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Everything posted by cuthound

  1. A few do, but not many now. The clue is when the label says "bottle conditioned".
  2. The film in the 1 o clock news showed hundreds of dead fish
  3. When I first got my boat(whose name I haven't changed) some wag asked me what had happened to the paddle wheels. I told him they got knocked off on the first narrow lock I arrived at!🤣
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  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  6. Am I the only one who is intrigued as to how you leave a foul drank cleaner than you found it... 😅 Seriously, well done, Wish there were more like you.
  7. It was on the BBC local news, there has been a serious pollution incident on the Walsall Canal. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2043z2504no.amp
  8. Mine only goes up to gunwale level... 🤣
  9. Don't forget the waterproof bulkhead to contain the water rather than sink the boat if the proposed future BT were to be fitted and then it leaked.
  10. Well, I suppose that is one way of attracting a crowd of gongoozlers to help open the lock gates... (You need to open up the quoted post above this text to understand the joke).
  11. And then polished with a dry cloth reserved for the purpose.
  12. Apparently so, I saw (and heard) a narrowboat using such a device to navigate through the narrow bridge which is adjacent to my garden!
  13. The two are not mutually exclusive.
  14. I have one of those. Got it when the brewery was at Newbury for a few Hobgoblin bottle tops and a cheque.
  15. I've been canalling for over 50 years now. The system, in some parts is as bad as it was when I first started, I'd say the peak years were 1990-2000. Since then it has been in slow decline.
  16. So you would lose your licence if you ventured onto a long, lock free section like the Ashby?
  17. I remember our first shareboat in 1992 requiring ATF for it's PRM120 gearbox.
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  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  20. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  21. Can I echo the thoughts of the posts above. Although I've never met you in person Carl, I feel I know you well from your posts on this forum. Let's hope you exceed the doctor's expectations and live a full and long life! I can empathise as my youngest son suffered chest pains about a year ago and they have only recently found he has a small hole in his heart which only opens under heavy physical exercise after numerous tests. The NHS is wonderful and he is due to have a keyhole operation to close it at the end of the month.
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  23. Yes the tank is in the usual position, but is about 75% full.
  24. Thanks Nick, I surmised that it was most likely the priming pump, but didn't want to change it only to find it was something else. Now that you and Bizzard have had similar failures I feel more confident that changing the filter housing will resolve it.
  25. Reg must be well past his "sell by date" then... 😅😂
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