When I was hit by the crazy swan on Limehouse cut he got me right on my elbow. I was steering an outboard motor so the elbow was sticking out a bit. It did hurt but was not broken.
Given the force I think its plausible they could break a child or very fragile adult's arm in some situations.
I had my back to the animal (mistake) so don't know if it was a peck or a wing strike.
I would not expect them to put their wings at risk to be fair.
I have seen the same swan board and sink a canoe. The geyser in the canoe was making the mistake of getting into a verbal conflict with the animal and waving his paddle around. He was getting really agitated and the swan shepherded him to the side, he got out and the swan swamped the canoe.
It was funny to watch.
I did discover something interesting a couple of weeks ago. Out in the kayak encountered a lairy swan. I got out of the kayak (was going shopping) and pulled it along the side to a mooring ring. Once I was out of the Boat the swan became even more aggressive because the Boat was now moving and did not have a human in it. The swan proceeded to attack the kayak.
Its funny to think about what must be going on in their brains. They know about humans but the kayak itself could just be a massive predatory bird.