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Everything posted by mrsmelly

  1. They only took so long dicking about with Brexit cos the losers wouldnt accept it and we had to kick arse and show them they were indeed losers and in a democracy it only works if the loser accepts it. Job done. Had parliament obeyed the order that I and the majority gave them time could have been spent on other matters. OOps not politics innitt.
  2. Great boats. The ill fated Solomon Browne was a Watson iirc.
  3. I have just been back to 1976 and am on my way back from Iceland. The ship used to be able to do 32 knots and had twin 15000 shp shafts but Peter came back with me and fitted the latest electronic motors and 4 100 a/h lithium batteries. We are just catching up with " Clarrie " and here is a piccie of us throwing a right just before farmers lock on the way back
  4. Isnt that just a battery monitor old sport?
  5. Yeah but of course those that liked playing Golf and being told what to do by club administrators will never accept the reality of it all.
  6. Lol, that takes me back I refused to amend a crime from Burglary to theft to help massage the crime figures and had to go and " Have a chatt " with the divisional super. He was a nice bloke and explained as if I didnt know what it was all about and said he couldnt order me to change it but advised I played a ball. I refused and left the crime in as a burglary " Which it was " and came to work next day and was told I had been moved divisions from Pontefract back to Leeds, no explanation given lol. A pain as it meant commuting 15 miles instead of 3. I didnt mention it at all, I have always stuck to my guns when I have been in the right.
  7. Hi Peeps. I removed my solar a couple of years ago as it wasnt needed. Its come on a long way since my stuff was originaly fitted about ten years ago anyway. Having asked questions already and googled it seems MPPT controlers are marginaly better than the other sort. Now I have much experience of living aboard and understand why say a mastervolt inverter is more money that junk like Stirling or the even cheaper ones but for the life of me looking at MPPT jobbies on offer say for a 40 amp one at less than twenty quid all the way up to 200 quid I dont see what the huge price difference is caused by as its not about such as standby power with an inverter or is it? Are cheap any good? my old set up was a cheap controler that did the job so I am asking do I pay twenty of is it worth paying 200 on my next set up? Taa
  8. Are there any Mental health proffesionals available? I reckon my crew need Elp big time
  9. This of course is true in many though not all instances. The proliferation of noobs on you tube with ten minutes " Experience " telling the world all about living aboard always makes me giggle.
  10. My Uncle, my old Dads brother is there on Panel number 50. On the Fort Lamy carrying a hold full of explosives was torpedoed by U 527 and blown to smithereens. 46 killed with only 5 survivors who were on the upper deck and blown into the sea. Anyone interested in the MN at times of war try to find a copy of " The Red duster at war " Lol, I wasnt counting the enemy, I have no idea of their losses but hopefuly as the instigators their losses were greater than ours.
  11. Well said Howard. The Red duster indeed lost more men in ww2 than any armed force as a percentage. My old Dad was in the north atlantic convoys and sunk twice, he was also part of operation Pedestal with the Ohio, I have his medal presented by the Malta government some years later, unsung indeed.
  12. That lock will take much deeper draughted craft than any narrowboat under normal circumstances. Lovely stretch of inland waterway and luckily very little used as it doesnt say " Braunston " in the title. Did you say you had been on foot and operated it? As David says if its heavily silted behind the gates it may not open and or you may cause damage trying. I would send a message or ring CART if you can get hold of anyone and ask what they intend doing and if you can pass in such a small boat.
  13. I think its because, and you may not like this and feel free to disagree, that tarps and the like very often look bloomin scruffy as do bikes etc thrown on the roof. We have lived aboard for over thirty years and the roof is clear. Piles of logs and old bikes and chicken runs and all manner of stuff are on many boats but some marinas simpy dont like them. Some marinas for instance ban working on your boat because of noise etc etc. There is no real " norm " and lots of places do different things.
  14. Id noticed he was missing as he hasnt been objecting to my posts for a few days ? Maybe he is isolating from the forum for a few days as many of us have done in the past?? Hope hes OK anyone know??
  15. I didnt work for 46 years plus to give any away to any gambling companies. You only have to have a day at the races where most of us drive in and watch the dozens and dozens of flights of helicopters taking off and landing. Some of which are chartered by the likes of Ladbrokes to know there is only ever one winner.
  16. Please help me try to control Dr Bob. He has started swearing in the private message system...............he used the term " Work " earlier today!!
  17. Agreed. I think our first boat we owned for 4 years. We loved it but moved on.
  18. Most marinas will do short term at any time. We have left our boats all over the country on the towpath and elsewhere many many times over more than thirty years without problem. We used to years ago do holiday relief to the licensed trade for between 2 weeks and 3 month hits and often just rocked up at boatyards etc and paid. We then used to cruise between a month and up to a year depending in how many beer tokens we had saved. Its all very doable. Better than a secure tied down job if you are lucky enough to be able to do it like we were.
  19. Exellent, if she is on the dole she may want a job?
  20. To be honest you soon get to know how much water you have. We never run out and sub consciously i glance at the pointy end as I pass the front and can tell if we need water. I sope with a small tank that doesnt effect the trim much it would be harder but we have never needed one. Use the money for beer.
  21. If its inside the M25 then its a crap hole. It might cost a lot so that just makes it an expensive craphole.
  22. Perhaps we could hi jack Diane Abbott to assist with the numbers?
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