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Everything posted by mrsmelly

  1. Yeah, agreed, thats why I had it seperate last time. Which work best without spending fourteen billion pounds these days old boy for say 200 watts?
  2. Hi Peeps Sat sitting here doing nowt and got to thinking. I removed my solar two years ago as I wasnt using it and still dont need it, however I may be bimbling off again when the lockdown goes and may stick a couple of panels ont roof. My question is this. My combi has connectors that say solar on them so I presume I can wire straight to these and the clever bit of kit will deal with the solar panel for me or am I safer buying a seperate little doobrey again and keeping them seperate?
  3. Same here lol. We used to do 8 hours come what may lol. Now its a case of are the batteries about charged? or thereabouts max unless of course on a tidal river and ya have to keep going. When out cruising though we very very rarely stay at one mooring more than one night.
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  7. Yes I was. I have found in life its impossible to go shopping without going shopping. Whilst I have bought some stuff on line I find that as there is no other way than going for food thats what I do. There are virtualy no click and collect or deliveries available and if there were I certainly wouldnt use them, they are for people who need them not for myself.
  8. Deffo picked up and very busy today in our local towns. Passing over the m62 though it was very very quiet.
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  10. I agree, I will be donating mine back no I arnt rich but appreciate running costs don't evaporate when a virus arrives.
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  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  17. Mentioning the DVLA some people forget it easy to SORN a vehicle if its not parked on a road. Because of this event we have SORNed 2 of our 3 vehicles as we are only using one for the odd shopping trip.
  18. Twas a big Tesco I went today to top up with stuff not at the small shops. Its weird as usualy its been rammed and queuues round the car park. It seems the penny is finaly dropping for many.
  19. An update on shopping for those still in hiding. ive been to one of those supermarket places today. A week and more ago there were queues the whole way round the car park. However it appears the muppets have now fully stocked their nuclear fallout bunkers and the other muppets have finaly realised there are no and never were any shortages other than those caused by muppet shopping. So no queues whatsoever. Completely safe with oodles of room between peeps and everything on the shelves ?
  20. Pretty conclusive reply to a first post then ?
  21. No. I too live on a small pension. After 31 years living onboard I fully understand it aint cheap and never has been.
  22. ? You realy are a bitter old chap arnt. you. Why quote some foreign country? We are not in some foreign country nor do we want to be. 2016 was worse for u than 2020, how sad is that.
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