having a pet passport,

or might he get kidnaped and folk use him as food over there?



If I`m wrong then I`ll post and let you know with an appology, I cant be fairer than that.

Admittedly some cats are more nervous than others, hopefully mine wont be, we`ll see. I will be on a residential mooring mostly so he`ll not get lost there will he?


Any body else got a cat on a boat or is it just going to be me on the cut that`s cruel?

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Poppy Cock and yet again more Poppy cock and yet again from Anhar, :huh:

Why would a cat want to run away?.. Instinct my A£$%e .......Cats know when they are well off matey I can assure you, and as for a harness being cruel, I`ll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one, but I dont want my new Baby falling in the canal and drowning, I purchased the harness (esspecially made for a cat by the way) in the hope that I can show him around kinda thing untill he gets used to it. then he`ll be free. I dont know if you know this Anhar, but cats can almost walk up walls so I`m hopeing he`ll be fine around the boat.


and as for No attatchment to humans??? ........Where do you live? ........On the moon?


I`ve had cats for a few years now and I can tell you they spend most of their time sleeping, I dont think they`ll see much difference from inside the boat and inside the house. I dont expect it will take it long to get used to playing in the country side rather than in an estate or where ever folk useually keep them. As for running away or getting lost.


I think cats have more sence than you pretend to have


I expect its cruel have birds in a cage too?.......... and that they will fly away?

Funny how mine doesn`t fly away isnt it? and he`s always out of his cage. My bird was hatched in an aviary and knows no other way of life, he wouldnt last five minutes in the wild.


Well if I`m wrong, I`ll be having that trouble you mentioned, tough old world isnt it?


Er might I ask you if it will be ok for me to take him to my place in Spain in the winter, He`s having a pet passport,

or might he get kidnaped and folk use him as food over there?

If I`m wrong then I`ll post and let you know with an appology, I cant be fairer than that.

Admittedly some cats are more nervous than others, hopefully mine wont be, we`ll see. I will be on a residential mooring mostly so he`ll not get lost there will he?


Any body else got a cat on a boat or is it just going to be me on the cut that`s cruel?

What's your problem mate? When you chose to post your earlier opinions here, you had to expect that some might disagree with what you said. If you can't bear disagreement, then don't put up messages. This forum is meant to be polite and I expressed myself in that way.


You however chose to come back at me with a whole load of personal attacks and invented beliefs about my lack of knowledge of cats. Take issue with what I said by all means but I would suggest that you do it in a decent manner for the sake of this forum. And if you cannot bear someone having a different opinion to you then refrain from posting.


I have noticed you before turning nasty at other readers for no reason at all. Lighten up, you'll enjoy life more and live longer.




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What's your problem mate? When you chose to post your earlier opinions here, you had to expect that some might disagree with what you said. If you can't bear disagreement, then don't put up messages. This forum is meant to be polite and I expressed myself in that way.


You however chose to come back at me with a whole load of personal attacks and invented beliefs about my lack of knowledge of cats. Take issue with what I said by all means but I would suggest that you do it in a decent manner for the sake of this forum. And if you cannot bear someone having a different opinion to you then refrain from posting.


I have noticed you before turning nasty at other readers for no reason at all. Lighten up, you'll enjoy life more and live longer.





Er I didnt ask for any Opinions, I was asking if they had their cat back and just saying that I will be having mine aboard soon??? It was you who felt you should attack tha fact that I was having a cat on board.




My problem is MATE that in the past you have directed posts at me in the same way. Not very pleasant is it? However I wouldnt say that I`m mad with you, and if I dissagree with you I perhaps useually wouldn`t usually post a reply.


I do remember that when I am lightened up as you call it you ask me what my problem was then, and told me that I rubished every ones posts? Quite nasty you were too, I dont know on whos authority you should say that, this was merely my turn to reply, I have been waiting for another bout from you before I gave you a taste of your own medicine. If you dont like it I sugest you give it up, I will if you will. Unfortunately the posts that you sent about me were removed by the hosts. Personal they were too asking me about my sex life?. I think I`ve been quite mild with you in retrospect.


I cant win with you, I`m either too light or too serious.


I dont want to argue with you or anyone else for that matter, we all have different opinions, thats what makes this a great place, and some folk are more serious than others, but you did get very personal towards me hence my personal reply.


To each his own I say, it`s up to you if you want to fall out, I`m just happy you`ve had a taste of your own medicine and seen you`r reactions to it


Hope this clears the matter up..................Mind you I do appreciate that text can be taken differently since there is no tone or body language,

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I would love to take my cats with me when I go cruising, they certainly miss us when we go away, they absolutely hate the cattery, refuse to eat and sulk, if our neighbour comes in to feed them they become aloof and haughty and make such a fuss of us when we come back that I feel guilty for leaving them. One I've had from a wretched premature kitten whose mother was killed on the road when she was a week old (bottle fed) and one is an old farm cat, both of them have formed a very strong bond with the family, the farm cat likes to be carried around on my shoulder and she is part feral, now that they are both getting on a bit they don't go out much, although Fluffy made an exception tonight to hunt bats! Don't fancy a litter tray on a boat so I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'll maybe get a house sitter who loves cats. I'm taking the dog and the hamster tho' but leaving the horse behind!!!


