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Everything posted by Starcoaster

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. That is indeed American date format, which is kind of hilarious when you consider how much anyone using American spelling and grammar on the forum upsets Athy...
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  4. Agree on EE and 3. My dongle is on the former and my phone the latter and Ive never had problems. Even when the Vodafone users around me are cursing and waving their handsets above their heads.
  5. Follow a Megabus on the motorway and you can pick up theirs...
  6. Gettaway! Bloody hell stuff like that NEVER happens to me. That thread was before my time so this is the first time I've seen it!
  7. This is probably the first time that I have ever seen the words "Springers and Hudsons" used together to describe a shared trait other than that of being the respective polar ends of the price spectrum! I find it way funnier than I should that now that the day has finally come, it was in a sentence highlighting one of their most obvious differences!
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  10. Yes but what YOU would or would not do is irrelevant when it comes to advising someone else... The OP MAY have had very few responses at first, but that's how a message forum works... the post was only made yesterday, waiting for informed advice is hugely superior to taking half-cocked advice posted as it seems simply because "someone should say something!?" Personally I prefer the ethos that if you don't know for sure what advice to give, either say nothing or explain your situation in relation to what you DO say, so that the other party can make an informed decision about how reliable your views are to their situation. "The OP should not regard my ideas as dangerous" etc... Whether the advice is good or bad (or really, irrelevant or neither in my opinion in this case) The OP should regard your ideas as QUESTIONABLE, given that you know nothing from your own first hand experience of any of the pertinent factors. And honestly I would be hugely lairy of taking advice on anything from someone who is so stoical about being right all the time, even when you have now demonstrated many times (and had explained back to you) that you are a pre-novice in canal terms. Stand by your post all you like, because of course you will, but don't be surprised if others quickly point out the lack of relevant knowledge and experience behind your suggestions and how this can be at best misleading and at worst, apt to cause problems. Someone who spouts information that they haven't won and won't heed advice from those who have is a potentially dangerous boater, and dangerous to others too if they frame that information as The Word to those who don't know who to listen to.
  11. I am sorry (ok totally not) but why don't you just stay in your lane. There is no shortage of experienced boaters here who can offer well informed and locally/craft-relevant advice to the OP, and you are not one of them. You literally know no more that the OP and demonstrate a much poorer propensity to be able to take advice on board and listen, so why are you doling out advice yourself when the thread has already received (and likely will continue to receive) many useful, relevant comments from highly experienced boaters within the environment in question? At the very least if you are going to "advise" others from your position of not having even got started yet, add some sort of disclaimer to it, otherwise it simply reads as hubris.
  12. You have to make your own decision about what is right for you/what you are happy with etc., using the useful bits of info you get given... But as ever, consider the provenance of the posters whose advice you are considering when sorting the wheat from the chaff. Experienced narrowboaters/canal boaters, regular single handers, those familiar with the stretch, those who lock with small boats, GRP boats etc., are good picks for a start-but beware of those who see fit to offer advice framed as if coming from an old hand despite never having owned or hired a narrow/canal craft.
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  14. Need more information. Can you clarify what exactly you mean by "non intrusive adverts?" Like, are they banners between posts? Rotating headers? I assume no fecking pop-ups, which is the antonym of non-intrusive... How many ads would each guest see per click? Are they likely to be gifs, vid clips, other shiet that can significantly slow down mobile or dongle connections and cost data? Do you intend to use a service to find and place ads and pay out revenue to you? If so, which service, what type of ads, how will you regain any autonomy over the type of things they place? Or do you intend to shill ad space to canal-related businesses? Like, You need to provide more detailed information to have a hope of getting informed replies/votes. This isn't parliament, you know.
  15. Right now, so am I... It does seem very un-Odin-like to eat something horrific, given that he is both generally good (I may not have mentioned this before, but whilst setting up for the wake, I forgot about the dogs and went upstairs for a pee... It was only when I was um, fully committed as it were, that I realised I had left two Labradors unsupervised with the buffet. They had touched nothing, as I suppose is self-evident by virtue of the fact that this is the first you are hearing of it... ) and also rarely out of sight of one of you. Are you 100% sure it was shitty vomit and not vomity shit? By which I mean, is the method of expulsion definitely confirmed as a launch from the roof hatch and not the stern gland, because in my professional experience, some peculiar-looking blends can come out of the back end of a dog.
  16. It was just such an open secret, wasn't it. I was told all of this mad stuff about him when I first met him, and I just thought that it was too implausible to have anything but the faintest element of truth to it, but nope. He never even really tried that hard to cover his ass did he, I really think he thought he was invincible.
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  18. /\ You can always tell when it's not someone's first MonkeyChallenge.
  19. I'd take a swerve on letting him drink out of any of your mugs too...
  20. The unicorn shared the bed, the monkeys had the floor.
  21. Calcutt marina has a set up such as you mention, no idea how in demand they are though or what sort of area range you are considering.
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