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nb Innisfree

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Everything posted by nb Innisfree

  1. Skin fittings: When I fitted out Innisfree (2003 to 2005) I cut something like 12 or 13 holes in 6mm steel, 2 size of bi-metal hole saw, no lubrication and loads of pressure, very rapid, hole saws still sharp and now sitting in my w'shop, though mains drill never quite recovered. ETA: It took a very strenuous effort so after the first few holes I made up a spring loaded nut & bolt device to apply the pressure while drill did the turning. It took 2 drills actually, first one, 240v 700 odd watts 2 speed 'box soon burnt out, 2nd one was a 240v Dewalt single variable speed, though it smoked a few times it carried on giving good service for a few years before departing to Dewalt heaven, amazing tool RIP.
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  3. Wierd, yes 24v I blame Alien interference
  4. Once we were on a hook up and Victron was on charger only, ie no output from batts, it took 72 hrs to go from from 80% to 100% SoC before charge stabilised, approx 0.2 amps @24v.
  5. A few hours to replace power used maybe, but it takes a minimum of 24hrs to fully recharge so in reality if batts are used they will never reach a full charge, at best just a slow deterioration.
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  7. I used to be undecided but now I'm not so sure.
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  13. As I understood it many years ago you were allowed to use red on the road in your car provided you had paid tax to HMRC, whether that was true then I've no idea and if it was whether it applies now, after all if you are caught HMRC will prosecute you for tax evasion not for using red, technical point perhaps but does make one wonder. Dodgy area, esp proving you have paid!
  14. You're allowed to use veg oil in your car if it's less than 2,500 lts per year. Quote: "If you have produced less than 2,500 litres in the last 12 months, or if you expect to produce less than this amount in the next 12 months, you may be an exempt producer. If you’re an exempt producer you only need to keep production records (read step 3 in the list of steps), find out more in paragraph 4.2.1." https://www.gov.uk/guidance/biofuels-and-other-fuel-substitutes-excise-notice-179e-from-1-april-2022#biofuel-producers-obligations
  15. Biggest prob with these kind of heaters was high sulphur diesel - aka gas oil. Most probs cleared up with the introduction of ULSD 14 or 15 yrs ago, maybe it can sneak by occasionally?
  16. Could be corrosion, apparently exclusion of oxygen can cause it on some grades of ss.
  17. With Innisfree I had 2 baffled polypropylene tanks made (6'.5' x 2' x 1'each) and installed them lengthwise under the dining area/bed. Midships one was used mainly, water was added gradually to 2nd (stbd) to counter balance holding tank (port) as it filled up. Centre tank was filled from the roof via a large dia pipe and standard flat filler cap. Tops of both tanks were vented outside of boat just below gun whale height via 2 large dia pipes to minimise hydraulic pressure to top of tanks. All a bit complicated plumbing wise but it doubled our capacity to 1400 lts (2 of us used 45 lt per day each) realistically we could go 2 weeks between fillups (generous use) but could easily double that. Also boat could be kept on an even keel.
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