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Everything posted by SteveE

  1. Thanks John. I wondered if soot might be a problem. The guy has now fitted a big, simple box so we'll see how it performs. SteveE
  2. Thanks guys, just as I thought. Straight through pipe with ear plugs ordered! SteveE
  3. Hi all The boat's engine chimney took a knock on a low bridge through Stoke recently, angling it backwards and fracturing the (rusty) exhaust pipe in the engine room. The whole system needs replacing apart from the cast up-pipe from the manifold. I have made enquiries about having a stainless system made, at quite reasonable cost, but what silencer to use? Can anyone advise what the internal construction of an appropriate silencer for a large old 2-cylinder engine shoiuld be? Cheers SteveE
  4. Filling your bath with conkers could be an interesting experience! SteveE
  5. OK, brilliant, but why don't they just stamp 'LH thread' on the bottle or the regulator? SteveE
  6. Exactly right. You may be in a lock or reversing and, even if you're not, you will have got wet and lost control of the boat if the rudder hits something and knocks you off. Steve Edwards
  7. A dog s£!t detection device and a brush for when it doesn't work! SteveE
  8. I came across this nice old pic the other day but I think it's nearer the terminus than the place you're talking about. I do remember seeing a photo of a boat under the bridge at Queens Road bu I've never been able to find again. Regards SteveE
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  10. I thought you were only supposed to put your arm down it!! SteveE
  11. The qualification for doing anything in politics is to be good at politics. Which job you get in government is simply a reflection of how far up the governmental popularity ratings you are, not whether you're any good at the job you've been appointed to. SteveE
  12. Until you reverse presumably. SteveE
  13. If Liam doesn't want it you could try selling it to me SteveE
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  15. I hope the new owners don't live near a canal, for seveal reasons. SteveE
  16. Am I dreaming or do I remember a boat somewhere on the southern GU with an outbard bolted to the rudder? SteveE
  17. Well done, Kay. Someody else enjoying their new acquisition. In't boating brilliant? SteveE
  18. My solution was a fixed bed 2' 9" wide with 3" slats fixed side to side with a 3 and a half inch gap between them. Thin ply sheets were tacked top and bottom. A sliding half bed was then made, 2' 9" wide, the slats of this being arranged so that they slide beween the slats of the fixed bed when not required, and making a 5' wide bed when slid out. A stop is required to prevent the sliding bit being yanked completely out of its location when the bed is made. I'll try and post a pic of ours if I can find one. SteveE
  19. Welcome Chris If you haven't already, look at our similar thread here . It might be of interest. SteveE
  20. Have a great time but be careful of the middle lock of the Grindley Brook staircase if there's no lock keeper present. SteveE
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  22. Dear oh dear! I bet you'd like a defibrillator on every lamp post as well! SteveE
  23. £25,000 to £45,000 per year per prisoner ( womeninprison.org 2008). The American system is geared to financing lawyers' birthdays and is quite ridiculous. SteveE
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