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Everything posted by MtB

  1. I thought that too. Five hundred quid is a BARGAIN! It would take me a day to research and design them, let alone source the steel and make them too.
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  3. MtB

    Winter mooring

    There seems to be a widespread belief amongst traders they are exempt from normal mooring limitations. Not all obviously, but I've been told this by overstaying traders several times.
  4. Knowing what a shitstorm such a stupid and pointless question would lead to. You love it really.
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  6. MtB

    Our dogs

    Yep, and why not? Its the modern way! If only there was a tongue in cheek smiley I could have used. You clearly don't get irony!)
  7. Are you a member of the HNBC? (Historic Narrowboat Club.) If not I suggest you join up as this is where such boats tend to get advertised first. Also historics for sale tend to get discussed in this thread here: https://www.canalworld.net/forums/index.php?/topic/54625-historic-boats-for-sale-online/page/407/ COMET for example appears to be for sale or was recently. Also GREENLAW for memory...
  8. MtB

    Slowing down

    Indeed it is. I dream of getting up to such speeds without creating a breaking wash. The OP's boat is clearly over-propped, as I said earlier. A shorter pitched blade will fix it.
  9. I suspect the OP means a full length 'historic', given the effort he put into trying to buy "BADSEY", here: https://www.canalworld.net/forums/index.php?/topic/122447-boats-for-sale/ Also use of the term "in full working trim" in the thread title.
  10. MtB

    Winter mooring

    Except there is miles of free space here once you get accustomed to using decent-sized mooring stakes and a gangplank.
  11. MtB

    Winter mooring

    I drive over the bridge by the 48hr VMs here every day and get a good view of the boats on there. I'd say the average boat stays for about two weeks. Longest I've seen was for about nine months. There is occasionally a space available but its unusual. The signage says £25 a day over 48 hours. CRT must be making a FORTUNE from all the overstay mooring fees being collected...
  12. MtB

    Slowing down

    The OP says "It's a '40hp' Lister LPWS in a 40' nb." 40HP in a 40ft boat??!!! One might surmise the prop might be sized 'to suit' a 40hp engine too, so yes this over-engined small boat could easily fly along at tickover. I'd suggest a shorter pitched blade might be the solution.
  13. MtB

    Our dogs

    Blimey you're right!!!!! 👍
  14. MtB

    Our dogs

    In the same way gas registration for plumbers (costing a similar sum) has led to a whole army of administrators springing up (called Gas Safe Register) enforcing it, the same could happen for dog ownership with dog wardens running about checking dogs and dog owners for the £375 having been paid. Also like gas, 1,000 training schools could be set up and a £1500 training fee charged every five years to qualify people to apply for a dog licence. Absolutely loads of new jobs would be created out of nothing which would benefit the economy and everyone. Granted my proposed dog licence scheme would have no effect on those who ignore it, but then the same happens with the Gas Safe Register scheme. If you check the 'before and after' stats CORGI and GSR have made little or no difference to the number of 'gas incidents' but the behemoth created grinds on regardless. And plenty of people not registered still do gas work with no consequences of any sort. Blimey that turned into a bit of a rant didn't it!
  15. MtB

    Our dogs

    Yes I hear (or read) this from time to time too. ISTR someing like 100 people a year get injured (or killed) by cows. In fact if cows were invented today they wouldn't be allowed to run about off the leash, probably.
  16. MtB

    Our dogs

    But wasn't the old dog license only 37.5p? Put it up to a realistic price of say, £375.00 a year and it would perhaps become worth collecting again. And yes that would be for a narrowdog. Widebeam dogs would be subject to a surcharge based on deck area.
  17. MtB

    Slowing down

    I'll ask to save Tony the trouble of having to. Which model of PRM gearbox is it? They made more than one model over the decades!
  18. True. But as you point out, its difficult to read a deleted advert.
  19. My impression is it's been sold lots of times but the deals keeps falling out of bed. Happy to be corrected... Is it still moored outside the cafe?
  20. How wrong can you be?! Your fit-out is dismissed as irrelevant because its not in a YouTube video, you silly sausage!
  21. Didn't Roland own FENNY quite a few years ago?
  22. Was on Apolloduck for decades, but a brief search just now found nothing. Mebbe its been sold! Best way to find out is to visit the cafe at Hillmorton and ask.
  23. Previously owned IIRC, by a member here. I'll remember their username in a while!
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