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Everything posted by frangar

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  4. There was a rumour a few years ago that it was trying to slip on to the railway line next door....dont know how true this was if at all...but it is quite close and if so that wouldn't be a cheap fix. I would think either one of the chains or there is another private marina owner who has brought up another similar sized marina recently and now has a small portfolio of midlands marinas...not sure who their backers are mind you.
  5. It will be interesting to see what it sells for...as with all auctions the guide price is usually the lowest that would be accepted...Im guessing it will go for a lot more...prob around £1.5-£2m...unless there is something odd happening which there might be to sell through auction rather than via a business broker or agent...and of course there is the auction fees to add as well.
  6. Hes a little unique in many ways....apparently that whole site used to be a scrap yard before he brought it and built his house and sold the rest to a developer for the other houses....the owners of the scrapyard once had a bit of hospital equipment in and found one bit really hard to cut...turned out was a block of uranium or similar...and might now be buried on the land somewhere. The house also has a working periscope....taken from a royal navy sub that he knew was being scrapped.... Was a shame the house we were looking at all fell through cos I think he would have made a great neighbour!!!
  7. Fairly sure it's a bare hire....so you need to provide everything you need....and it might be a bit of a crawl underneath to do the base plate.
  8. He liked a tunnel....theres a tunnel from the house to the dock....he was thinking of a tunnel to the pub over the road....and had others planned....
  9. Came very close to buying a house a couple of doors down from him....hes a really interesting chap...had a tour of the dock and tunnels he was digging at the time...would have been around 2008-10...he was thinking of buying the express lift test tower in northampton at the time!
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  13. I do….she also acts as a hoover/washing machine/dishwasher….these multi use female machines are well worth having….not even that expensive to run if you pick the right model….
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  19. Many years ago I was moored up outside Sainsbury's at Apsley on the GU when some idiot on the towpath opposite starting lobbing rocks at the boat...I phoned 999 and went out with a 3ft length of 4x2 in one hand and 4D maglite in the other in order to discuss it further...only to have the chap decide he wasnt going to hang around....on the way back over the footbridge I met a couple of gentlemen who couldn't have been more obvious plain clothes coppers if they tried....after a short conversation to explain I was the one that had called them I had the Magnate taken off me but they didnt mind the bit of wood....apparently the maglite was more dangerous....I did get it back after a longer chat and having proved it was definitely my boat etc....I still have the maglite on clips in the back cabin for when it might be needed.
  20. C & H handspike….needed for boating….also tell plod you think the assailants had weapons…..
  21. Thats not what I found when I’ve wanted to book in the past especially if you have certain dates in mind.
  22. I thought that one stayed more upright and was wedged on the wooden fendering...this one is going to be harder now as its lying on its side...I totally feel for the owners....I do wonder what the deal with the pontoons is at proctors....whos liability they are.
  23. Thats a shocker.....wouldnt be the first time....they like to think they are experts....Im really not so sure!
  24. Some of the "pontoons"....I use the word loosely....at Proctors are sketchy at best....nothing more than a couple of scaff poles and some plywood...definitely not something I'd want to be tied to even in a light rain shower let alone a flood.
  25. This was posted on Twitter earlier. I’m guessing it’s from Proctors….not good at all
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