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Everything posted by MtB

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. Interestingly the winter moorings at Great Bedwyn on the K&A which CRT have traditionally handed over to fee-paying WMers for five months of the year didn't happen this winter. Proper CCers had use of the VMs all winter. A major improvement IMO.
  3. I thought it might be different. EVERYTHING in Scotland is different, just for the sake of it! So once you are a tenant renting a mooring, you're not allowed to change your boat? Is this what you're saying is the case? Barmy!
  4. On the Thames it used to be that one bought a boat to get the mooring, then once you have your feet under the table with the mooring, change the boat to the one you actually want to live on. Maybe you need to do much the same in Scotland. Buy a boat with a mooring you like. Buy the right boat in England at your leisure. Book a lorry to bring it to the nearest crane pad to your mooring, put your old boat on the same lorry to take it back south to a sales marina with a mooring on their sales pontoon in the midlands, and flog it.
  5. Like pulling teeth. What changes are being proposed and seriously considered to what will 'satisfy the board'?
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  7. This is puzzling me. In what way are you being affected? Why not just CC somewhere else?
  8. Well given it seems to be a regular occurance, I'd imagine the fish stocks (which seem to be the only concern in the article), were all lost the first time it happened. Unless each time it gets re-filled someone goes and catches them all and puts them back in the pound. In which case why not just do it again? I suggest this is a non-story, M'Lud....
  9. I think the reaction of a proportion of boaters to Amelia and Tyrone's 'plight' is more like "What took CRT so long?" rather than sympathy and support. The boaters playing by the rules and taking an expensive mooring when they need to stay in one area are mightily hacked off with CMing piss takers, I suspect.
  10. I'm not so sure given yours is only the second thread about this. The event was 10 days ago and has generated very little interest on here.
  11. I very much doubt it. "Float" as a term means staying on for ever, at a low enough voltage not to over-charge the battery, and high enough to counter the self-discharge effect.
  12. A bit like my brain, sometimes, then...
  13. Nor me. I've bought twice form them and what arrived did not match the website description, and Bimble staff were all like "do I look like I give a fark". More a case of we know the description on the web page doesn't match, but that is what you get. No attempt or interest in correcting their error. Quite disappointing really given the good rap they get on here.
  14. But, but, that's a proper bote, not a nasty widebeam!
  15. Posting here as @Matty40s.
  16. Ah now that's another risk. Humans tend to look for and see patterns when there are none. The psychology of investing is just SO FASCINATING don'tcher find? Crypto has no underlying asset or store of value, unlike equities, so why might one track the other? Hypothetical question, just to think over.
  17. Changed my mind. Evil, callous, manipulative, fraudulent bastards is closer to the mark.
  18. Ok!! Just sleep with one hand dangling down out of the bed, practicing for when you get your bote.....
  19. I KNOW! My stock market portfolio has fallen by 25% in the last six months and it is terribly difficult to resist the urge to just flog the lot and lick my wounds! Thank God for the rise in boat prices....
  20. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  21. Fraudulent bastards would be fine. Why try to shoehorn the wrong and misleading word into it when there is an exactly accurate word available in widespread use?
  22. Thanks! There was that bod in the news a few years ago who had chucked out an old laptop supposedly containing a few thousand BC, and lots of people went to extraordinary lengths to try to find it, and all failed. What happened there exactly? I never understood. AIUI he must have had an account with somewhere like Kraken, the BC can't have been generically ON his lappy, or can they?
  23. So why call it robbery when it's fraud? robbery rŏb′ə-rē noun The act or an instance of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence or intimidation.
  24. Thanks. I downloaded and read the BitCoin White Paper (the design template for BC) a few weeks ago and was totally mystified by the concepts written about in it. https://archive.org/details/bitcoin_20171228 That's missing the point. The reason for the value of BC is quite possibly that it is anonymous and therefore of great value to the criminal fraternity. If thet copper is right and they've found a way to crack the ID of transactors, then the value of it is likely to crash, don't you agree? Beware!!
  25. I think the first anyone would know about this happening would be when a foot of water has gone from both the canal and the marina. And by the time the people needed to fit the stop planks have been marshalled and sent to the marina entrance, another foot will have gorn....
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