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Fracas at the Oak


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Over the Easter weekend, customers and staff at the Shady Oak, Bates Mill, by the Shropshire Union canal were threatened by a man with a shotgun, who burst into the pub, threatening terrified people there, after previously breaking into and stealing a Range Rover from nearby and dumping it by the 'Amazing Maize Maze', by Bridge 108 - Wharton Lock. He later burst into the Oak with a shotgun and threatened people. By that time, the police helicopter was circulating the area and the ground police soon arrived and arrested the local man with the shotgun.


We got this off Chas at Chas Hardern boat hire, since we had hired from there at that time, who operate only a mile or so from the Oak.


I've heard other disgusting stories about the Oak, but this incident proves that wherever you are, however remote, or picturesque the area is, unfortunately crimes do happen there as well, much less likely, but what happened at the Oak could have happened anywhere. Thankfully, these incidents so seldom happen, that it doesn't spoil the beauty, or wildfoul etc of an area.

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Yeah, i heard the same story of the bloke at the maze, at the was a range rover in the middle of the field, which kind of backs up his story!!


- On a more possative note, i see they making a little "mini marina" buy the side of the oak to free up some towpath for visitors.




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Yes I saw that small basin for boats by the pub. Seems a nice design. Some refurbishment as well to the exterior of the pub. Never rated the Shady Oak, despite what the guids say. I've had a nice lunch in there once (April 2003), I had some good Tuna Mayonnaise and salad garnish sandwiches, wih Chips and some coleslaw, but then 2003 was probably one of the best years I've ever had - everything seemed to go right that year, so it was probably a lucky one off! Went in, in October 2004 and it was distinctly average! Beeston Castle Hotel, by the A49 is excellent though!

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The Shady Oak has a bit of a reputation for attracting some dodgy sorts - not from the canal of course.


I had chat with the local BW guy recently, and apparently the new tenant of the Oak is not highly regarded!


The covered area out the back was bult without PP and they have been told to take it down by the council.


The marina was excavated without BW permission. They were told in no uncertain terms that they would be in big trouble if they broke through to the canal. Haven't been past for a few weeks so don't know what the current situation is, but I get the impression from what I have heard that the tenant is one of these people who does what he likes and gets agressive with people who disagree with him.


On another note, the Badger on the Middlewich branch is closed again. Signs last night in the window saying "closed until further notice".


This is despite a big feature in the local rag a few weeks ago about how the new tenant was going to do great things there.

Edited by dor
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Regarding the Shady Oak, the "marina" mysteriously broke through into the canal in the middle of the night and for a while had 2/3 boats in there. Last seen after a visit by BW (and possibly a legal eagle) boats gone and entrance with no entry tape across it, that was a month or so ago.


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... that was a month or so ago.


Just had a look today, theres still a tape over the entrance, and no boats, but still deffornatly attached to the cut.


- Looks very nice, its very well done actually, it looks really well make, with metered land lines, water points, etc.


- I hope they dont have to pull it all apart, becuase it would be really good and help get some boats of the canal, even now theres about 10boats there now, some of which are double moored, becuase theres not enough moorings as it it!




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- also the normal sign just up the road from the pub has been demolised, and replaced with a tempary sign on some while corriflute.

- drove pased today and it has cleary been sprayed over (and the cleaned, till its readable again)


What is going on at this place, used by quite nice from what i've heard.

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Not been in there since this landlord has been in residence, but as I said earlier, he is not the sort of perosn who endears himself to people easily - according to cut rumour. It wouldn't surprise me if he has upset on of the neighbours.

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Interesting to read this thread, together with news in Narrow Boat World, thet BW are looking for investors to create another 700 moorings.

Seems that here is one already made, but BW are trying to close it. I know we must follow planning laws (ask Howard), but surely BW should be pulling out all stops to help make this a success

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I remember visiting the Shady Oak, must be 20 years ago. It was the first day for a new landlord, he was busy setting up the pumps and Co2 valves on all his beer pumps. He didn't seem very good at it, kept over correcting and things, his little team of helpers (that was us) weren't helping much, almost as if they didn't want him to get the job done quickly.


There was an awfully lot of pulled pints, well he couldn't put them back could he.


Used to be a nice pub then, stopped there many times.

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  • 1 year later...
..surely BW should be pulling out all stops to help make this a success


- Its all gone.


Drove past there on sunday, whole lots filled over like it wasnt there. :P


Seams like the BW came out top on the BW Vs Common-Sence battle. Great shame. Idiots.


