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Everything posted by magnetman

  1. The motorised former horse Boat I owned briefly had anti ventilation plates. The Raven butty had a very similar arrangement but I don't think it had the flanged edges so if you fell in at the wrong time it would cut you in half. This was the Boat I had: https://www.nationalhistoricships.org.uk/sites/default/files/data/nrhv/vessels/2087_ORIANNE_5.jpg
  2. I'm pretty sure it was motorised as it had anti ventilation plates welded on the sides at the waterline.
  3. I have corrected my post. I think Hydrus is in two parts with the front half made into a motor with a new riveted stern and a wooden back cabin for authenticity. It was mentioned on this thread a while ago as being for sale.
  4. It was called Raven and it (correction) was cut possibly by Roger Farrington at Braun St On or maybe someone else. Not sure if it is this one though.
  5. Was it the butty which used to be on the offside moorings above Cassio Bridge lock?
  6. it isn't Tyburn. Tyburn was at Uxbridge by the bin store near the Shovel pub at the same time as Rennie was in Braun St On. Similar but not the same Boat. Someone told me Tyburn is now on land at a museum somewhere. I remember it being towed away from Uxbridge. That was a while ago. Nice article. But yes it is an example of a Boat which should be on water not land.
  7. Oh yes I missed that picture on my phone for some reason. So there will be plenty of air movement. It is definitely riveted. I think the front bit of the cabin is the original engine room. Whereas the back part of the cabin has been added later for accommodation porpoises.
  8. At least the square box over the helm area stops it filling with rain water. One wonders what the ventilation is like. It could be in a very poor state internally if it is not properly aired.
  9. Damage was not very impressive Bit of subsidence maybe ? I suppose there could be an expanding foam product for this.
  10. I keep a small flagon of whisky about my person in case of being bitten by a snake. I also keep a small snake.
  11. They all come to London thinking the streets are paved with gold. They aren't. There will be a lot of demand for undercover smuggling of peoples out of London to nice areas in the home counties. The Camden to Berkhampstead route. You heard it here first !
  12. You have to think about what happens if they all decide to move to one side to look at something unusual like a very large bloated dead fish. 25 x 80kg is two tonnes. Thats quite a lot of weight. 80 bags of coal. Are they to be inside the cabin or on the outside?
  13. The metal slots for the stop planks are called groove irons. The long handled tool for cleaning them is called a spud. John at Stockers lock told me this and he had the iron head of a spud in his collection of old tools.
  14. One month anticipated closure. One hopes there is a durable notice on the lock at the junction with the GU in Marsworth.
  15. https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/notices/27776-closure-of-lock-13-aylesbury-arm Posted on 03APR24 "Lock 13 is closed due to a partial collapse of the lock quadrant. Our Engineers will be providing an update tomorrow, and we will be updating this notice as the situation develops."
  16. Almost seems like spring today at Putney. My berth for a couple of tides. Hurlingham Yacht club trots. Nice little tug boat on the end for company with goose nests on it.
  17. When did Yarwoods stop ? Love the starn on that.
  18. And meanwhile the furriners have snuck in and taken all the subsidised rental properties !
  19. What about those of us who have the ability to be in two places at the same time?
  20. It also exists on a .gov website. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/energy-bill-support-if-you-do-not-get-it-automatically-continuous-cruisers I would say if the .gov recognise the term then it is actually a real status. It may have started out as a colloquialism but this has since changed.
  21. I don't have any storage space on land and the Boats arrr quite small but if I did I would be very tempted by the offer on eBay by a heritage rail organisation for 850kg of South African steam coal for £384. That would be very nice. Do like real coal. I know it is a bit dirty but it seems like a real fire whereas the dusty less smoke types are a bit clinical and boring. And dusty ! They say they can pallet deliver for extra cost. If it ended up being £425 for the sake of argument thats £0.50 per kilo which is rather good. I'd have that.
  22. Just trying to get discussion going I don't pay either.
  23. Interesting idea. Use canals for landfill then remediate the surface and build on it. win win situation.
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