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Everything posted by frangar

  1. It’s definitely the right person. She was very eminent in her area of expertise but as ever with those who are very knowledgeable she was very modest and unassuming with it. My one consoling thought is that as such a fit active person her passing although unexpected and sudden meant she wasn’t stuck not being able to do the things she loved such as boating and working with her husband who was an archaeologist.
  2. Yes that’s the right Mary Gibby….she mainly single handed Swan around the network too…and made starting it’s Gardner semi diesel look easy….something which I found hard when I tried…and failed! Truly one of the cuts great characters and one I’m very much going to miss.
  3. That’s so sad….Mary was responsible for me getting into boating via a mutual friend of my fathers…we visited her on Swan in battlesbridge basin and I was immediately hooked…that’s now probably 35 years ago now….I last saw Mary at Audlem last year and was looking forward to catching up again soon. I’m a little lost for words right now….
  4. Thanks for that....mine hadn't actually failed...but it had blown out slightly at the bottom due to rust so Ive changed it before something broke when I needed the fire! I managed to get one retaining bolt out but had to cut the other one with a disc on a dremel but it did then come out easily which was a relief! I will source some of the window glass tape.
  5. Im just in the process of fitting a new blanking plate to the back of my Squirrel 1410 and wondering if anyone knows what type & size of rope seal is used? The joints look to be flat without a groove that you might find for a round type rope so Im wondering if the flat tape as used for the door glass might be better? There doesn't seem to be a seal shown on any of the parts diagrams but there is evidence of old rope around the existing plate which I dont think Ive touched since the stove was fitted many years ago. What have others used?
  6. They haven’t tried that hard to find any alternative uses either….myself and others suggested what could be done but as usual those in the property section think they have the answers.
  7. https://bidx1.com/en/en-gb/auction/property/98661?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0Gx3czcBglSYih0D_tA3-kB6Vy3Pkrg9VPEx_ALSOGhg5Rp-RxMGrIvMQ_aem__urAZjGzRV7cB6zL8iFn3Q Talk about selling off the silverware!
  8. Actually that might not dim….sorry.
  9. One of these with a quinetic kinetic switch? https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/QUR302.html been using the 240v versions in a house very successfully.
  10. Given the high quantity of crewcab tippers next door it probably is the truth
  11. I thought I might get into trouble for saying that…
  12. Lovely view of the A38 from the bedroom window! Funny it doesn’t seem to mention that……
  13. It’s back on the craftmaster webshop but doesn’t seem to be on the MC one yet. I am glad it’s back available tho!
  14. That’s really good to know. Many thanks for the information….think one is now definitely on the short list of suitable stoves.
  15. Should say that if the pontoons are full then the dock walls are ok to moor alongside too for the most part…just a bit high in places. Also highly recommend “On Toast” for possibly the best toasties in the world. Just on the right hand side of the dock as you come out the lock….and Nielsens yard is always worth a nosey round to see what’s in the dry docks.
  16. You would be incredibly unlucky to find nowhere to moor in the basin or just thro Llantony bridge….there are a few odd moorings on the Severn by pubs. Just check it’s not going to be a spring tide etc as if so it’s best to tie up and let it go rather than fight the flow and rubbish etc.
  17. Yes it is! You just need to avoid the DIY sheds and the like. You can get it online too.
  18. Nope the model I’m looking at has a grate & ashpan just not an external riddler I’m looking at the multifuel versions…want to have all the options
  19. That’s reassuring to know! We can only fit the short one in the house but I did like the oven version. Do you burn wood or solid fuel on them…I’m hoping to burn mainly wood but I did notice they lack the external riddler that a squirrel has for solid fuel. They do seem a nice solidly built stove…and I’m glad to hear you find them controllable. Many thanks for the information.
  20. Sorry for a slightly non boat question but it is related as I think these stoves have been fitted on boats We are now at the stage to look in earnest for a new stove for the cottage. As there seems to be a possibility that we might become a clean air zone at some point sadly it looks like refurbing the existing squirrel might not be the best idea......looked at a Short Chilli Penguin in a showroom and it looks like its going to fit the tiny hearth we have and seems pretty well built....Just wondering if anyone has one on a boat and what they think of them? I am a little wary of it being steel rather than cast iron but think that might be my old fashioned idea...I guess it wont move and warp...Id also would have liked separate ash & fire doors but these seem few and far between now....and they do have a 10 year warranty which seems pretty good.
  21. Thus proving those in london have no respect for others…I’d also rather not tie up to a boat of unknown pedigree….both the boat and occupier.
  22. But the twirlers say it’s all about the “lifestyle” not the freeloading……
  23. There are bookable moorings to allow visiting boats a hopefully guaranteed spot…maybe a few more of those would help
  24. I doubt it. They won’t even pay a bit extra for a licence and now object to the bookable moorings which may give others a chance of actually being able to moor in london!!
  25. How about they pay say £8-10k for a towpath mooring in london. CRT get the cash they need. They get a mooring. After all they are all for the love of the cut…not trying to have others subside their lifestyle or anything
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