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I actually hesitate to post this, lest it result in the usual suggestions that we somehow bring trouble on ourselves etc etc.


Saturday, we ventured up to Bugsworth basin, a mere hour and a half from our new mooring.


The basin wasn't busy, and we moored just downstream of the Middle Basin Arm (those who know Buggy will know the location).


As is usual, we adjourned to the pub for the evening.


At about 10:30, we wandered back to the boat. Another boat had arrived whilst we were in the pub, and was moored in the arm, some 100 feet from us. Not an issue there.


However, what was a cause for some (mild) concern was the fact that whilst we were in the pub, two transit vans had also arrived, and had been driven down to the bank at the side of the arm, past a locked gate (achieved by lifting the gate off its hinges). It was clear that in addition to a largish crew on the boat, about half a dozen people were sleeping in vans, and had deliberately passed a locked gate to do so at the side of the boat.


There was also the minor problem that at 10:30pm, the "music" was playing extraordinarily loudly.


Said din continued unabated until 2:30 am, and in the morning the area around the boat was in a hell of a mess.


Due to the fact that we were planning to leave the boat unattended at Buggy for most of Sunday, and the fact that there were rather a lot of very drunk people with the potential for it to turn ugly in a remote location, we elected to say nothing.



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I actually hesitate to post this, lest it result in the usual suggestions that we somehow bring trouble on ourselves etc etc.


Saturday, we ventured up to Bugsworth basin, a mere hour and a half from our new mooring.


The basin wasn't busy, and we moored just downstream of the Middle Basin Arm (those who know Buggy will know the location).


As is usual, we adjourned to the pub for the evening.


At about 10:30, we wandered back to the boat. Another boat had arrived whilst we were in the pub, and was moored in the arm, some 100 feet from us. Not an issue there.


However, what was a cause for some (mild) concern was the fact that whilst we were in the pub, two transit vans had also arrived, and had been driven down to the bank at the side of the arm, past a locked gate (achieved by lifting the gate off its hinges). It was clear that in addition to a largish crew on the boat, about half a dozen people were sleeping in vans, and had deliberately passed a locked gate to do so at the side of the boat.


There was also the minor problem that at 10:30pm, the "music" was playing extraordinarily loudly.


Said din continued unabated until 2:30 am, and in the morning the area around the boat was in a hell of a mess.


Due to the fact that we were planning to leave the boat unattended at Buggy for most of Sunday, and the fact that there were rather a lot of very drunk people with the potential for it to turn ugly in a remote location, we elected to say nothing.





I would have taken the soft option and motored off to put a bit of distance between potential trouble and myself.



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Sounds like a boat party.


My neighbours have the odd party, now and then, which often keeps me awake 'til the early hours but it is par for the course when you share the same planet with other people.


You probably did the right thing, it's a shame they left the place a mess but no harm done.

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Sounds like a boat party.


My neighbours have the odd party, now and then, which often keeps me awake 'til the early hours but it is par for the course when you share the same planet with other people.


You probably did the right thing, it's a shame they left the place a mess but no harm done.





I'm not happy with that last statement, when is harm done?? Is crapping on the bank acceptable?

Should we now just ignore these social reprobates?

Who's going to put the gate back on its hinges?

Or are you just being controversial again?



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I'm not happy with that last statement, when is harm done?? Is crapping on the bank acceptable?

Should we now just ignore these social reprobates?

Who's going to put the gate back on its hinges?

Or are you just being controversial again?



No I don't think I'm being controversial.


Developing "a hell of a mess" to "crapping on the bank" seems to be a bit of n exaggeration.


Perhaps Dave sent you a pm I'm fairly sure he didn't mention defaecation.


"Social Reprobates" covers a huge proportion of the population if leaving litter behind is your definition.


Annoying but hey, worse things happen.

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I actually hesitate to post this, lest it result in the usual suggestions that we somehow bring trouble on ourselves etc etc.


Saturday, we ventured up to Bugsworth basin, a mere hour and a half from our new mooring.


The basin wasn't busy, and we moored just downstream of the Middle Basin Arm (those who know Buggy will know the location).


As is usual, we adjourned to the pub for the evening.


At about 10:30, we wandered back to the boat. Another boat had arrived whilst we were in the pub, and was moored in the arm, some 100 feet from us. Not an issue there.


However, what was a cause for some (mild) concern was the fact that whilst we were in the pub, two transit vans had also arrived, and had been driven down to the bank at the side of the arm, past a locked gate (achieved by lifting the gate off its hinges). It was clear that in addition to a largish crew on the boat, about half a dozen people were sleeping in vans, and had deliberately passed a locked gate to do so at the side of the boat.


There was also the minor problem that at 10:30pm, the "music" was playing extraordinarily loudly.


Said din continued unabated until 2:30 am, and in the morning the area around the boat was in a hell of a mess.


Due to the fact that we were planning to leave the boat unattended at Buggy for most of Sunday, and the fact that there were rather a lot of very drunk people with the potential for it to turn ugly in a remote location, we elected to say nothing.



Given the circumstances you did right saying nothing, the alternatives were to move or say nothing and hope they moved on. as usual on here we end up commenting on situations and giving advice to people who get themselves into situations that we wouldnt. This leads people to think that this is how we would deal with this type of scenario when infact I would not have been there or would have moved on.



No I don't think I'm being controversial.


Developing "a hell of a mess" to "crapping on the bank" seems to be a bit of n exaggeration.


