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Everything posted by series3

  1. The vents on my gas locker are just under the waterline when my water tank is full. I did add some batteries to the center of the boat. What I didn't do was remove ballast at the time. I was thinking about taking some out from under the centeral part of the boat to trim as it was before. Would this be ok?
  2. If they work raising by hand, there must be something not letting them float. I changed the seals on my three last month. Cleaned everything up. One of mine gave problems with the light, a little tweak and all working fine. Not sure if you can take them apart fully...I wish.... I'm a no glove man..
  3. You'll need five years of accounts. If you're going ti lie why bother? You don't need to tell them what the money is for. You should bo ok with your credit score
  4. Some people want the moon on a stick....with a pull cord. grow up. Most of us have been stuck. Try boating the rivers instead. What next? 70 Footers and fat boats wanting money back because they can't go everywhere? Get your head out of your arse. Put it down to experience and carry on...or not. big baby!
  5. Thanks...will look into it.. who did the blasting?
  6. I'm due a blacking very soon, where/who did it for you? Looks like they did a really good job.
  7. I would call that.."busted"..
  8. Slightly off topic.....I know.... what's the bets way to get spray paint out of a babys eyes?
  9. Buy a boat next year and save some money. More beer for you...
  10. oh I think so....nice to feed a troll now and again.
  11. What type of toilet do you want in your boat?
  12. Only when putting costs in for a court case can you charge for a letter/time. As a "lip" you are restricted to £18 per hour. Used to be £9. I too have been and won in courtt ans claimed for time and letters. A note telling anyone you will be charging for ketters has no merit.
  13. To be fair they're more like velcro...very good too, I assumed everyone used them.
  14. Just been through them...you don't need one. If I remember, I used a mooring pin on one...the rest you can work without one.
  15. The rubbish is left in the trees by the nice fishermen. Not the boaters. I can never understand why...it's got to be lighter when they've emptied their beer and pop...
  16. Wasn't red...looked like it was in primer.
  17. Nice to see you again Dean. I assume the payment went through ok. Hope you made it back. Oh...nice smoke trail....
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