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Everything posted by PD1964

  1. Being a Hudson owner you probably think your better then most anyway, then again we just have your word for it. Anyone else on here done it in a 70ft boat?
  2. He was a volunteer last time I went through, most of the New Boaters that go through there can't figure out how the lock is done, with the sequence of the swing bridge and the gates, often leading to delays for boats and the farmer that uses the bridge to access his land.
  3. I still can't see how you got a 70ft through there, as I'm just over 62ft with fenders ant It's tight.???
  4. Then where did you go after that, once past the large electric locks?
  5. I still have my doubts that this lock can take a 70ft boat, has anyone been through in a 70ft in the last few years?
  6. Why? your only 50ft so you will be fine on all the northern locks.
  7. Don't waste your time or sleep over these poster's they rarely buy a boat
  8. But you won't, as if you say he only did the first filter and non on the engine, this is the easy one as it's just a case of replacing, opening up the bleed nut and it's gravity filled from the fuel tank. The other ones on the engine are not gravity fed, the first needs to be primed using the fuel lift pump and the other filled with fuel prior to fitting. You may be ok replacing one filter but as you say you have three.
  9. So he never changed any of the two fuel filters on the engine only the fuel/water separator filter off the fuel tank. That's why I do my own service and wouldn't let RCR near my boat.
  10. The Barrus Shire 40/45/50 are basically the same engine with two fuel filters fitted to the engine, a primary and secondary, the first being a fuel/water separator type and the second just a fuel filter. Most people do fit another one before the first, normally this is Separ/Fuel Guard type or just the Delphi 296 type, when the engine comes from Barrus it only has the two fitted to the engine.
  11. What Barrus Shire engine is it? as there could be a second filter after the one you mention which also could be blocked, As the one you mention sounds like the 1st one attached to the actual engine which is the fuel/water separator filter with a removable bowl normally a Delphi 296 type, this would need to be bled, the other filter is near the injectors which has no bleed screw and when replaced needs to be topped up with fuel prior to fitting. Some engines also use another pre fuel/water separator filter prior to the 1st engine mounted filter normally near the fuel tank, once again a Delphi 296 type with removable bowl.
  12. CaRT have started using CCTV cameras to monitor certain areas for footfall, they are triangle V shaped, about 1ft high, black plastic with a sensor/camera eye towards the bottom. They have put one at Victoria Quays, Sheffield, which points at Victoria Quays Car park foot exit and Victoria Junction Café, which is opposite the Towpath side of the canal. So all that it is monitoring is mainly office workers going to and from work and how busy the café is at lunch time when said office workers have lunch and also people who have parked in the car park to walk into the city centre. I would say that only 10-20% of the people picked up by this camera actually walk/use the canal Towpath. So not really a true reflection of Towpath use.
  13. Would like to know where his boat was when the theft took place just to gauge how far and which direction the suspect boat has moved and where it could be heading, if it is the boat near Dewsbury.
  14. It would be wise to get the boat name right from the off, as by putting the wrong name on here or "similar" could lead to problems for similar named boats and false accusations, Why don't you get on a push bike and cycle along the towpath as there's only one route the boat can go if going away from where they were stolen. Let us know where you were when the theft took place, then we'll know which direction the thief is travelling if it was the boat near the Dewsbury Arm and also the date when they were stolen would help.
  15. I use this stuff available in a variety of widths and lengths to suit. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Anti-Slip-Non-Skid-Tape-High-Grip-Sticky-Backed-Adhesive-Black-Floor-Safety/361823851084?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=631085872441&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  16. Non slip tape on the area's that you need it that's all. As said above no rubber matting as you tend to forget about the water underneath which results in rust, leading to de-rusting, primer, under-coat and top coat. Or use something like International Interdeck, a good non-slip paint available in a variety of colours.
  17. Probably full of new kid boater members living the dream on their 30ft boats that they've paid way too much for from another closed "London Boaters" member. Suckers.
  18. Just looked at the link but closed group, I bet the starters boat and the members boats don't reflect the boats on the Facebook Profile photo, probably a bag of crap small boats trying to get a bit of notice so they think they can continuous moor three abreast in the most busiest areas on the Canal, most of whom have only just bought or have had their boats bought by their parents. I wouldn't be surprised if they have been on here asking stupid questions in the "New to Boating" section.
  19. OK then, made to order to the customer requirements, unlike the "off the shelf" basic Mike Christians.
  20. Good to see someone who can spot a basic "Mike Christian" shell and it is basic from a bespoke Tyler/WIlson shell, most of sailaways that were sold as self fit out shells from this time has the Gas locker vent problem, as they were supplied as sailaways, ballast and floored and the fitters never removed ballast to compensate for the interior fit. Your vents will always either be in or out of the water depending on your fuel and water. Drain the water tank and give it a good paint once a year. Or start ripping up the floor to remove the concrete slabs to re-ballast.
  21. Most Southern boaters once up here tend to enjoy it, as they like seeing the industrial side of the canals and enjoy the non congested wider waterways rather then the queues and the miles of continuous Moorer's.
  22. Getting up there( Oh can't do the Trent) No hire fleets, not that many weekend boaters, far less continuous cruisers/moorer's, no big marina's, all of which makes for decent quiet cruising.
  23. It's not that busy, unlike the locks on the Southern canal network. No just spend a lot of time on the on that canal system and enjoy it.
  24. Maybe one day you may change your mind and maybe one day you may buy a boat, I doubt either will happen soon if at all.
  25. You obviously don't know the canal system up there then, rather like a lot of the people born in Sheffield, most don't even know they have a canal terminus in the city centre, I take it you won't be going that way if you ever buy a boat? mind you can always go on Google maps and do a tour of the system.
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