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Everything posted by MtB

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  3. You missed MY quoting of it though!
  4. All good points, and particularly as the OP says they have children who will presumably be living with him on the boat, a (pricey) mooring with parking will begin to look very attractive compared to CCing.
  5. Very nice website, thank you. I'd like to buy one but I'm quite worried that your generators are all yellow, which is not my favorite color. Do you do them in colors other than yellow? Thank you.
  6. I agree. The OP is actually doing what is known in the world of finance as attempting to "time the market". A fool's errand as markets can remain irrational for longer than you can remain solvent, to quote (IIRC) billionaire investor Warren Buffet.
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  8. And that's only CPI. If you look at RPI its probably closer to 13%.
  9. You don't sound very committed to the idea given your eye is already on flogging the boat before you've even bought it. If you are planning to live on it for the duration, why would later fluctuations in the value of it matter one jot?
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  11. Have you considered visiting Birmingham, where these people you want to find, are? A wander along the towpaths will bring you into contact with lots of them and they are, by and large, friendly and welcoming. Also, try going into the boater pubs. Once you get your eye in, you can spot a boater at 100 paces. Scruffy dress, beard like Harold shipman, and stinking of diesel. Hope that helps...
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  13. Just wondered if he actually meant the Baxi "NoCO" CO monitor and boiler interconnect. https://www.mytub.co.uk/baxi-noco-c-o-protection-control-unit-product-663423
  14. What is a "non-CO alarm" please?
  15. Indeed. One of the high-tech thermal store boilers I specialise in mending has a very clever multi-layer PCB. About five years ago the manufacturer abruptly discontinued the model and in particular, announced the PCB was obsolete and unavailable to anyone needing a replacement. Being on good terms with one of the techie bods there, he confided in me that Harry who designed and programmed the board nd generally supervided its production had been made redundant, and when they realised no-one else in the company could do it they had to axe the whole product. (I may have some details wrong, but Harry understandably told them to shove it when they asked him to come back!)
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  18. I did. Spods are everywhere once you start noticing. Teenagers or early 20-somethings doing jobs that used to be done by grown ups. E.g. behind the bar in a pub, policemen, shopkeepers. All doing their best with limited knowledge and experience and often looking faintly bewildered at the situation they find themselves in. Well I didn't actually invent them, God did that. But I invented that name for them. And I got the name of the microwave meal company wrong, it's 3663 Ltd. And to IanD yes I have eaten in The Cape, and yes it was recognisably Cordon Ping. Nothing wrong with Cordon Ping at all, it's just that like spods it's easily recognisable once you start noticing it everywhere.
  19. Yep. I've DEFINITELY seen him being awkward by deliberately misconstruing what people wrote... at least once. Or mebbe it was 3,000 times, I'm not sure.
  20. I think Mr Noviceboata is saying one can easily live on a boat in London for a lot less than the £1200 a month it costs to rent an apartment. Especially if one is CCing. But you knew that really and were just being awkward (again), probably...
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  22. Great idea. Or borrow some CRT plates off another boat that IS licensed 😂
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  24. The main function of the strainer in my experience is to leak. Seen plenty leaking but never one blocked with debris that might otherwise have got into and affected the pump. My opinion is strainers are a PITA and best left off when replacing a pump.
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