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Everything posted by PaulG

  1. Because I believe that large public organisations (for example, a navigation authority) have a duty of care to ensure that information pertaining to the usage of the navigation that is published on the internet is accurate. Especially so in cases where the accuracy (or the lack of it) of the information could impact upon the safety of the public. So I don't consider it necessary to phone the lockie. Others, however, disagree with me.
  2. You get a number of free passages though the lock, depending on the duration of your CRT licence (3 months or above) "Fees for leisure craft passing through the Sea Lock at Sharpness. Lockage fee of £25 per boat per lockage Appropriate Canal and River Licence Long Term Licence holders (River & Canal or River Only) benefit from a number of inclusive lock passages: 12 Months -16 lock passages, 6 Months - 8 lock passages 3 Months-4 lock passages." Not entirely sure that this information is correct as it was off the CRT website. Maybe someone can phone the lockie...
  3. I've done it with a 55 footer a few times, but usually travelling in the opposite direction (towards Stratford). It is tight, though, and I usually end up on the extreme right of the channel, where it's very shallow. I think that going towards Brum you'd have to get as far over to the left as you can before you start the turn.
  4. Wrong again. The requirement for booking tidal locks varies considerably, even on the same waterway. Here's some information for CRT locks on the Thames: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/about-us/our-regions/london-waterways/locks-to-the-river-thames Two locks need booking all the time. One only needs booking "out of hours". Of course, this information may not be correct as it is published on the CRT website.
  5. S'funny - I thought your point was that the boater was responsible for checking facts, rather than relying on vague concepts like "common policy"...
  6. Are you sure that that fact is correct? Surely, like the OP, you are just assuming that it is correct because it is current information published on the CRT website...
  7. Sorry, - completely and utterly wrong. As the navigation authority the onus is on CRT to ensure that the information that they publish is correct and current. How is a boater supposed to know if the published CRT information is correct or not?
  8. Even if the OP had checked before he started, as you suggest, he would have found the following information for Sharpness Dock on the CRT website. "We recommend you purchase licences on line, and in advance of your journey, to save time, however visiting craft may also pay by cash or cheque on arrival at the port." https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/about-us/our-regions/south-wales-and-severn-waterways/sharpness-port I have every sympathy with the OP. The Bristol Channel is a dangerous place; it's not somewhere where you want to be suddenly forced into making an unplanned passage due to being denied entry into a port. CRT need to address this problem before there is an accident.
  9. PaulG


    In the area where I live there were extensive fruit orchards - loads of plums, also apples, pears, etc. Not so many nowadays. Wasps were a real nuisance in the autumn, when they were drunk most of the time. One of the local canning factories put a bounty on wasp nests as they were attracted in large numbers by the smell coming from the factory.
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  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  14. PaulG


    They are usually queen wasps looking for a place to overwinter. Workers usually die in the nests. http://www.wasp-removal.com/wasp-lifecycle.php Edited to say that ordinary fly spray is effective if you don't want to get close to them.
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  17. yes, I think he probably is...
  18. Well, I'm certainly not going to play "let's start an argument over something we agree about"...
  19. The temperature of the baseplate should not fall below 4 deg. C., unless a layer of ice forms that is deep enough to reach the baseplate. I think the Gulper is probably fairly safe, but the pipework might be another matter.
  20. I agree - as I suggested in post #7. Simple, reliable and cheap.
  21. Hydraulic tappets?
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  23. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  24. 24 volt battery with small charger? (Depends on how much curry you eat, of course )
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