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Everything posted by MtB

  1. MtB

    Another one

    Jeez. A pair of committed CMers and whingers, it looks like from the content of the article. Maybe there is more to it than the cub reporter explains. A snippet: "David, who has been a full-time narrowboater for seven years, says he cannot get a 'home mooring licence' because his boat doesn't have a working engine or a safety certificate. He says he needs to reach a secure mooring place to carry out repairs. He says he has applied for a home mooring licence but says it was rejected because he hasn't got a safety certificate. Christine, a full-time narrowboater for three years, is in a similar situation as her boat's engine is also broken. They have been at their current location for seven weeks. Christine applied for a home mooring licence but was rejected because she overstayed at her last location."
  2. London house prices on the other hand, have barely outpaced inflation over the last nine years.
  3. In my experience, all vollies are fair weather only. I don't think I've ever encountered a volly in foul weather, the only time I might appreciate some unexpected help.
  4. Ah, is this a roundabout way of having a whinge about how unfair the CC surcharge might be?
  5. Thanks. Its a very pleasing on the eye, your Achilles!
  6. I watched the video (at double speed) and I'm still not sure what actually happened!
  7. Are there not two boats called Achilles though? One made from each end of the original butty? Which Achilles are you describing? Or do I have the wrong end of the stick? Or the wrong stick, even?
  8. Its curious that there never seems to be vollies at Woolhampton Lock on the K&A. There, I think most single handed boaters in particular, really would benefit from and appreciate some assistance.
  9. Painting it seems the obvious answer to me!!
  10. Can I have some of whatever you're smoking tonight please, David?
  11. Yeah, definitely something the chief executive should resign over!!
  12. Lol that was my thought too. BMF brokers toeing the company line are gonna be losing a lot of business to the more pragmatic non-member canal boat brokers!
  13. Look like you have an imposter, borrowing your licence number. OR, a lazy data collector making up sightings!
  14. Get an injunction telling them to "Get orf of my land"?
  15. Where is anyone getting the information that a broker is involved?
  16. If some random member of the public started "helping" me in a lock, words would be exchanged.
  17. Hopefully the contagion will spread across all sites infested with vollies.
  18. Surely 10 minutes with a tape measure would reveal the three measurements required. And far quicker than pestering Collingwood for a certificate! Length of the boat Beam of the boat Height of the side decks above the baseplate Thanks. From here, the boat appears to be 60ft x 12ft 6in, which in metric is 28.3m x 3.8m. https://www.collingwoodboatbuilders.co.uk/monarch-emperor-range/ The side deck height is not mentioned AFAICS, but from the photos looks as though it will be no more than about 1.5m. This gives a gross tonnage of 25.8. So easily clears the VAT zero rating threshhold.
  19. That's what I thought too. If you see the stern of your boat going under and water pouring in, who here would not race to fully empty the lock? Would anyone here elect to keep it half full?
  20. Having looked more closely at these I suspect the cost will be prohibitive compared to a conventional stern tube and bronze propeller.
  21. I've just read your rather prolix link by a boatbuilder (hardly a VAT authority) and in it, noticed only the same unsupported assertion that you are making yourself. "A word of warning… It is vital as a ‘Purchaser’ you read all the contractual documentation regarding the purchase of any vessels and in particular VAT free vessels. There’s been a case highlighted to us where a boat had been sold as ‘VAT free’ unfortunately on incorrect grounds which post sale lead to the HMRC correctly chasing the seller for the VAT which should have been charged. In this particular case the contract of sale placed the responsibility to satisfy any such VAT claim on the purchaser so they had to stump up." Is there something more, that I missed?
  22. It's not Unusual for stuff like this to happen....
  23. I have never heard of, let alone seen a rim drive propeller. Is it a commercial product or an idea in your head?
  24. Nobody has any money at the moment. The plumber forums are full of people asking where have all the customers gone? Fortunately rents are shooting up for anyone with a BTL, which means any boat suitable for a liveaboard has at least a passable chance of selling..,.
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