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Everything posted by magnetman

  1. Thats a great story to promote. Swan rips fisherman's trousers off. Excellent.
  2. It looks like a bit like a trebuchet. Is it a thrill ride? A travel hoist on rails would be cheaper. It seems an enormous structure just to move a narrow Boat.
  3. OMG If one is thinking of Boat cranes maybe the story is that this little Boat gets craned onto another Boat much bigger for safety and launched when needed. Like a ship's tender. Being critical the stern swim and flow of water to the propeller is questionable. Does it have water ballast like the Sea Otter aluminium craft?
  4. That is wicked ! Maybe a bit awkward for a trailer but I would still ask Tony tug boats about it. Cool Boat !! Odd question but what is it made of? It looks a bit like the polypropylene narrow Boat discussed a while ago. Is this made of plastic or metal? Looks great. Unusual to have an inboard in this sort of Boat as it takes up a lot of space. Springer Waterbug which was a broadly similar Boat had an outboard motor.
  5. the software associated with the Victron app definitely does apply some sort of averaging..Peaks are ironed out over time especially when viewing the 'trends'.
  6. Its relatively unlikely that solar power will be providing all the required charge during winter anyway. This topic is about Victron MPPT solar controllers. Most (not all) setups will have an alternative charging system for winter use. Mine doesn't but I am a ridiculously lowe consumer of electrical power.
  7. Disable the temperature compensation and the high voltages won't happen.
  8. As long as it isn't over 9ft wide I am sure Tony Anderson tonytugboats will shift it with one of his trailers and rather good 4x4 wagons. Unless it is a very unusual Boat a trailer is the answer.
  9. Yes that is understandable. I don't know enough about the chemistry but do wonder if temperature compensation is to do with improving battery life or if it is a way to sell more blue boxes. Cynic? Moi?
  10. I don't know about the smartsense. I have had wrong readings on the app before due to dodgy connections between battery and MPPT. It seems that your elevated voltage is to do with the temperature compensation. If you turned off the temperature compensation then presumably it would not go so high. It appeared from the OP that you were concerned about overvoltage. If you disable the temp compensation the problem goes away.
  11. Might it be the lift pump? Assuming it is a mechanical type
  12. If the connections to the controller are not 100A% it can read the wrong voltage. I did it because I run Lithium Titanate batteries and want them charged to a fixed voltage regardless of the temperature.
  13. Yes and another problem is wind farms. By farming wind the inevitable result is that there will be more of it. On my Victron MPPTs I turned off temperature compensation. (Set it to zero and it disables the function).
  14. There was a swan above Common Moor lock who did the same thing with the fender. I wonder if the swan has logged the Boat as a large bird and the fender is potentially the arse end which may be vulnerable to attack. Another thing swans do is attack their own reflections in shiny surfaces. The pumpout station at Limehouse marina has a stainless steel box over it. Thin wall polished stainless. There are dents in it caused by a swan getting into a serious fight with its own reflection. I also saw one having a go at a Boat with and shiny blue hull which had a mirror effect. Birds have tiny brains but one must always remember they can fly about in the air. They may be limited in other regards but being able to fly is seriously clever.
  15. yes that is a good point about the publicity. It would be a viral story if it were to happen. When I was a child and heard the apocryphal tales I used to think that the most likely scenario where this could happen was if the human ended up in the water with the bird and got entangled with it. Not a deliberate intention on the part of the bird. More like a random outcome.
  16. When I was hit by the crazy swan on Limehouse cut he got me right on my elbow. I was steering an outboard motor so the elbow was sticking out a bit. It did hurt but was not broken. Given the force I think its plausible they could break a child or very fragile adult's arm in some situations. I had my back to the animal (mistake) so don't know if it was a peck or a wing strike. I would not expect them to put their wings at risk to be fair. I have seen the same swan board and sink a canoe. The geyser in the canoe was making the mistake of getting into a verbal conflict with the animal and waving his paddle around. He was getting really agitated and the swan shepherded him to the side, he got out and the swan swamped the canoe. It was funny to watch. I did discover something interesting a couple of weeks ago. Out in the kayak encountered a lairy swan. I got out of the kayak (was going shopping) and pulled it along the side to a mooring ring. Once I was out of the Boat the swan became even more aggressive because the Boat was now moving and did not have a human in it. The swan proceeded to attack the kayak. Its funny to think about what must be going on in their brains. They know about humans but the kayak itself could just be a massive predatory bird.
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  18. Oh look the vandals came one night and broke the padlock. Presumably there are no visitor licence options available.
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  24. I could use the head from the fake baby I throw in front of idiot speeding cyclists. Will she do this on Christmas day? Where is my sword cane. Having said that there isn't much worth it eating on a fit bird. The ducks would probably be better nutritionally.
  25. The swan hooks are interesting. All you actually need to do with a bird with a long neck is compress it and restrict the oxygen supply to the brain. I think a generic litter picker would be a useful tool for this although the only animal interaction I had with a litter picker was getting a swimming squirrel out of a canal with high walls. I am going to see how the swans react to the litter picker. It may trigger something for them. I don't like swans at all. Never have. Yes they fly well and I could watch them flying all day but they are a nuisance.
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