Has Eugene Baston got the offical bw line on this, how on earth could the right thing to do be to fill it in!





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I was speaking to someone at the weekend who had a meal there a couple of weeks ago.


They said it was now OK. The "marina" has been filled in, apparently through the local council, who planned to leave a bit as a wildlife area. they are allegedly pursuing the previous occupants for the cost - although he is said to have done a runner to Spain.


The drug dealers, gun dealers and prostitutes who made up much of the local custom have been banished, as have the illegally moored unlicenced boats.


The marina was nothing like what BW had in mind as it was just dug into the side of the canal with no proper lining or piling round the entrance. It would only hold about half a dozen boats anyway.


The Shady Oak used to be a good pub; perhaps now it can get back its former reputation. The new occupant is a chef who has built up a following in, I think, the Chester area.


There is plenty of visitor moorings near the pub, plus now the sqatting boats have gone there is space for boats to moor on the pub side. If BW had let this "marina" continue it would have given the green card to anyone to dig out a hole in the side of the canal.


As for proper marinas, the one at Swanley on the Llangollen is opening next month, and a number of boats are starting to apper on the shroppie in the vicinity of hurleston ready to move in. Where a marina would really be useful is up at Hargrave on the way into Chester, where there is well over a mile of online moorings. However looking at the state of most of the boats there, I doubt that they would be prepared to pay the typical mooring charge that a marina would levy.

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Well we last went in a couple of years ago and the meal wasn't great, but wasn't bad either, although I had a lot (too much) on the plate. The outside seating is superb though as you're looking right on to the canal and then across to Beeston Castle. We used it once on a June short break 4/5 years ago, we just had a drink, but it was so peaceful!


There was also a wooden canopy over the outside area near the conservatory at one point, that's gone now I think.

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As for proper marinas, the one at Swanley on the Llangollen is opening next month, and a number of boats are starting to apper on the shroppie in the vicinity of hurleston ready to move in. Where a marina would really be useful is up at Hargrave on the way into Chester, where there is well over a mile of online moorings. However looking at the state of most of the boats there, I doubt that they would be prepared to pay the typical mooring charge that a marina would levy.


Please be aware that there are boaters like me, who are on minimum wage and cannot seem to pull away from it, despite a 'good' education and positions of responsibility in the past, once you hit 40, it is VERY difficult to get promoted, they seem to want younger people these days.


Anyway, back to my point, I cannot, and probably never will be able to afford marina prices. The BSC and licence increases threaten every year to take my boating away. I don't drink or smoke, drive a twenty odd year old car and have very little in terms of disposable income. It is the farmer's field that allows me to continue to pay for a boat. Tins of paint are a major expense to someone like me, and when my main engine packed in last year threatening £400 repairs, I simply have to use my small, totally inadequate engine instead.


We don't all have money to do up our boats or indeed pay for marinas, so your point is probably correct as regards the ability of the boat owners you mention to pay for marina berths, by why should these owners be deprived of access to the canal system simply because on line moorings are becoming threatened? I don't want to give up boating just because my financial situation gets worse each year, and because some people dont wish to slow down every so often.


Moored on line boats brighten up the canal and give some variety as well.


So when I pass you at my maximum 3.5mph with my little engine screaming it's head off and my paint a-flaking, and my canopy a-flapping, give some thought to those of us who have not been priveliged enough to retain a good income and work for those who beleive in promotion for useful ideas, and not just 'yes' men who tow the line and do not speak their mind, but who still want to enjoy our national canal system which is now heavily promoted in the press as a steel-haven, turning its back on the GRP revolution of the 1960s that brought affordable boating to the masses and saved our canals for us all to use.



Edited by GRPCruiserman
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I remember being sat in a pub one summer, some bloke came in wearing a long rain coat asking for someone by name, as he was being told the person wasnt in I noticed he had a shotgun under his coat. He smiled at me and left the pub.


Another time in the same pub some bloke came in in a very agitated state and told me he had just beaten up a police man. I said well done and excused myself in a polite but prompt way...

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I fully agree with you, and it's a point I have tried to make a few times.


These new marinas will typically charge about £2,200 for a 50ish foot boat. That compares to my online mooring of £650.


Believe me - I don't want to have to moor in a marina!


