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Death of Mike Stevens

Gary Peacock

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I am passing this on to URW from Martin Ludgate who is unable to reach

newsgroups at the moment:


I have just heard the very sad news of the death yesterday of Mike




A regular contributor to this and other canal discussions whose views

I sometimes agreed with, sometimes disagreed with, but always read.



A great supporter of the waterways



A co-conspirator with me on the IWA Festival newsletter since 1994



My best ever sparring partner in waterways quizzes and trivia




...and a friend.



I have no details yet, other than that he was on his (and Wendy's)

boat Felis Catus III.



Martin Ludgate


David Kitching


Mikes passing will be a sad loss to the waterways.


I think I can pass on our condolences from all on this forum to Mike's family and friends.

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Mike's website was one of the first I came across when i was looking at ditch crawling. and i avidly consumed it page by page. Honestly it was his site that sold to me UK canals.


The waterways are a poorer place.

Edited by fuzzyduck
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That is awful news. A great loss to the waterways and, in particular, the IWA. Only in the last couple of months he and his boats featured in one of the mags.


That is a shame, he and wendy hadn't been on their new narrowboat long and were enjoying the canals even more.

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I am passing this on to URW from Martin Ludgate who is unable to reach

newsgroups at the moment:


I have just heard the very sad news of the death yesterday of Mike


A regular contributor to this and other canal discussions whose views

I sometimes agreed with, sometimes disagreed with, but always read.

A great supporter of the waterways

A co-conspirator with me on the IWA Festival newsletter since 1994

My best ever sparring partner in waterways quizzes and trivia


...and a friend.

I have no details yet, other than that he was on his (and Wendy's)

boat Felis Catus III.

Martin Ludgate


David Kitching


Mikes passing will be a sad loss to the waterways.


I think I can pass on our condolences from all on this forum to Mike's family and friends.

Both of us are very saddened to hear the news and our heartfelt condolences go to Wendy and of course their feline friends who are no doubt very confused with all the recent stuff going on.


We were both privilaged to know Mike and felt he was very much our friend. We never thought our last session in our local together would be our last and the memory now is very precious indeed.


Our waterways and the campaign to fund our waterways properly and put in place the best political and financial structure for their future health is the poorer for the lack of Mike's ongoing input. We miss him already for his input, wit, amazing knowledge and good humour. Mike you were an inspiration and will continue to be so. Gods bless you.


Wendy, if you read this or it is forwarded to you, our heartfelt condolences. At least one of us will be at the funeral. We can't believe he's gone but it is so. So sad but he will continue to be an inspiration for many of us. The fight continues and we will continue the fight as we too are passionate about our inland waterways.


The TIAMI crew. All 3 of us.

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I met Mike just once: I was single handing in a borrowed narrow boat and following him down Aston locks. When we moored he invited me on board for "a drink" which turned out to be incredibly generous volumes of scotch with him and Wendy. He didn't know me from Adam, but I knew him from his website. I was working on the early stages of development of what is now Prescott Lock serving the Olympic site, aqnd apologised to him that I had repeatedly used his diagram of the Bow Back Rivers as it was the clearest available to explain the concept to the various bodies and civil servants. He was delighted at this, and his plan and website, in a small way, helped us get the Prescott Lock built.


My heartfelt condolences to Wendy: my life is richer for having met them, and the canals, and the world at large, are a poorer place without him

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Although for years we moored more or less round the corner from Mike (we at Iver, he at Uxbridge) and often passed Felis Catus I never met him.

We occasionally crossed swords online but I had nothing but admiration for his profound knowledge of the canals as well as his untiring efforts to promote and protect them.

Mary and I can only add our own condolences to the many already sent to Wendy.


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