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Everything posted by frangar

  1. I’ve been to Margate….think I’d just want to end it all if lived there.
  2. You need to find a woman who doesn’t feel the need to breed!! Makes life much easier.
  3. Do you have their contact details? It’s a bit like covid being blamed for all deaths the other year….some love a hook to hang things on.
  4. Life is fatal. I’d rather enjoy mine and be warm while I’m alive. I shall continue to burn what’s to hand…fuel my vintage diesel with good old dinosaurs and drive my 45 year old Land Rover…. Maybe there would be less pollution if some didn’t think they had a right to add to the worlds population continually.
  5. Here's the other supplier I was on about in NI https://www.cb-fuels.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR03DB4WqbtUZ-8rt3sYO3LNelzH_hFzPOXf7I6IJ5VSfzHifGWvfqYGDy4 https://www.facebook.com/CBFUELSBALLINAMALLARD I am thinking of ordering from them in the new year
  6. The trouble with having the forward exit as side doors rather than the bow is life can get a bit tricky if you have an emergency in a narrow lock or indeed sharing with another boat in a wide lock and need to exit the boat by the bow.....Canaltime said they had a roof light to solve such issues which was great if you could levitate to leave through it.....
  7. Very droll. T**t. Funny how only some get penalised…..I’ll remember that….and that was mild compared to my first thought!!!
  8. So you don’t want CRT’s income to increase yet you want them to keep all the facilities they have….how are you proposing to fund this in a time of rising costs for everything from energy to heat the water to repairs when they are misused? In a perfect world I don’t want to lose boater facilities either and indeed I’m continuing to fight to keep at least some where possible but if it comes down to fixing a shower or a lock so I can travel the system then I’m afraid the lock wins.
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  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
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  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  16. My Facebook feed seems to carry ads from a few coal and smokeless merchants who are in Northern Ireland….they still do coal and can supply a pallet or half pallet with “free” shipping to the mainland. I’m not sure what would happen if you placed an order for house coal….you might get the Greta police on your doorstep!! Their prices are very reasonable however for all the fuels. clickcoal.com is one company.
  17. From the wording on the post it almost sounds as if it could be a boat mover…..and if they can’t cope with that it’s a worry!!
  18. frangar

    JP2M swivel pin?

    I should be able to take a picture in the next couple of days but it will probably be the end of next week before I can get the callipers for an accurate measurement. I guess you mean the pin where the rod goes through that then goes to the bell crank and then to the injector pump? I’ll take some pictures of mine in situ so you can see how it fits together as well.
  19. frangar

    JP2M swivel pin?

    If you aren't in a hurry I can take measurements of mine but do remind me and I will need to pick up my callipers from work
  20. Surely thats the one for cooling.....red is what you need as a heater
  21. Im glad that told me it was a scam.....I nearly brought several!
  22. I think it would probably power the Flying scotsman looking from how it melts the snow on a roof so a cup of tea will take less than a second
  23. Yet it also fits in a car....so it must change its size depending where it's used....that is quite a useful selling point I hope they would have mentioned
  24. Just seen this advertised on farcebook https://warmerdp.com/products/kinetic?fbclid=IwAR2wj_MUQmyc8Z-XFNUMEc6s9tPn00WJeBd094k8YTvXsUbRCPymEfo2isg It's truly a miracle.....Im really hoping it will keep my axiom prop clear of ice this year.....I might not even have to use my coalcage..... PS All the above is sarcasm....I actually thought it was a spoof site but it appears not....please can someone buy one and report back here.... Im just off to plug my grounded blanket in and find my radiation blocker for my router....
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