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Can you rent out your narrowboat ?


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As a complete newbie here, and to narrowboats, my apologies if I am asking a question asked before - but I have searched on these forums and on the web so hope someone can help.


We are currently sailors who live aboard a lot of the time but are considering inland boating/liveaboard with the future in mind. In the shorter term, we wondered if we bought a narrowboat whether it would be possible to rent it out either when we're not using it or until we decided to liveaboard ? Can this be done via a boatyard or hire company (the link on the Blake's site fails) ?


Does anyone have experience of this ? Can it be done ? Is it worthwhile financially ?





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As a complete newbie here, and to narrowboats, my apologies if I am asking a question asked before - but I have searched on these forums and on the web so hope someone can help.


We are currently sailors who live aboard a lot of the time but are considering inland boating/liveaboard with the future in mind. In the shorter term, we wondered if we bought a narrowboat whether it would be possible to rent it out either when we're not using it or until we decided to liveaboard ? Can this be done via a boatyard or hire company (the link on the Blake's site fails) ?


Does anyone have experience of this ? Can it be done ? Is it worthwhile financially ?


If you are on BW waters and you hire out your boat for cash, you will need a business licence (much more expensive) and your insurance company will also need to be aware of the situation. Your premiums will also be higher than if you use the boat for your own persoanl use.

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Once upon a time some yards had private boats as part of their fleet and were contracted to manage the hiring and maintainence of them.


Does this still happen and, if so, would the hire company's licence and insurance not cover the boat when it is hired out?

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Hi Penny.


This sort of arrangement as a means of financing your boat is very common with sea boats, but for some reason it frowned upon with narrowboats, the authorities make things difficult with very high license costs and I think there would be difficulties with insurance, you would probably find too that you may be required to have a canalside permanent base of some kind. The combined costs of running such an operation fully legitimately with a single boat and only intermittent hiring would doubtless make it prohibitive.


Those of us who get around the waterway a fair bit are well aware of a sort of 'black' economy with this sort of thing with furtive crew changes outside pubs and so on, the 'hirers' are no doubt briefed about what tale to tell in the event of any kind of problems or even normal conversation with other boaters.

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Hi Penny,

There is a way of doing this. Some hire companies will build the boat, it is added to their fleet and rented through them. You get to use it for a set period each year and at a pre-determined time it is handed over to you. I understand you are paid some income for the time the boat is hired. Obviously you have to buy the boat in the first place.


I suppose the down side is that the boat would have to be suitable for hiring, lots of berths etc., so not everybodys cup of tea. Of course the hire company want the boat in the peak season when they make the most money.


Have you considered one of the boatshare companies in the short term, far less outlay and ongoing costs shared.



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