Ally p.

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Don't leave the horse behind, could be useful if you run out of diesel :huh:


Guffaw! He's big enough to pull a boat, big coloured cob, one grey eye & one brown one, makes him look a bit unhinged, proper gypsy job the kind you see clattering up and down at horse fairs, he's getting on a bit but still willing.


Ally p.

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I agree. If you are going to be cruising, don't get a cat. They hate it. Cats are territorial. Have you ever moved house with a cat? It takes them weeks to get used to their new environment, and if you move them too often, they get very nervous. If you are CCing, the cat will be constatly at a loss.


Hi Pat

I think a lot of cats DO hate being moved about and I used to think they didn't form attachments to owners. But I have 2 cats that seem to be different, from our long experience with them. They are both 14 years old and we have moved house 4 times since we got them. We also take them whenever we visit my parents in Wales who come ashore to a different rented house each winter. There is always a moment of anxiety when the male cat wanders off to explore at night, but he has always come back ( so far!). Often he doesn't want his breakfast as he has dined out (yuk). The female likes staying inside, wherever we live.


I AM worried about the male cat straying when I'm living on the boat, but he would be very unhappy to be kept in at night (scratches endlessly at the door) and I'll just have to wait for him to reappear. Something brings him back every morning - even if it is just a cushy bed to sleep away the day!

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Hi Pat

I think a lot of cats DO hate being moved about and I used to think they didn't form attachments to owners. But I have 2 cats that seem to be different, from our long experience with them. They are both 14 years old and we have moved house 4 times since we got them. We also take them whenever we visit my parents in Wales who come ashore to a different rented house each winter. There is always a moment of anxiety when the male cat wanders off to explore at night, but he has always come back ( so far!). Often he doesn't want his breakfast as he has dined out (yuk). The female likes staying inside, wherever we live.


I AM worried about the male cat straying when I'm living on the boat, but he would be very unhappy to be kept in at night (scratches endlessly at the door) and I'll just have to wait for him to reappear. Something brings him back every morning - even if it is just a cushy bed to sleep away the day!



I think all cats are different and I also think that everybody treats their cats differently too, we don`t have any kids (all grown up) so the cats are now like our kids and get spoilt and molly codled I`m afraid. Our cats have always been pedigree cats which tend to be different in nature again, and most pedigree cats are not left to wander out and so become house cats, I would like mine to be able to go out and enjoy the countryside I`ve never had a problem yet, although I know the new one may be totally different.


Toms are less likely to wander when they have been neuterd, but I dare`nt say on here that I`ll be having him done when he`s a little older.


This boat larks going to be new to me, I reckoned getting the kitten as we move on will make him more at home than me as it will be almost all he has known, thats my thinking anyway.


Like I say we`ll have to wait and see, but I`m not overly worried, looking at our past experiances.

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I have an eleven year old cat who had never lived on a boat until I got my boat just over a year ago. I used to think he was just inactive and slept alot cos he was old but when I moved onto the boat he got a whole new lease of life. He seems to greatly prefer being away from noise and traffic and can now be seen tearing up the tow path, running up trees and generally being mental. I have moved about a bit as I was a CC'er before getting a mooring a couple of weeks - he hates being in the boat when it is moving a howls a bit (but won't sit on the roof without freaking out either) but is always fine once the boat is moored up. I was a bit dubious about letting him out in a new location at first but had no choice as he shot out. But he has always come back and has now been living happily on the boat with me for the past year.

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In about a month I'm adopting a lovly 7 month old kitten. At the moment she lives in town and I think she will love the marina. I'mm not sure about cruising. I'm going to have to stay fairly local untill she settles in. Which is a shame as I've been waiting for some better weather to go for a trundle. Will be nice to have some company though...even if it is company that likes to gnaw your hands!

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I have two cats and am pleased to say that they have adapted very well to life afloat.


They both seem to accept quite happily that the boat is 'home' and that the garden changes depending on where we moor. They actually to really seem to enjoy exploring new places.


I fitted a cat flap and usually allow them to come and go as they please unless I am expecting to move in the near future or the mooring is unsuitable (ie next to a road). Litter trays on boats are the work of the devil but sadly unavoidable in some circumstances!


My girl sticks quite close to the boat but spends a lot of time out. The boy likes to go for mammoth treks in the evening but spends the rest of the time asleep on my bed.


To begin with I kept them in (for about 3 days) so they knew it was home, then I let them out under supervision just before meals (the boy stuck to me like glue, trotting at my heels like a dog!) and now they come and go as they please.


Both are still a little unsure of the 'engine monster' whilst moving, but with my driving I can't blame them! Both have fallen in and I have the scars to prove it! Yes, that is a risk (I'm so worried that they'll drown) but no more than living near roads etc. I just have to trust that they can look after themsleves.

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