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nb Innisfree

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Everything posted by nb Innisfree

  1. Realizing that our last bottle of gas was nearly empty and we were a day away from a new one
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  4. Lead provided valve lubrication, similar to derv losing lubrication with the introduction of ULSD, engine manufactures are using non stick surfaces in fuel pumps to help combat a lack of lubricant, 2 stroke has to be a benefit for that reason alone. Personally I wouldn't like to run an engine long term on ULSD alone.
  5. Some actually live on and cc with their boat full time rather than float around occasionally in a plastic plaything and recover in a land based home with modern appliances. The latter of which we are doing at the mo but without a plastic plaything. We have eight batteries :)
  6. We start of with a thinned down coat to maximise penetration and provide a key for the next coat.
  7. To be really successful it needs to be 100 gall or more otherwise you might as well have cassette. Ours is 130 gall and from what I can gather there are plenty around that size or even bigger.
  8. It's the herd mentality. Been around since the dawn of man, the ones who survived were those that ganged up to beat their predators, we owe our existence to that trend. When we had beaten our predators we were programmed to look for more things to fight against so we fought each other and the technology of warfare developed that eventually lead to global conflict. We are now in the position of needing to eradicate this instinct but it is in our genetic make up so maybe we need to somehow try and genetically engineer it out. Some may have survived without this method and could explain the 'loner' type who avoids large groups. Until then all we can do is try to understand it and hopefully as individuals make an effort to avoid that behaviour
  9. Just caught up with this thread. My point about the possibility of ccers being prosecuted is that HMRC won't have to prove an incorrect split was declared as this is very difficult for them to do. They will do it on the principle that they have broken the clearly stated rule that ccers cannot claim 100% tax free, they won't go for the ones who have made the odd claim or two, (we inadvertently declared 100% just the once) but they will look for the worst case abuse of 100% claims and use that as an example of their ability to prosecute those who have broken that particular rule. I have met ccers who have bought fuel at 100% claiming that as the supplier only does 100% then it's ok, i.e. it's not my problem, also arguing the finer points and reasoning that that is good enough to fend off HMRC. I suspect there are quite a number of naive and easy targets out there to pick from
  10. If the scale is above water level then it's unlikely to come off if it's protected, most canal boats are blacked and painted over scale and it's only below the waterline that problems arise.
  11. While in Bradford on Avon go to the bakers down the road and buy some teacakes, they are the worlds best, so good that you have to get there quite early to get any from the ones that haven't been put aside for locals. Don't skimp on the butter.
  12. As for the summer of '76 my sister was visiting the UK from South Africa then and she was so disappointed that Britain wasn't green! everywhere she looked it was brown, she said as it looked just the same she might just as well have stayed in SA. People forget just how serious it was then.
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  14. Don't worry your turn will come one day. Go on then, leave, unless it's an empty threat.
  15. The Honda and Kipor give 1600 watt continuous output so they seem almost ideal.
  16. We are really trying to help here, you were given two options by Gibbo, either read up on what is a complicated subject or if that is too complicated come back for a recommended electrician as there is no middle ground, but you appeared not to follow that advice and instead got tangled up in a lot of bother. I suspect you're not the only one who's wick is being got on. The mods may close this thread I don't know but they won't get involved with any of these so called trolls because there aren't any, everyone has a genuine desire to help, if you see it differently then you are entitled to your view.
  17. We tried various gennies with our Victron 3kva and with the exception of a Clarke 650 watt which the Victron accepted for 30 seconds the only gennies that were accepted were the the ones with over a genuine 1 kva output, tried with waveform check on and off and tried adjusting the shore power limit with the remote panel but it made no difference. We later tried a boaters Honda 2kva digital which worked ok so we bought a cheap Kipor copy and this has worked ok for the last 4 years. I reckon yours will work ok with a cheapo so long as it is big enough, Victron recommend a min of 1 kva input and I suspect that the cheaper the genny and therefore the dirtier the waveform the bigger the genny needs to be to compensate, Gibbo does that last bit sound right?
  18. Lewis asked for advice and the advice started coming in from various posters including DeanS, it appears to me that Lewis then found Dean's advice more attractive because it seemed simpler and easier and probably cheaper, to be fair to Dean he did warn that without earthing it would not trip if a fault occurred. Unfortunately as with most simple solutions it's not quite as simple as it first looks and instead of Lewis taking Gibbo's advice and reading his website and coming back for a recommended electrician if things were too difficult for him to understand he still asked questions and the posts started to come in pointing out various problems and answering Lewis's questions, things just gradually escalated from there. Lewis was looking for a simple answer but unfortunately that is a very rare thing. FWIW that's how I see it
  19. And they will choose the one most likely to secure them a conviction, which will most likely be a blatant case of ignoring the rules, it's not a case of how much that ccer got away with, it's a drop in the ocean to HMRC, it will be an example to discourage thousands of other drops.
  20. Yes it's quite satisfying chatting away on the phone. We have 3 contract phone which ends in Nov and reception is iffy in Salisbury where we are based at the mo so we occasionally ring the Giffgaff phone and leave it connected until we have built up some time. When 3 contract ends the missus will go to Giffgaff, two phones for a tenner a month, just the job for us.
  21. Mind you our Mikuni is trouble free now we have ULSD, could that improve diesel cookers as well? Mind you our Mikuni is trouble free now we have ULS gas oil, could that improve diesel cookers as well?
  22. Our shoreline input is earthed to the hull as it should be and our L N E genny plugs into that so the genny is earthed.
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