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nb Innisfree

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Everything posted by nb Innisfree

  1. Tethering not allowed though, one of our posters (MJG) was disappointed with that but I think it's quite reasonable. I use the Hokey Cokey goody bag, £5 per month does me a treat, for every minute I receive a call I get a minute back (Giffgaff excepted)
  2. We've been forcibly land based for a year now but when we managed to get a couple of hours of cruising in the other day it felt so good to be back. Then I start thinking of little projects we could do to the boat and I get all excited.
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  4. A Leesan employee told me that they gave up on stainless steel tanks when they noticed they were corroding from the inside (stainless in general needs oxygen to prevent it corroding)
  5. If you don't want others contributing then why don't you PM DeanS and just listen to his advice? I don't see anyone being incredibly offensive, maybe a bit pedantic but often that is necessary to clear any confusion, as for bluntness I prefer that to confusion.
  6. Well that's a daft post isn't it? Anyone is free to offer advice on this forum but if that advice is a bit iffy in parts then it's open to criticism, constructive or otherwise. If you make an error, such as you stating an inverter supplying instead of consuming then you have to take the consequences and admit it and perhaps apologise for that, understandable, error, but not everyone will understand that error and may get confused and act on it. It's an open forum.
  7. That's the nature of this forum, if someone makes an iffy statement then someone will jump on it. Anyone of a sensitive nature maybe ought to avoid it. ETA: Maybe everyone isn't stupid enough but some might be.
  8. Diesel! Plus it was an older 13.8v alternator. Not a big jolt but quite uncomfortable, enough for me to jerk my hand away For a while I was a bit nervous when mucking about with car batteries.
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  10. I did once get a fair jolt from a car battery while the engine was running, maybe 14v or so. ETA: Through my hand, not my tongue!
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  13. That does sound a bit excessive, the two of us can fill up to the 450lt level in 3 weeks but that is a worse case scenario never using any other toilet and doing a flush every time, even after a wazz.
  14. Being water based I find polyurethane sealant easier to use and finish off.
  15. Your basic problem is an under sized holding tank.
  16. Wrong way round unless he has a left handed prop.
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  18. Decent size holding tank and a tenner every month or so for a proper p/o is hardly going to break the bank. Unless you're a pauper.
  19. OP, just to clarify, if you want the protection of a residual current device (RCD) also known as residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) then N/E bonding and earthing the hull is essential. Don't try to do things on the cheap and finish up with something unsatisfactory. Mains electricity is lethal.
  20. We have the 4 cyl version (LPWS4) no decompressors and it has a PRM 150 box.
  21. No smoke and no smell and it runs quieter and smoother + it seems a bit pokier.
  22. Slightly off topic but when we dry docked up the Runcorn Arm our hull was festooned with freshwater mussels, last docking before that was on the GU near Leighton Buzzard, none there so must have collected them somewhere on the Oxford/Thames/K&A/Shroppie. Also did a quick dry dock at Charity Dock near the Ashby not a single one! Same last week when we dry docked near Skipton. Wonder what makes them abandon ship?
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