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Everything posted by LadyG

  1. Wot, they were all right handed? one thing for sure, they were not from the Americas They lived in the city of Themiscyra, off the river Thermodon in Asia Minor, and they were a race of mighty warrior women. Source: www.greeka.com
  2. Gold medallion................
  3. yep, inspired, or wot? .............. ?
  4. Absolutely, add faux sheepskin seat covers on the front seat ............ a babe magnet!
  5. Its the gas locker! strikeout has been around since Rusty was a dog
  6. Keep up: Eliza was on the markets or months, and a fair age, but stylish. No no, red herring forget the tugs,, I want a nice little boat about 50ft, £40K, well maintained. like this http://rugbyboats.co.uk/listings/chamois-45-semi-trad-2002/
  7. Don't believe everything you read on a broker's description.................. Liveaboard I've seen boats, all kind of boats, built boats, bought boats, lived on boats, sailed boats, been there, done that, this is just a vehicle for my new life, I'm retired, I don't intend to force myself to go out on horrid days, get soaked, fall in the canal, and so on. I've been out in survival conditions, and survived, it's not a big deal. You've either got to be prepared for it, or you are not got going to last the course. Please don't worry, ty ?
  8. I would get the money if he was dead, or compensation, so it''s no risk to me ............ in theory............... Once he has committed, he has committed. If I lost my deposit he would have to pay it, plus all the rest of the compensation. Nothing to do with me if he defaults on a mortgage. He has to pay me for my trouble, it would probably cost him at least £10K.
  9. If that is your budget, then something like this is................ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/23ft-ORIGINAL-CRUISER-STERN-NARROWBOAT/113689526784?hash=item1a786c8200:g:2JoAAOSwJrdcjmPW no, don't do it ......................................... DO NOT DO THIS, NO NO, NO
  10. Can we start again: why do you want to live in the UK, are you "American/australian/other", this is relevant, sort of............... If you are looking for a cheap place to rest your head a few days a week, there are better options........... Buying a bare hull and fitting it out is quite likely to become a nightmare. A bit like building a house at the top of Ben Nevis,, but not quite so easy. Do you have A] £15,000 B] £30,000 C] £60,000 D] £100,0000 E] unlimited resources
  11. Specsavers do hearing aids too................ other resources are available.
  12. Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, I hope that's not an axe thru my skull! I've no wish to join the exiles ?
  13. I recommend the Racing Post forecast, on youtube, updated daily.
  14. I had my first [of three] Minis, and just remember the era of tiger tails, plastic daffodils, free glasses, and Green Shield stamps. Gosh, we knew how live.
  15. The way the Scottish system works, as soon as I have a formal offer with an entry date, I can put a deposit on a boat, I don't need to wait till the last few days. With good luck it would take four weeks. I have a chap interested, has been hovering for three weeks, and not even made a tentative offer yet...............
  16. Keep up: Eliza was on the markets for months, and a fair age, but stylish. I think I would feel too "exposed" sitting on a tug deck,
  17. Yes, but I can't turn the bed in to a dinette, .
  18. That sums up my thoughts on it on a good day, sometimes................... it's marmite, but I could not live with the bed, that is the tipping point.
  19. I think you will find the loo has a swivel, I hope. I did think it was a pretty neat fit! Also, I think it is ceramic, I am not keen on plastic toilet bowls. I'd be on my own, so I could reverse in! Even the shower is only half sized! There is 240v oven, which means I might have to swap to SF stove for something with a oven, yet these seem not to be very popular.https://www.stovefitterswarehouse.co.uk/products/the-hobbit-4kw-defra-without-log-store?variant=12932005068883&gclid=Cj0KCQjwg73kBRDVARIsAF-kEH_QGsPehqr3XkQN66ez4MHLk2ZVS_PzKpqMBFg0Q2fJnOAOPJWk4I0aAgfREALw_wcB I wonder if anyone could comment on the Beta Marine [red] engine compared to the greenline Beta engines?
  20. Yes, I only stabbed a map pin in "Scotland", and it ended up in Pitlochry, which led to some banter on t'other side ....... became Pitlockry, I still live by the Firth of Clyde
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