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Legal eagles please

Sir Nibble

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If I remember rightly they can access through an open window as well, I had some problems with Bailiffs a few years back, they were charging me about £30 a visit even though I hadn't let them in. Eventually I got the issue into court, got the 'charges' dropped and came up with a settlement plan that was reasonable. Like others have said, don't be intimidated by the big blokes in black suits, don't let them get their feet over the thresh hold and get some advice from the CAB. Good luck

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Well sorry to put this in general boating but I need to reach as wide an audience as possible before it gets transferred.


Snibble... I called a client who specialises in debt collection about this who assured me that you are not liable for these debts, he went into some detail which flew way over my head and seemed to revolve around side steps but he did go into detail about bailiffs and this seemed to be consistent with the advice already given regards not being intimidated (these people are often paid on results) and the need to record (if possible) all interactions.


Reason for quote... post still in General Forum and proof mods do look out for you as well, well done Lady Muck by the way.


Back on to topic, very best of luck!


Snibble... pm me if you would like me to ask anything more specific, I can forward it on and I can call a couple of favours in if need be.

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I just hope that the pro ID cards lobby are reading this - "If you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear" what bollocks.


Good job nobody actually said that then....

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Good job nobody actually said that then....

It has been said on many different occasions, by many people, in many places, including this forum (but no, I'm not going to search to prove it because it doesn't actually matter where it was said)

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Did it get sorted? I've most of a free day tomorrow to pester people...

Righto, all these helpful people deserve an update.

I have sent off a letter to the bailiffs saying "No not me mate" etc etc. Now I give the system a chance to function as it should. When, inevitably it all goes pear shaped I feel equipped to deal with the situation. I await developments.

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I think that it would have been better to have written to the originators of the debt - court or whoever as they have the power to vary the order, the bailiffs on the other hand don't have an interest in a cessation of their actions as they will not get paid so much if they have to return the warrant. A copy of your letter to the court perhaps?

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