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Everything posted by Dave-Shrop

  1. SECTION D – HOME MOORING: TICK ONE OPTION BELOW □ The boat has a home mooring (as defined in the General Terms and Conditions for Boat Licences – 1.3) □ The boat is stored out of the water when it is not being used for cruising □ The boat cruises continuously and in accordance with the British Waterways Act 1995 (see footnote) Home Mooring details (if applicable): Site / operator name: Waterway: Address (if not a Canal & River Trust site □ The boat has been removed from our waters
  2. No only if the following form is completed. Supplied with each licence is form https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/boating/licensing-your-boat/application-forms-fees-and-useful-downloads Transfer of boat ownership/off water declaration required to be completed if any apply. Fill in last item section D.
  3. Why is it necessary to restrict mooring one week before winter moorings start, it is school half term holiday that week? Many boats will be out and about that week including hire boats. I have received 40 of these Alert Notifications: Notice Alert Shropshire Union Canal Starts At: Wheaton Aston S5 Winter Moorings Ends At: Wheaton Aston S5 Winter Moorings Monday 26 October 2015 until Monday 29 February 2016 23:59 Type: Advice Reason: Information Original message: Mooring restriction for winter mooring sites 2015-16 This year, winter moorings will run from 1 November 2015 until 29 February 2016 for boaters who have chosen to purchase winter mooring permits. At each winter mooring site, a mooring restriction will be in place from 26 October 2015 to 29 February 2016 (inclusive). The mooring restriction will come into place one week before the start of the winter moorings period to help manage the transition into the winter mooring period, and boaters will be welcome on site between 1 November 2015 and 29 February 2016 according to their permits. A range of winter moorings sites are available nationally, with some situated at visitor mooring sites and the rest at designated towpath sites. Where a winter mooring is part of a visitor mooring site, only 50% of the site will be winter moorings and the other half of the site will still be available throughout the winter period for visitors. If there is available space at a winter mooring site, visitors may use the mooring for the relevant stay time. If a permit-holder arrives at the site they will have priority, and those not in possession of a winter mooring permit must be prepared to move off the site. And does winter really start on the 1st November.
  4. How can you get your boat through Ivy House Road Bridge, Caldon canal - single handed. It has no access on offside, and because it lifts up it is not possiblr to pull boat through on ropes.
  5. "However, the disruption that will be caused is minimal" So to stop Boats on Moorings on the Trent & Mercy + others from spending the Bank holiday weekend on the Caldon Canal is minimal, they will be unable to to return to their moorings late afternoon/evening on Bank Holiday Monday. Most Bank Holidays if the weather is fine there are long queues at these locks. This is anonther case of CRT not caring about Boaters. People in Stoke On Trent cross back and forewards across the the lock or exsisting bridges all the time.
  6. "some of these events for no personal gain" This event is arranged by people making a lot of money, the sound engineer is on a 90K contract. The original notice was not correct, the event is only 28th/29th but the lock is closed from 27th to 29th with bridge over. the event each day does not finish until 22.30, so on the last day the 29th the brige will not be removed until 2 hours after the finish.
  7. CRT sent this Notice of closure of the Navigation for "THE BIG FEAST 2015 EVENT" Notice Alert Trent & Mersey Canal Starts At: Lock 38 Ridgway's Lock Ends At: Lock 38 Ridgway's Lock Up Stream Winding Hole: Etruria Customer facilities Down Stream Winding Hole: Above bridge 113a Glebe Street bridge Thursday 27 August 2015 18:00 until Saturday 29 August 2015 22:00 Type: Navigation Closure Can they just close the navigation for an event like this, it's bad enough when the tow path is closed to mooring for an angling/cycle/walk events but to actually close the navigation I think is not acceptable.
  8. Better to change it to the same as Bridgewater Canal. "(o) whilst in transit pleasure craft are permitted to moor adjacent to the towpath for periods not exceeding 24 hours at one location, except where signed locally to the contrary."
  9. (o) whilst in transit pleasure craft are permitted to moor adjacent to the towpath for periods not exceeding 24 hours at one location, except where signed locally to the contrary.
  10. "reasonable in the circumstances" in the 1995 act is due to canal flooded or stoppages not personnel problems
  11. We have two of these (Johnson Bilge Alert Bilge Water Level Alarm) fitted, one in engine bilge and one in cabin bilge as there is a water tight bulkhead between.
  12. The ownership has changed BW to CART. Cart have been going through with Land Registry stating what they think they own and there have been quite a few disputes. If you own land adjoining the canal you need to check what has been shown as CART own, otherwise you may find in future they have taken over what you originally owned.
  13. Cart - involve using specialist machinery to remove the old canal bed, lay down a new clay lining which, once in place, will reinstate a watertight seal along the aqueduct
  14. CART State:- "To plug the leak and make the canal watertight the bottom of the canal was relined with a new layer of clay, together with cement repairs, to plug any small holes in the aqueduct which carries the canal over the railway tunnel" Did anyone see this work being done, was there any pictures?
  15. Lift tiller out of the way, take prop shaft out, you have to feed a dummy piece of shaft in so as you pull shaft out to stop water coming. Then fit prop to shaft externally and then refit.
  16. Was the canal drained then, when they were put there, I think not.
  17. They need to remove those concrete pillars supporting the extension overhang of towpath which have damaged the canal bed.
  18. The pictures show concrete pillars going down which support the towpath extension over the canal, are these just resting on the clay puddling? If so it is not surprising it is leaking and will do so again. Where has all the rubble (bricks) along that edge come from, is it the original canal wall?
  19. What's happening now!! Are they investigating where the canal is leaking?
  20. Quote "The boat was fitted with a galvanic isolator, which was tested and working after the event" Galvanic isolator do not fully protect, you can still get a small amount of current flowing which will eat the metal away. Also you can get other stray earth currents if connected to the mains earthing system. Isolation Transformer is the only guaranteed way.
  21. So how did they construct it? Did they drain the canal? when you look at the tunnel entrance in the service road, from the top of the tunnel up to the ledge which is the level of Holiday Passage, which is level with the top of the canal edge, therefore there is only about 4 feet, which is about the depth of the canal.
  22. Looks as if the tunnel lining has failed, cast iron curved sections bolted together leaking between joints. The tunnel should be water tight. Cannot see the tunnel was put in after the canal unless the canal was drained. The height of the tunnel roof is at about the same level of the bottom of the canal.
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