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A pint with?


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On 02/02/2024 at 16:31, GUMPY said:

Forty years ago I had dinner with Tony Bennett and as a bonus he drew a sketch of me







How come you had dinner with him? I like this story. No idea if it's a good likeness, but that's a decent sketch! 

I was in a pub in Highbury a few years back when something vaguely amusing went on between a barman and a member of the public (who was being a bit of a plonker). Can't really remember what, exactly. Me and the fella standing next to me at the bar caught each other's eye and shared a surreptitious laugh. It was Idris Elba. We didn't talk. It's not much of a story, really. But he had a very un-precious vibe, unlike some other celebs I've seen out and about who have the air of not wanting to make eye contact with anyone (which may be understandable, I guess. I wouldn't really know!) 

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1 hour ago, captain flint said:

How come you had dinner with him? I like this story. No idea if it's a good likeness, but that's a decent sketch! 

For many years I used to work as a sound engineer and he was one of the artists I worked for.  It was the last night of the tour and we all (musicians and crew)  had dinner together. He asked if I had a notepad and pen which I did and gave it to him thinking he jat wanted to make some notes about that nights show.  At the end of dinner he handed it back to me and said "here is your bonus" . Didn't think much of it at the time but found out later about his artwork and the fact that to have a portrait done by him would cost $10k. 😱

Yes it is a likeness of who I was then.



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(Less than a pint of) coffee in 1991 at UKREP in Brussels with a young floppy-haired Telegraph journalist with then-unconventional views on the then-EEC. He was called Boris ... He may have retired by now ...

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Just now, PeterScott said:

(Less than a pint of) coffee in 1991 at UKREP in Brussels with a young floppy-haired Telegraph journalist with then-unconventional views on the then-EEC. He was called Boris ... He may have retired by now ...


19 minutes ago, GUMPY said:

For many years I used to work as a sound engineer and he was one of the artists I worked for.  It was the last night of the tour and we all (musicians and crew)  had dinner together. He asked if I had a notepad and pen which I did and gave it to him thinking he jat wanted to make some notes about that nights show.  At the end of dinner he handed it back to me and said "here is your bonus" . Didn't think much of it at the time but found out later about his artwork and the fact that to have a portrait done by him would cost $10k. 😱

Yes it is a likeness of who I was then.



Nice! :)


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