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Taming fish

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We have eels living under the Fairy and they've been getting fat feeding on our scraps and leftovers.

Last night one of them came up to the surface to get to the leftover cat biscuits before the ducks got them....




When we first saw him he was about a foot long, he's now about two and a half feet long as we've been feeding him for about 2 years.

They've even been up to sniff Smudge's hand when clearing the weed hatch - that made him jump! :lol:


Is it possible to tame wild fish?


BTW this one is called Eric!

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This may be the the appropriate thread to mention Bensons passing.


Perhaps a moment or two's quiet contemplation...............


Apparently they're having him stuffed and mounted....because he's too big to flush.



Tsk...nuts to that! besides... Hedges was the bloke!

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very very unusual to to see / hear about an eel showing this type of behaviour. I think we've all see carp doing this type of thing but eels tend to be much more reclusive. People who fish for them (not so many these day) tend to report that they are mainly active at night so that photo of the eel on the surface like this is quite extra ordinary in my view. The eel is also very very slow growing, Im not sure how big that one is but eel fisherman are very happy to catch 2lb eels, a fsih of 5lb is a specimen and an 8lb eel is a fish of a lifetime that even dedicated eel fisher seldon catch. Please dont fish him out and eat him, he may be older than you !!!

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Now ever since I was a mite,

I've 'ad a whacking appetite,

My hollerin' for dinner would raise the rafters,

I'd swallow me befores as well as me afters.

Till one sunny afternoon,

They bunged something in me spoon,

And I'm sure it must 'ave been ever since then

That I've 'ad an irresistible yen


Jellied eels, jellied eels

Woggling about like wonky wheels,

Why d'ya frown and look so sickly?

Slide 'em down your throat and quickly.

Don't bring up any empty cup

Though I knows just how you feels.

When you gets the taste

You won't wanna waste

Them lovely jellied eels.


Now, winkles and shrimps are fine.

I've flogged 'em since the age of nine,

I used to jog along with me two-wheeled barra,

But there was something wrong, there was something the matter.

I'd no jellied eels on show,

No wonder they didn't want to know!

I went out, bought a load, piled 'em up in a pile,

And people could smell me coming a mile...



Jellied eels, jellied eels

Woggling about like wonky wheels,

Why d'ya frown and look so sickly?

Slide 'em down your throat and quickly.

Don't bring up any empty cup

Though I knows just how you feels.

When you gets the taste

You won't wanna waste

Them lovely jellied eels.

All together now!


(Spoken) It's alright for you missus,

I 'ave to come down 'ere on a Saturday morning

and what do I get? Kids; nippers, chavvies,

all round me stall. Rotten, filthy, dirty, stinking,

jammy, chocolaty fingers all over me jellied eels.

Not to mention me whelks, me cockles and me mussels and me lovely jellied eels!

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I think most creatures will repond to being fed regularly if they feel safe. When I stand by the side of my garden pond, the fish all gather at my feet because they know food is likely to be forthcoming. We tamed our badgers with regular "gifts" of peanuts and honey soldiers until they would turn up at the door every night to be fed. These "shy, nocturnal creatures " would feed happily under the full glare of our floodlight only a few feet away from me.



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I think most creatures will repond to being fed regularly if they feel safe. When I stand by the side of my garden pond, the fish all gather at my feet because they know food is likely to be forthcoming. We tamed our badgers with regular "gifts" of peanuts and honey soldiers until they would turn up at the door every night to be fed. These "shy, nocturnal creatures " would feed happily under the full glare of our floodlight only a few feet away from me.




I have been having a lot of fun feeding the fish in my dyke off the main river, they go nuts for white breadflake. They make so much commoton that they scare off the ducks and swans and the best bit is watching the hire boat anglers on mooring opposite who cannot muster up a fish between them. ( I got'em all ) LOL

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