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Everything posted by MtB

  1. I agree, Clause 4 seems highly unreasonable to me. My advice to the OP would be to either buy a different boat, or come up with his alternative own contract which is fair and reasonable and see if they will accept that.
  2. OP as plain text, to (hopefully) make the formatting more readable: No longer having a marina electric hook up necessitated making battery charging upgrades. My current set up is a lot better however I do have one alternator shutting down early as the battery charge voltage increases. Both alternators are Lucas A127 type with 70 amp output. I am therefore now thinking about the possibilities of balancing the alternator outputs so they both get approximately equal amount of use / wear. Improvements made so far are 1. Domestic battery bank increased to 440 Amp Hour 2. Starter battery now charged a voltage sensitive relay freeing up the starter battery alternator to charge the domestic bank. 3. Original starter alternator output cable upgraded so it has its own high current cable direct to the domestic battery isolator. 4. Voltage regulation increased to 14.6volts max (was 14.2v) To achieve balancing I could use an expensive twin output remote regulator but think there are simpler and much cheaper options below. option 1 - Looking at the alternator circuits, each Lucas A127 regulator senses its voltage via a spade connection from the D+ terminal. It looks a very simple job of disconnecting the starter alternator regulator from its D+ terminal and wiring it direct to the domestic alternator D+ terminal. Both alternators would then be sensing the same voltage and therefore outputting approx the same current. Option 2 – both regulator sensing inputs are disconnected from their D+ terminals , both linked together but this time wired direct to the battery isolator. This would also provide remote battery sensing and overcome any cable volt drops. If anyone reading this has practical experience or technical knowledge please can they let me know if there will be any problems in doing this?
  3. It was an oblique reference to the way our government considers it ok to break international law provided it only breaks it in a "limited and specific way". So t they can do it, why can't I? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-54073836
  4. Does breasting a boat up to one's own to move it count as "towing"? I don't think it does, as towing means pulling another <whatever> along behind you on a rope. P.S. I do hope not as I breasted a stricken boat up to mine the other day to move it back past a couple of moored behemoths and through a lock to a mooring space. Insurance never crossed my mind and even it had, I'd still have done it.
  5. Because I only broke the law in a limited and specific way....
  6. I disagree. There are still plenty of police around to persecute easy targets such as motorists. DAMHIK.
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  8. Pretty sure my own Vactan bottle says use within 6 months. And I DID use some of it within 6 months, so that's ok then....
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  10. Very presumptive of them to assume I paid council tax anyway. It was a very odd demand. Lots of people legitimately don't pay it, e.g. all the members of my family living with me at the time.
  11. I had worse than that a few years ago. They demanded a copy of my council tax demand to verify my name and address! Needless to say they didn't get it.
  12. I too am surprised it didn't get accidentally whacked with a long shaft.
  13. I doubt the existence of electric bikes has penetrated the corporate consciousness of CRT yet, so I'd say the rules are the same as normal bikes. I.e. don't be a dick on one.
  14. This is all very distressing not only for the state of your bote but because until now, Vactan has always seemed to me the perfect rust treatment. Easy to use and very effective. I'm wondering if the nanny state has made the manu reduce the amount of tannic acid in it, leading to it needing to dry far more slowly. Or something. Have you considered contacting the manu technical dept to see what they have to say about 1) what exactly happened, and 2) how to avoid it happening again, and 3) what if anything can be done to recover the red paint now messed up? Sadly I fear they will deny any knowledge, insist it can't happen and it must be All Your Fault.... but let's live in hope they don't!
  15. Curious. The headline on the advert says its 220V but the body of the advert says its 12V. Then in the Q & A bit, the manu tells an enquirer they can use a 220V solar panel to power it!
  16. It took you that long to realise?
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  18. As do boaters, in addition to their license and mooring fee contributions.
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  20. Same here. I dump my boats in various places on the system on cruises which might take several months at a time, whilst still paying for a home mooring.
  21. As as acompliant and rule-following boater, I resent all the CMers, overstayers and in particular, the burgeoning number of stealth boats who contribute nothing to the upkeep of the canals. Probably.
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  23. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  24. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  25. Hold up there. Cadbury and Fry were deadly competitors and enemies back in the day. Are you saying Cadbury gobbled up fry's?
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