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nb Innisfree

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Everything posted by nb Innisfree

  1. Just installed this on my iphone but problem is if you override your position manually with drag and drop it reverts to the (wrong) postcode instead of lat and long reference which can result, in my example anyway, in the location being half a mile away. So to send your location don't touch the location pin and it will send your position as lat and long
  2. On the Langy I was exiting the top of the lock and my wife saw a boat coming down the next lock up but a boat was much nearer our bottom gates so she made the decision to quickly lock this boat up before the other boat arrived, unfortunately she misjudged it and the downgoing boat had to wait a couple of minutes. Before she could apologise and explain her actions the woman locker launched into a tirade about their water being taken, she was on a rant so she decided to ignore her. Just trying to help but you can't win sometimes. Having said that my old gal is very keen to assist people locking and nearly always gratefully thanked.
  3. Am I right in thinking there's talk of 4G using the old analogue TV frequency and govt is proposing all terrestrial TV then goes onto broadband? Or did I dream it? Double post edit
  4. An animated video showing various accidents might be the most effective way of getting through to people, in fact I think it should be compulsory viewing for hirers , not just ciling but the consequences of falling off the back when in reverse.
  5. Make sure it's not the same as the one on a friends boat, after cleaning the paint off and having no luck pumping grease through I unscrewed the nipple to find it just led into the side of the ball bearing outer race, a dead end hole.
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  7. Just reverse the fan motors This sister of yours is she free to roam the streets?
  8. Good for sexual purposes, smear it on the bedroom doorknob to keep the kids out. Old ones are always the best.
  9. This is like aeroplanes which as we all know become weightless at takeoff speed, everything in and on that aircraft also becomes weightless, you could even unbolt the engines and they would stay there, bolts are there for when the plane is on the ground. Why don't passengers float around I hear you ask? Well, the answer is simple, air is pumped from the ceiling and through ducts under the floor to push people down, to enable astronauts to practice weightlessness in aircraft the air pumps are turned off. If a vertical tube could be fixed to the underside of an aeroplane then passengers could float down to the ground and step off (if it wasn't travelling at high speed that is). Experiments are already being carried out with rescue helicopters to replace the winch with a telescopic tube allowing the rescuer to float down to the casualty. ETA: Bizzard and Gibbo will confirm all this. ETA further: Gibbo have you made any progress with your zoomable 3D Smartgauge display?
  10. Going against the majority I found cutting holes in the hull easier if no lubricant is used and maximum pressure and as fast as possible, punches through before saw gets too hot. Done a couple of dozen holes in 6mm hull sides and saw is as sharp as new. Even better for large holes was a tool I made up which goes through the pilot hole and a nut on the other side is tightened against a strong spring to preload the saw which prevents any grab as it is loaded evenly all round, no need to keep it square to the steel, just hold on to the drill and pull the trigger.
  11. It would go the way of CB, seemed such a novelty at the time to actually have two way radios for a small licence fee but it wasn't really practical, what it needed was a system of communication that could reach anywhere with really small handsets. And then we got it in the form of cell phones which makes everything else seem a bit clumsy, I think even Thames lock keepers and the like use them to keep in touch.
  12. We have 230v triphosphor lighting, runs from Victron combo, very efficient and one 20watt light is enough to illuminate the lounge area. Beats 12/24v hands down IMO.
  13. Yes it's for BB, just an aerial that plugs into a dongle.
  14. Impact screwdriver on above socket is probably the best option after soaking a la Bizzard. We have twin 13mm V belts on a 24v 100A alternator with 3" pulley and 6" engine pulley. No slip and only needs adjusting once when it's near the end of its (long) life.
  15. In my experience flame sensor tended to get sooty on high sulphur fuel - not always mind - but is ok on ULSD.
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  17. I did it with our standard prop with a castellated nut and split pin, slackened nut then used a metal bar against prop boss the gave it a few macho wangs with a mooring hammer to knock it off the taper. Fortunately the shaft key was a snug fit so didn't fall out. Rope around boss tied mid rope length so one end came into the boat via weed batch and other end onto shore to retrieve prop. Replacement was a reversal using weed hatch rope end to pull prop back. Only prob I had was replacing split pin in freezing cold water, the pain was agonising and after waiting 10 mins or so for pain to subside left me with no feeling in my finger ends so struggled with something that needs some digital dexterity. Definitely a summer job. On the other hand maybe I had a good example, for a start when I previously fitted the prop I greased the shaft liberally.
  18. Been there done it and know the frustration, have you tried low sulphur fuel yet? The old high sulphur red stuff has been phased out so all red is now ULSD. They are temperamental because they don't like high sulphur diesel, they are very reluctant to ignite it, sometimes higher voltage will make glow plug get a bit hotter and might just ignite it or equally it might not but will smoke anyway. ULSD will ignite on lower voltage and run clean after initial few seconds of smoke.
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  20. When we dry docked 2 or 3 years ago we found a few pits at the half way point between anodes, no pitting whatsoever elsewhere, blacking had blistered around the anodes as it always has but no pitting or rust. My take on it is the pitting was outside the anodes effective range (60' NB) Last year I finally got around to fixing anodes at the midway point (we have over an inch of bottom plate edge jutting out so little danger of anodes getting knocked off) Will have to wait and see result.
  21. Only sure way to find out is to actually measure alternator voltage when batts are fully charged. Either run engine for several hours or better still fully charge from shore power battery charger then disconnect and carry on with engine for a short while before taking a reading. We have AGMs and charge at 28.8v - or 14.4v in your case. Sometimes it does go as high as 29.6ish (14.8)
  22. My guess is poor fuel quality. We had endless probs with our Eber, literally tried everything untill ULSD appeared at the pumps, since then it starts and runs perfectly in fact there seems to be nowhere near the amount of probs boaters used to experience. You could try running it on a gallon or so of low sulphur diesel and see if things improve
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