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  1. As I understood it, the difference between Automotive and Marine, was the exhaust. Automotive has a drain hole, Marine doesn't. Bod
  2. Troubleshooting first steps. Forgive me if this list is very simple, but answers will help at each stage. 1. Your meter, it is set for 20vdc reading. (Check against a known good battery ie car battery, if not reading properly replace it's own battery.) 2. Take a voltage reading from the starter battery. (To again check the meter) 3. Take reading from the leisure batteries. (1 at a time, then the whole bank= 4 readings) Do this directly from the battery posts, not the clamps. 4. Repeat 3 but from the clamps, any differences in readings, remove and clean the clamping faces. 5. Follow the big cable from the battery bank positive terminal to the isolater switch. 6 Keeping the negative meter probe on the battery negative clamp, take a reading from the battery cable end at the switch, should get battery voltage. Other side of the switch (switch in the off position) should read 0vdc, operate the switch should give battery voltage. 7. Repeat 5 & 6 but on the negative cable for as far as you can, keeping the positive probe on the positive battery post. it is not unknown for wires to be knocked off as batteries are changed, so a good visual check with a light is necessary. It might be a good idea to remove the batteries for a good long 48 hr charge at home, on a "smart" charger. Bod.
  3. This makes sense now. My advice would be to sort out your expected budget, then look at boats within about 10-15% above that. This will give you an idea, of whats out there, and costs. If you can see the boats in the "flesh" so much the better. There are sales sites that allow you to view boats unaccompanied, so a nosey round is more possible. Putting £10,000s of upgrades on a £30,000 boat, won't result in a £40,000 vessel, boat values don't work that way.(think car values not house values) As many on here will tell you, a boat chooses you, with little regard your wants/need list! Bod.
  4. The boat you are interested in, what does it have at present? Whats there, does it all work? Replacing Lead Acid batteries as a matter of course, for a new to you boat is quite normal. Replacing perfectly good equipment, means less funds for boating. How is the boat used at present? Regular cruiseing, or sat almost unused for months/years, at a time? In regular use it may not need much spending, in order to have a perfectly good boat. Bod.
  5. Mains to USB chargers, and 12volt to USB adapters come in at least two different speeds/power. I have a Tablet, that will not charge from the lower power ones, but is fine from the higher power ones, phones will charge from either happily. I would expect a heavily used Power bank, to recharge only from a higher power USB converter, lightly used may well top-up from either. Bod.
  6. Plus Gas and patience. Remove to a decent bench and vice, wire brush off the loose rust, soak in Plus Gas ( a very good penetrating fluid. DO NOT try WD 40 it won't work.) Large pipe wrench, whilest held in vice, soaking may be measured in days/weeks. Whether it will be any good again is the question. Bod
  7. The phrase "putting into service" how do you interpret that with regard to needing or not a PCA? All I can see is that if the boat was kept on land, and used as a dwelling, PCA would not apply, but Planning Permission would. The essence being, a boat floats on water, therefore if afloat the boat regulations apply. Just curious. Bod.
  8. Value of the boat on the day of marriage, is the question. How much was paid for the boat when purchased. How long before the marriage was the boat purchased. In that period, did the boats value go up or down. Did the other party bring anything of equal value to the marriage, that could off-set the boat. This does expect the boat was owned by only one person. Not a joint purchase. Bod
  9. Without naming names. What is the engine make and model? Age and hours run? What work was asked for? Any idea what has caused the seizing? How long between the work being done and the problem arising? Bod.
  10. Ah, so this is a fibre glass cruiser, rather than a steel narrow boat. This does change the advice needed. How do you intend to use the boat? Summer only, short break, is one thing. Year round, full time live-aboard, is quite something else. The advice given will be dependent on the answer. Do not expect this to be a quick or cheap option for winter living. Bod
  11. Not wishing to pull your reasoning apart. Granted there are a lot of boats out there that have been built as holiday boats, not full time live-aboards, some better designed than others. If you are moving every few days, do you really need massive power supplies? £80k boats are not likely to be ancient with dubious insulation, most will have "spray foam" insulation, more or less industry standard for many years (30+) Inverters unless it's on the small side then modern pure sine wave, is about as good as they get. Solar, yes, definitely as much as will fit on the roof. A great advantage of fitting it yourself, you know it's done proper, not someone elses cobbled together nonsence. £5K, shot blast, the need or not for this would be seen at survey and accounted for in the purchase price. As would the welding. A modern diesel engine, with proper care and attention should last many many years with out problems. (A modern diesel car with 100,000 miles is often considered nicely run in! Unlike grandfathers day when 40,000 was clapped out.) Seriously, look at boats in the £80-95K range in the flesh, looking for large water tanks 5-800l, diesel 200l+, two forms of heating, electrical generation ,and well set out tidy electrical.(tidy electrical wiring usually shows good working practise and is less likely to have faults, bird nest wiring shows great lack of skill, and can hide horrible things! But may work perfectly.) Look beyond the personal decor, the rotten boat pole on the roof, the mouldy mooring ropes, there are hidden gems out there, even in the sub £50k market. Bod Ps The choice of toilet system is up to you, just don't even consider "Compost types" If you think design topics get rough, you ain't seen nothing comparied to toilet topics!
  12. @Peteonthelee Do you know who built the hull? Bod
  13. Hanging doors in narrow boats. Use piano hinges, many times more screws, the door and wall are both the same thickness 18mm. Narrow boats live in their own world, much is different to what you may expect. Electrical wiring is specified by voltage over distance, not current capacity. Water has to be made to flow up hill, think emptying the bath/shower. Bod.
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  15. Be aware sky lights have a bad reputation for dripping condensation. Warm damp kitchen/bathroom air rises up to the cold skylight glass, or metal frame, the drips will go down the back of your neck! Bod.
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