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Everything posted by peterboat

  1. Thanks for that looks lovely and a nice place to stay in the boat for a couple of nights
  2. Fingers crossed Jerra, but labour won't do it, as it would be turkeys voting for Christmas
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  4. Not UK England, Scotland has zero tolerance to drink drive now and I'd introduced 20 mph zones to huge rows from the people affected
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  6. Honestly if we had changed the voting system is possible that the Tories and reform would be the ones in power now! Are you sure you want change?
  7. Well that makes it even worse for the current Labour government doesn't it? Only 30 odd % voted for Labour this time around
  8. When we move to the Broads that will be our first stop, it really looks a lovely place
  9. Racing track for cycling I am afraid 😱
  10. Some 60 mph limits reduced to 40 mph as well. When we were there the other week we were astounded at how low speed limits were
  11. It's a lovely canal and well worth a visit, given the difficulty CRT has imposed on getting there I am not surprised at people's attitude to going there
  12. We were pulled for speeding in Wales, fortunately found innocent, the signs on side road had been cut down which the copper verified, we hadn't passed a repeater sign so let of.
  13. Coffer dams in place now, so canal filling up again
  14. Not the Scotland I visited! South West roads appalling, my mate makes a fortune from suspension repairs
  15. The problem is that older diesels produced mostly PM 10s, since DPFs and ad blue it's mostly PM 2.5 so possibly a modern diesel is more dangerous than a old diesel? https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/diesel-engines-public-health They are dropping those thankfully, honestly it's amazing the difference between Wales and England for road quality
  16. Nobits all spent in Wales on the roads! We were shocked at how good they were, it seems that they get more money per person than we do in England, clearly thevroads are where its spent The new tractors etc do have emissions eqpt up to euro 6d temp, I would be more worried about building sites!
  17. I have been watching this on Facebook for a few days, at first they thought it was because the reservoirs were turned off, however the pictures showed water going in but clearly doing nothing to help
  18. You are miles away on the blasting! It's long a awful job requiring nearly a ton of glass for my boat and 3 day of blasting, we blasted a section clean, cleaned it with panel wipe,sprayed Zinga on it and repeated it for 3vday! At the end it was cleaned given 2 more coats of Zinga andv3 coats of Zinga blacking
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