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Everything posted by sirweste

  1. Cheers for the advice. As I said I'm happy to use easistart, it's quick and...well...easy! The frequency with which I use it makes it a perfectly acceptable tool in my opinion.
  2. Hi Tony, Thanks for the info, I should clarify: I feel that I haven't missed a step, however I clearly am not doing something quite right as it doesn't start! If I get it spun up on easistart then it runs and thus bleeds itself. Logically there's something that I aint getting right, but it's such a massive ballache, it's way way easier to just do a couple of quick points of bleeding and then easistart!!!
  3. I wasn't really wishing for it, I was pointing out that having them installed inside your boat won't really protect others, as Cal stated the new reg was for
  4. Is it!? If so it’s utterly going about it the wrong way. Surely they’d be wanting to do engine & genny exhaust tests then.
  5. I agree with this yep, wondered when it would be brought up. I'm not really sure how I feel about this to be honest. If you're not capable of assessing a risk such as helmet wearing on a 70mph motorbike then I kinda don't see the point in forcing the person to wear one... As I said previously, I compete at a reasonable level in downhill and gravity enduro mtb races. I choose full face / open face helmets depending on the event / terrain. Helmet use here is mandated, which I agree with as someone who cannot see the risks involved shouldn't be part of racing in the sport. What's not mandated is body armour, as the risk here is less clear. There's a lot of variation in what people use. I would not agree with dictating the amour choice, grown adults should be able to choose for themselves what protection based on risks. Educate, don't dictate.
  6. Ah yer, you're right on this point. Though if it's a recommendation to use one then surely the other boat would be aware that the risk of CO poisoning could come from external sources See, I think that it should be up to that crew to assess the risks and decide if they want to wear one or not. Which is exactly the same as assessing the risks of anything and having the freedom of choice to decide how to protect yourself
  7. Yes, and it's up to that boat if they want to take the precaution of having a detector....which is exactly the same as them choosing to wear life jackets or not.
  8. Either mine also lacks this, or more likely never had it. He's a real basic lump. Just got the starter overhauled to make cold starts easier - the poor bloody start battery has suffered enough!!
  9. Anyhow, bickering aside, thanks again for the replies. Fuel filter check tonight and I'll do a spanner check too,make sure everything is nipped up. Cheers for the suggestion, it was happening in neutral too though
  10. What!? If the easistart causes a catastrophic failure, then it'll be me dealing with it not the next owner. I was aware of the pre-ignition before, but my only concern with using it is that it likely washes the bores briefly on startup, so increased wear, but over such a short period of time I'm not too concerned as it's logical that the wear will be fairly insignificant. I thanked Tony for his post at the beginning of my reply. Right now I'm no looking for assistance on bleeding the engine, I'm fairly sure I know and have completed all the steps, it's just a pain to start this lump. I may well of missed something, but right now I'm not concerned about it. If I want to learn more about engine bleeding then I'll pop a post up about it as I said, and if people are then still willing to help then I'd be grateful. For now, I'm happy using easistart.
  11. Cheers for the post Yer I agree, I feel like a right bastard using it. Hearing him pinking like hell is never nice. But I'm not too concerned about the risk of breaking lumps off things, my opinion is that a tough old Perkins lump will be alright. If not then I'll deal with that when it happens. Have spent a few hours trying to bleed the engine before, confident I'm I've not missed out. If I can be bothered I'll pop up a step by step on here one time, but for now I'm happy to be the occasional horrible bugger! Not logical, as I used i to get it going again after it had occurred.
  12. Cheers for the replies. Fuel filters will be checked and cleaned later as a first stop. Fuel tank is at about 1/2 of capacity, with freshish fuel. Clearances were done a couple of years ago when the engine got full of water, but should check em again. And the easistart ain't ever going in the bin! I hate the thought of it washing the bores but it's about the only way to get the lump going (in my experience) if the fuel lines got air in it
  13. This I don’t know - never checked em, seems weird if they’d suddenly get blocked though? will check tomorrow, ta
  14. I cracked the filler cap, didn’t remove it though. So can’t be sure that I vented it. I did remove it entirely to dip the tank and check the fuel level after it stalled and died the first time. Didn’t hear a whoosh of air entering the tank though.
  15. Hello all, some help please, tonight when busily reversing the boat around a mile to the nearest water point and winding hole the engine stumbled and cut out. After getting the the bank I checked over things and nothing seemed a-miss. Tried starting and he made no effort to catch. So, as when I’ve run out of fuel, I used easi-start to get up and running again. Proceeded to do another 20 odd minutes flawlessly. Then stuttered again, this time I caught it and upped the revs to prevent stalling. Took a video. Any ideas on what the problem could be? I have a thought it could be air getting into the line, which would explain the fluctuations in engine speed and the splutters Cheers for any help
  16. This in my opinion, is exactly the same as Marple's railings. Pointless exercise, removing freedom of choice to determine your own acceptable risk levels. I compete at Mountain Bike racing, if the organiser mandates that I must wear body protection I get reyt annoyed.
  17. But I am a cyclist who has got a boat. And I have a dog who lives on board - I'm not sure how she can buy a boat of her own to satisfy you though...!
  18. Well me phone screen isn't far of the size of the "disc". And if that doesn't suffice the iPads only a few feet away. Either way, if they can read the disc from that distance they'll be doing well I got asked at the Anderton. Not been asked anywhere else, tunnels etc
  19. Who you asking for? If it's for my benefit I shouldn't bother yourself. Anyhow, I already siad in a previous post I show if required I can show them it on me phone, simples! Good stuff, I'm the opposite, I craic on with what's logical and don't waste energy with what's not.
  20. Yep exactly this. It's not needed, when the law was written it was, now it's arbitrary so I don't bother. Even CRT aren't that fussed about seeing it. You seem hung up on this fairly inconsequential point, I haven't displayed it for over 2 years I'd say which anecdotally suggests CRT ain't fussed. So resources well saved in my opinion
  21. Given the option and a reduced likelihood of getting told off I wouldn't have bothered, but you got one at the postie and you mostly likely would have got in trouble - which would have undoubtedly used more resources. I see little gain in showing it on the boat, if i'm going through a tunnel, or lift and they want to see it, for whatever reason I fetch it up on me phone. Simples. Not one for arbitrary rules me. New word for me there, ta! I do bother doing many things, but only things that I deem worth while. Risk assessment, value assessments etc. I ruin the planet enough as it is, so I try were I can in other areas. Off topic has hell this one!
  22. meh, I don't really bother about this, they've always seen you realistically. If they haven't then after the (relatively) pointy end has nudged their pole there's time before the spinny bit makes contact
  23. I don't bother with putting my licence on display. Don't see the point and thus won't waste the resource on something arbitrary (the irony of wasting electric, electronics etc to type this isn't lost on me!)
  24. Ha! Last year a couple of blokes had their rods out across the tow path (ooo errr) and as I was riding towards them with the dog following behind they made no effort to stop chatting to move them. No bother I thought, their faces as dropped as I put in a couple of pedal stokes and "bunny hopped" the poles! Nice blokes, chatted to them afterwards!
  25. Bang on with that one Nick. Natural selection and all that
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