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Everything posted by Balloon

  1. Balloon

    Part of me tempted to donate just for sheer audacity of the pp
  2. Interesting argument. I think it vastly depend on whether the cyclist is a vegetarian. I’d say a meat eating cyclist would exceed the CO2. My ex husband (an avid cyclist) ate so much meat to offset his commute that I’m sure as a vegetarian driver I was more carbon neutral
  3. I’d tow mine myself but the cost in enormous pub dinners I’d need is way more than diesel
  4. Haha brilliant. You probably can to be fair.
  5. I know it’s tongue in cheek, obv!
  6. Genuinely, I bet if you looked at capital costs, food, and healthcare, it’d be way more expensive than diesel per mile.
  7. How much does the fuel for the horse cost? how easy is it to get it delivered? Store it? do you have stabling available? what will you do to pass moored boats…? will the horse join a Union and demand holiday pay…a pension…healthcare?????
  8. Totally agree with this. As with anything, there are good and bad YouTubers. Some make me feel reassured in my own competence at boating, whilst I sit cosy in my boat judging them happily. Some give me ideas, inspiration, on places to go or things to upgrade in my boat. Some present useful guides or “how to” which, in conjunction with some fact checking, can be helpful. Some - are just plain awful. I don’t think writing off an entire video platform with such diverse content is possible. I am, if I could describe myself in the language of a previous poster, probably the pretty(ish) trendy(ish) young(ish) woman described above. I had been in an unhappy marriage for far too long, thinking I couldn’t afford my own place so I’d have to stay. It wasn’t until my daughter and I discovered some narrowboat youtubers that we considered this life as a viable alternative to the misery we were both existing in, and plotted our escape. I grew up living on boats though, so had an element of skill and experience on my side where others don’t seem to. But I have to thank YouTubers for giving me the inspiration and push to change my and my daughter’s life for an infinitely better one.
  9. Went through it today. All fine.
  10. This is a really good idea. Thanks.
  11. Yes, I’m pretty sure it’s insufficient framing. I can access underneath the problem area (this is where my water pump is) and there’s nothing to support the well deck all the way across the breadth of the deck. The steel spans the deck with no support behind the water tank which is further forward than the problem area.
  12. Ah. It seems as with anything, there’s a definite choice between easiest and best.
  13. This is more along the lines I thought I’d have to go down. I take it this is possible then? And I’d just need to ensure the existing well deck is completely dry beforehand to prevent moisture in between…?
  14. Do people consider a boat well trimmed if it slants aft, then? I always quite like mine level. Maybe I’ll have a rethink. The fuel boat comes next week. I’ll fill up and see how the deck looks
  15. Yeah, I was considering propping it up. This might be a project for tomorrow. Thanks Ah I can tell you don’t know me. Too skint for more diesel. Too anxious for less water. Too minimalist to own junk 🤣
  16. I’m not sure why it sank either. There’s nothing underneath it to support it so I’m guessing just people treading on it over time. It’s not rusted and it’s not noticeably sunk but it’s obviously just enough to allow a small pool of water. Is this a common issue then? I note the recommendation for cratch cover…do others do this for this reason? my 10yo daughter would bloody love the paddling pool idea but I fear rust would soon follow.
  17. Interesting. I wonder if I could Jack it up? Hadn’t thought about trying that. I don’t really think listing to one side is an option I want to take as I live aboard. levelling compound…? What is that? Just looked up levelling compound. That looks really interesting. So if I got the boat to trim bow down, and put levelling compound. And then restored the usual trim. It’d be downhill in the well deck? Am I right here? And is it ok putting that directly on to painted steel?
  18. Thanks, but I would prefer not to have a cratch cover. I like the open well deck. Is there another solution?
  19. Hi my well deck has a little slot at each side at the rear, to allow water to drain out. However, the water doesn’t drain out but puddles in the centre. I think it’s a combination of the fact that the trim of the boat means it doesn’t slope back enough, and that the centre of the well deck has, over time, slightly sagged to an imperceptible degree, but enough to create a puddle at the centre. What’s the easiest/best solution to this please?
  20. Balloon


    What is the purpose of these plugs? I have sockets for them on my boat next to my mains sockets…I’ve never seen them in use anywhere else.
  21. Thanks @bizzard for all your thoughts. Will see what I can do at the weekend…you’re probably right that it has been adapted at some point. I bought the boat in Sept (not my first boat by any stretch, but my first NB) and allegedly it had just had a new bush fitted somewhere in the assembly. Anyway. Will see what I can do. by the way I’m kind of honoured at you calling me (a little solo cruising woman!) Mr Balloon. I’ll take that praise 🤣
  22. You’re quite right. Is there a possibility that whatever shaft it is presumably attached to has become bent? The rudder is visible at the waterline in a way it wasn’t before. Will this preclude reattachment?
  23. Interesting! So it should just raise without loosening anything. I’m going to give it a try at the weekend! Thanks. (I’m working all week)
  24. Ok, thanks all. So general consensus is don’t loosen the bolts at all? I should just be able to lift it?
  25. Thanks everyone. No, I’ve not dealt with this before as usually way more careful of cills! Circumstances distracted me this time and I’m always single handed. here are my delightful bolts
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