I don't have a problem with online mooring and there is enough around where I moor. Like you, I find it interesting to look at the boats. However I do think that online moorers should take some responsibility for the standard of their mooring, and I don't expect to have to slow down to quite the same degree that I would when passing a boat moored on the towpath.


The new one at Swanley gets me particularly wound up because I think it is absolutely crazy to build a 350 boat marina in this location, between two flihgt of locks on what is already one of the busiest canals in the country.

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Fully agree GRPCruiserman.

We can only afford a marina berth because Audrey uses the boat as accomodation during the week, it is cheaper than commuting to have the boat there and she does not drive so it would be a three and a half hour commute,

in total with walking to and from the station, even though it is only 22 miles away. We could not justify the boat overwise, let alon the berth.

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Please be aware that there are boaters like me, who are on minimum wage and cannot seem to pull away from it, despite a 'good' education and positions of responsibility in the past, once you hit 40, it is VERY difficult to get promoted, they seem to want younger people these days.


Anyway, back to my point, I cannot, and probably never will be able to afford marina prices. The BSC and licence increases threaten every year to take my boating away. I don't drink or smoke, drive a twenty odd year old car and have very little in terms of disposable income. It is the farmer's field that allows me to continue to pay for a boat. Tins of paint are a major expense to someone like me, and when my main engine packed in last year threatening £400 repairs, I simply have to use my small, totally inadequate engine instead.


We don't all have money to do up our boats or indeed pay for marinas, so your point is probably correct as regards the ability of the boat owners you mention to pay for marina berths, by why should these owners be deprived of access to the canal system simply because on line moorings are becoming threatened? I don't want to give up boating just because my financial situation gets worse each year, and because some people dont wish to slow down every so often.


Moored on line boats brighten up the canal and give some variety as well.


So when I pass you at my maximum 3.5mph with my little engine screaming it's head off and my paint a-flaking, and my canopy a-flapping, give some thought to those of us who have not been priveliged enough to retain a good income and work for those who beleive in promotion for useful ideas, and not just 'yes' men who tow the line and do not speak their mind, but who still want to enjoy our national canal system which is now heavily promoted in the press as a steel-haven, turning its back on the GRP revolution of the 1960s that brought affordable boating to the masses and saved our canals for us all to use.



Agree entirely with everything you say grp. Someone on another thread said that if you can't afford the luxury of boating then get off the cut. But there would be no cut if it hadn't been for the little plastic cruiser, the converted landing craft, lifeboats, chopped down workboats. Boating on a budget has always been available. The only reason it's changing is because the powers that be don't want you scruffying up their nice little linear leisure park. We have a right of navigation and pricing us off the water because we don't fit into their notion of what makes the system 'nice' is sheer snobbery. I want to see the old cruisers, wooden tops and springers. They are far better for the canals, and the environment, than the 1000 plus new builds being squeezed onto the water each year.


One thing though, I never slow down for moored boats, I like cruising at tickover all the time!

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Agree entirely with everything you say grp. Someone on another thread said that if you can't afford the luxury of boating then get off the cut. But there would be no cut if it hadn't been for the little plastic cruiser, the converted landing craft, lifeboats, chopped down workboats. Boating on a budget has always been available. The only reason it's changing is because the powers that be don't want you scruffying up their nice little linear leisure park. We have a right of navigation and pricing us off the water because we don't fit into their notion of what makes the system 'nice' is sheer snobbery. I want to see the old cruisers, wooden tops and springers. They are far better for the canals, and the environment, than the 1000 plus new builds being squeezed onto the water each year.


One thing though, I never slow down for moored boats, I like cruising at tickover all the time!


When I tell people how much I actually have to live on, they are somewhat dumbfounded. I have to go without a lot and boating is actually a luxury, virtually the only pleasure I have. I am sick of those who go on about cc'ers, marinas etc. A mairina would cripple me. I just about scrape by and in many ways I am envious of those who sport smart new boats, but not only that I am very angry at those people who prevaricate about various issues that are simply things that those who are well off can afford. When boaters go off to Australia for a month or something like that its clear they are spending in a month more than I get in a year. Its time some of us resisted this kind of change and stood up to the ikes of some rabble rousers who want to see this extravagant snobbery extended into all four corners of the canal system.

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Is the 'Amazing Maize Maze' (or whatever it's called) near the lock still there and open?

Well obvouly every year it gets croped and replanted, but i think there stil doing it that area.

- Certainly im quite sure Reaseheath collage will do another one this year, they dont them for years and years, same guy who marks out the both of them i bealve.




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