Perhaps Dave sent you a pm I'm fairly sure he didn't mention defaecation.


"Social Reprobates" covers a huge proportion of the population if leaving litter behind is your definition.


Annoying but hey, worse things happen.

thats just the type of liberal atitude that............. :lol:

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I'm not happy with that last statement, when is harm done?? Is crapping on the bank acceptable?

Should we now just ignore these social reprobates?

Who's going to put the gate back on its hinges?

Or are you just being controversial again?





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Every time the hunt passed my mooring, I used to have to lift all the gates back on their hinges and the mess and noise they made was annoying but what was I to do, with these social reprobates?


I just shrugged my shoulders and hoped they didn't slaughter a fox....no harm done.

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I'm not happy with that last statement, when is harm done?? Is crapping on the bank acceptable?

Should we now just ignore these social reprobates?

Who's going to put the gate back on its hinges?

Or are you just being controversial again?




Did they crap on the bank? Did they leave the gate off the hinges?

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The one huge advantage of boating is if you don't like your location and/or neighbours you can up sticks and move on.


I think I would have done exactly the same - OK yes they made a hell of a mess but your (single handed) intervention in challenging them would be extremely unlikely to have changed anything or stop them doing the same somewhere else IMHO, and possibly could have resulted in something worse.


That was the right call for me.

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I think if you go to a place where you reasonably expect to have a quiet weekend, and you actually end up having a quiet weekend, you have to be thankful. If that crowd are ever there again look out for a little blue Renault Clio.


At least being where you are you will have plenty of relaxing weekends up there. I've spent about four nights and days there altogether and have only encountered people who were there with the same expectations as you.

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thats just the type of liberal atitude that............. :lol:

I would point out that I agreed with Dave and I would have seethed all night, woken Swmbo so she coud seethe, too then seethed because she'd fall back to sleep because she could sleep through the apocalypse.


Then, in the morning I would have seethed as I picked someone elses cans up and seethed as I put the gate back on it's hinges.


I'd have been over it by lunchtime, though...No harm done.

Edited by carlt
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I would point out that I agreed with Dave and I would have seethed all night, woken Swmbo so she coud seethe, too then seethed because she'd fall back to sleep because she could sleep through the apocalypse.


Then, in the morning I would have seethed as I picked someone elses cans up and seethed as I put the gate back on it's hinges.


I'd have been over it by lunchtime, though...No harm done.

Apart from no sleep

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No I don't think I'm being controversial.


Developing "a hell of a mess" to "crapping on the bank" seems to be a bit of n exaggeration.


Perhaps Dave sent you a pm I'm fairly sure he didn't mention defaecation.


"Social Reprobates" covers a huge proportion of the population if leaving litter behind is your definition.


Annoying but hey, worse things happen.



I wasn't exaggerating, I was trying to determine where you decide that harm is done.

Yes worse things do happen but I can't accept this behavour is not bad behavior and certainly anti social.

I am happy to live and let live - but not when it has a direct affect on me.

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I would point out that I agreed with Dave and I would have seethed all night, woken Swmbo so she coud seethe, too then seethed because she'd fall back to sleep because she could sleep through the apocalypse.


Then, in the morning I would have seethed as I picked someone elses cans up and seethed as I put the gate back on it's hinges.


I'd have been over it by lunchtime, though...No harm done.

Supposng you hurt your back lifting the gate back on, or cut your finger on a carelessly discarded ring pull? Bet you would seethe then; bet you would say "Damn and blast those cads for enjoying themselves." :lol:

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With a gleeful smile and a saucy wink I would have taken my generator outside the following morning nice and early and fired it up nice and loud, maybe started up the engine...and carried out my annual horn testing whilst having the dog bark extremely loudly!



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I know this wont be the most popular view but I can take it, we don't know if the people left their rubbish, and maybe they re- swung the gates (I may be wrong) so from the OP all we can see is that their noise was the problem. I understand that it could ruin your peace and right to sleep, but you are as mobile as them, I also think that you could of spoken to them, most people will only kick off if they feel threatened, In my yoof and even sometimes now we have been responsible for some pretty big outdoor parties that don't quite comply with the law, our methods has always been to talk to the locals, offer them an invite and if they don't come bung em a bottle of whisky. Never had a complaint yet!

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Now look here, the Fox has every right and expectation to be shot. After all, he is a thief of chickens. I personally hate foxes. There is one that lives at my place of work. Sleeps on buses over night and craps everywhere. Pain in the arse. I keep asking if I can take my shotgun or rifle in to shoot the bugger, but people think I might hit the buses instead.


Tom Cobleigh.


Every time the hunt passed my mooring, I used to have to lift all the gates back on their hinges and the mess and noise they made was annoying but what was I to do, with these social reprobates?


I just shrugged my shoulders and hoped they didn't slaughter a fox....no harm done.

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Now look here, the Fox has every right and expectation to be shot. After all, he is a thief of chickens. I personally hate foxes. There is one that lives at my place of work. Sleeps on buses over night and craps everywhere. Pain in the arse. I keep asking if I can take my shotgun or rifle in to shoot the bugger, but people think I might hit the buses instead.

Not all foxes are pests.


The only pests on the farm where I had my mooring were rabbits. Every Fox was an efficient rabbit killer.


Foxes don't steal chickens, by the way, we merely put chickens on their menu. The concept of "theft" is peculiarly human.

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