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The Perils of Phylis


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Without an explanation from the site crew about why they pulled it, it's difficult to know what's allowable in a summary. I hope this doesn't offend:


Phylis and her bloke has a "domestic" in Brayford Pool Lincoln which ended up in him jumping over the side and swimming off to the pub. In a huff Phylis pulled a few wheelies, and created enough wash to leave a substantial number of the local boaters on the bank, more or less. Now BW are after Phylis big-time.



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In the space of my journey home Phylis has disappeared! Interesting exploits too!


Don't forget the bit about the sat nav knocked off in the guillotine by the other half before he jumped!

Edited by Carol Whale
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Without an explanation from the site crew about why they pulled it, it's difficult to know what's allowable in a summary. I hope this doesn't offend:


Phylis and her bloke has a "domestic" in Brayford Pool Lincoln which ended up in him jumping over the side and swimming off to the pub. In a huff Phylis pulled a few wheelies, and created enough wash to leave a substantial number of the local boaters on the bank, more or less. Now BW are after Phylis big-time.




Strange.. I only remarked a couple of weeks ago that she seemed have calmed down a bit.



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It may not have been her as one opponent had already started!

But it seems we are not adult enough but too, too delicate for such things!


Must be bad to want to swim in Brayford pool, all that swan poo!!!!!!!


It was hot and no beer in fridge! She omitted to tell him there was some in the cool box!

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I was asked to remove it by the OP, so did so, on the understanding that what was said could potentially jepordise the possible insurance claim.


Please respect Phylis' wish and not discuss, ta :lol:

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