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Everything posted by frangar

  1. That’s reassuring to know! We can only fit the short one in the house but I did like the oven version. Do you burn wood or solid fuel on them…I’m hoping to burn mainly wood but I did notice they lack the external riddler that a squirrel has for solid fuel. They do seem a nice solidly built stove…and I’m glad to hear you find them controllable. Many thanks for the information.
  2. Sorry for a slightly non boat question but it is related as I think these stoves have been fitted on boats We are now at the stage to look in earnest for a new stove for the cottage. As there seems to be a possibility that we might become a clean air zone at some point sadly it looks like refurbing the existing squirrel might not be the best idea......looked at a Short Chilli Penguin in a showroom and it looks like its going to fit the tiny hearth we have and seems pretty well built....Just wondering if anyone has one on a boat and what they think of them? I am a little wary of it being steel rather than cast iron but think that might be my old fashioned idea...I guess it wont move and warp...Id also would have liked separate ash & fire doors but these seem few and far between now....and they do have a 10 year warranty which seems pretty good.
  3. Thus proving those in london have no respect for others…I’d also rather not tie up to a boat of unknown pedigree….both the boat and occupier.
  4. But the twirlers say it’s all about the “lifestyle” not the freeloading……
  5. There are bookable moorings to allow visiting boats a hopefully guaranteed spot…maybe a few more of those would help
  6. I doubt it. They won’t even pay a bit extra for a licence and now object to the bookable moorings which may give others a chance of actually being able to moor in london!!
  7. How about they pay say £8-10k for a towpath mooring in london. CRT get the cash they need. They get a mooring. After all they are all for the love of the cut…not trying to have others subside their lifestyle or anything
  8. So if you have kids in school you need a permanent mooring…it’s really quite simple. The Baton twirlers seem to think the world owes them.
  9. I could ask why they felt so self entitled….id be interested to hear their reasons….
  10. The baton twirlers seem to only post on one fb page now….they and one fanboy are so easy to rile….its a pity I’m otherwise busy for cavalcade or id go to see what they have to say!!!
  11. It’s just very frustrating that it seems CRT are incapable of putting their side of the argument in any meaningful way.
  12. Under BW this used to be standard in some parts of the BCN….mind you they sometimes got the mix wrong and it dissolved your hull instead of protecting it…..sadly CRT aren’t as caring…..
  13. I see the London centric BBC has fallen for their idiocy….thats another organisation that should be made to pay its way….and not by a stealth tax.
  14. They only seem to post on one canal fb group now….where their antics are regularly ridiculed and shot down…think they have been banned from most of them.
  15. Looking at the tide marks on the wing walls and the hull it seems to me that the lower pound was down and the boat could well be sitting on something....if it then wedged and they tried to flush it through or refill the pound it only takes a low vent opening to cause an issue.... I have come close on few occasions to sinking my boat but thankfully got away with it mainly due to luck....it doesnt take much for a minor issue to become a big one...a slight distraction or a bad decision.
  16. According to some of the log burner groups I’m on some council building control either now charge lots eg £500 or just say you have to have Hetas sign it off meaning in effect you can’t do a self install. I’ve been waiting for a reply for a simple planning enquiry for a month now from the local council so I don’t hold out much hope for something more complicated.
  17. In an ideal world yes but it seems it’s impossible to get Hetas registered person to sign off something where they haven’t supplied all the parts as well…which strikes me as wrong but there you go. I am tempted just to get someone to fit a new flue and register plate and say it was like that when we moved in but apparently that might be frowned upon too. Seems like another “jobs for the boys” scheme really.
  18. The trouble is that finding a HETAS etc approved fitter who is happy to fit a stove they havent supplied or isnt DEFRA approved is nigh on impossible and without the whole install being signed off as such can lead to a heap of pain with local council building control/house insurance should there be any issues it seems. Im just grateful that the same rules dont seem to apply to boats at the moment. Its Shipshape stoves that do the refurb units and you can indeed get all the parts still to make a new one...but realistically I think its only the doors and the legs that I could use from the existing one. Cheers....Ill check him out
  19. Yes it seems you need to get a stove signed off by an approved body or indeed building control from the council and only the latest eco type stoves are acceptable although like a boat I’m sure there are blurred lines if it’s a replacement. I’ve heard the new type stoves don’t like to slumber as well which is annoying….guessing made worse in a house by having a tall flue. I was hoping to keep the squirrel as I’ve got one on the boat so not only very happy with how they work but could also share spares & parts but seems it’s not to be. I shall have a look at all the recommendations and take it from there. Thanks to all for your input.
  20. Boat related but not for a boat… The Morso Squirrel in our “new” cottage is sadly life expired…..the back plate is warped and the rest of castings are thin…joints are opened etc.. so it needs replacing…I think it’s about 30 years old so it’s not done badly. Interestingly we have a sweeps cert from last year giving it a clean bill of health…so we need to replace it. I’d happily replace like for like but sadly you can only seem to get an updated “eco” squirrel now which seems to have one door doing the firebox & the ashpan which seems a backward step and must mean more dust etc. I could rebuild the one we have but then I think I’d have fun trying to find someone to fit it as it seems getting a non approved stove signed off in a house is nigh on impossible. I’m probably going to need a new flue liner and register plate etc. So there seems to be a massive choice of 5kw stoves from cheap Chinese machine mart specials to designer stoves with curved doors whose glass alone costs around £600 to replace. I need one no bigger than a squirrel 1410 due to the size of the fireplace. Anyone have one of the new squirrels? Or something else similar. I’m not keen on the “boatman” having heard they aren’t as controllable. I want to burn wood but have the option for solid fuel as well. I do prefer cast iron but that might be because im old fashioned and to me steel/welded I think of as “cheap”….which looking at some prices it isn’t now!
  21. I let them self lower as they are designed to do! It might have been! I pointed out that if they had ones that were so poorly maintained they crashed down when lowering they might like to spend less time in the tea hut and more sorting or reporting them to the powers that be…..
  22. I’m on the blacklist for Hatton….ever since I told them how their paddle gear actually worked….went off in a huff.
  23. We have learnt a lot about embankments and cuttings since canals and railways were constructed. Chatting to a senior CRT asset engineer the other week it’s interesting to learn how much less steep the banks would be now if they were constructed to modern thinking. You only have to look at modern roads to see this. Without major land acquisition and reconstruction neither the canals or the railways to some extent will be immune from land slips.
  24. A metal cage filled with stone or similar
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