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Everything posted by cuthound

  1. At least your addiction seems limited to boats. Mine is boats and the waterways they float on. Yes I'm a canalcoholic...
  2. I used Wet & Forget on my old cratch cover. I came up really clean. However over the years it shrank until it no longer reached the gunwales. Not sure if they all do this or it was due to applications of Wet & Forget every couple of years.
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  4. I had my 17 year old boat gritblasted and re-blacked with 2 pack, including the baseplate earlier this year. Previously the baseplate had not been blacked. Like yourself the baseplate had some pitting but none requiring pit welding. The edges of the baseplate showed some signs of wear but not enough to need repair.
  5. Sounds like an essential bit of canalling kit, especially with the reduced maintenance these days. It could also be used for a bit of spot dredging should you run aground. I foresee an increase in tug style boats so that the mini digger can be readily accommodated.
  6. Depends on how much any remedial work will cost...
  7. Seems the countries with devolved governments have better roads. When will England get devolved government... ?
  8. Yes, I buy my first quick car in ages and have to travel slower than ever just to be able to avoid the potholes! I caught one on the M40 (never used to get potholes on motorways until a couple of years ago) and I thought I had done some serious damage from the bang it made, luckily there was no damage at all, just noise. They are the ones that look like rubber bands stretched around the wheel...
  9. Well my new (to me) car has 35 % profile tyres and stiff suspension, so may as well have cart wheels. They would certainly be cheaper to replace when damaged by potholes...
  10. Or longer in the winter unless you like cycling in complete darkness...
  11. Plenty of cars (the majority?) still on the road using incandescent light bulbs in their headlights.
  12. I don't understand the logic for LED tunnel lights. It can't be energy savibg, as (with the possible exception of the Dudley Tunnel) the engine will.berunning, and so the alternator will be providing the energy, and it can't be the brightness, as bright lights don't illuminated the tunnel roof any better than less bright ones.
  13. Mine is the same and it makes access very easy The boat came with a "Prop Protector" (a small circular saw mounted on the shaft immediately behind the prop). Initially I thought this was a gimmick but I've only had to go down the weedhatch twice in 10 years. Once when the engine laboured and I lost steering but by the time I had stopped and gone down the weedhatch the prop was clear and once when I see picked up someone's discarded cratch cover which stopped the engine dead and required manual removal.
  14. cuthound


    Probably not very. Anodes only protect a limited area around them. Something like 2 metres either side. By cabling them to the hull the protective area will centre on the bolt securing the steel cable to the hull, not around the anode, so the protected are may well be above the water line.
  15. "Cruising" and "fast"? 😂🤣😂🤣
  16. Last time you came past it took you over 10 minutes to pass! Mind you we did have a good natter 😂
  17. I used to but so many boats pass going too fast these days that I can no longer remember all the boat names... 🤣
  18. Sadly slowing down past moored boats seems to be a thing of the past...
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  20. I think they must all be on the Coventry. Six boats have passed my mooring in the last few minutes.
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  22. My boat was 2 packed over Zinga from new. It lasted 12 years before needing repairing and recoating. No signs of rust where the steel had been exposed. However the subsequent coats of 2 pack began to come off after 4 years because the original 2 pack hadn't been abraded enough, leaving me with no option but to grit blast back to bare steel and start again.
  23. Mine's like that, with the edge of the hatch trapped under the stern doors when the stern doors are locked to prevent unauthorised access.
  24. I find the older I get the further back in time recent events become...🤣
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