I started reading this thread with an open mind and was soon swayed by Alan's arguments, but reading on I find that Chris makes some very valid points too! Oh to be so sure of oneself!
For my part, I think cc'ers should pay a higher license fee anyway since they use 'free' visitor facilities more than those who pay for a home mooring (unless the boat with a home mooring does a lot of cruising, in which case they are paying through the nose for their mooring anyway!) But I can't see why we need to offer cc'ers a free winter mooring to sweeten the deal. People will be coming to blows over the 'best' mooring spots. Much simpler to lay off cc'ers from november to march. The cut is quiet, the stoppages are many, the holidaymakers are gone, the ice has formed, the visitor moorings are empty... what's the point of enforcing anything at that time of year? I'd be interested to see the income from winter moorings for those 5 months compared to cost of bankside enforcement over the same period.
Finally, I would ring-fence the addition money gathered from cc'ers licenses to reimburse councils and other local agencies for the services those cc'ers use, neatly sidestepping the council tax debate and meaning that people who cc can access services legitimately without having to use pretend land addresses etc.