If the prop blade is assymetric, like this one:
Then it is optimised for forward efficiency.
When it is in reverse, it is turning in the opposite direction, so the effective shape is "backwards" for best efficiency.
Of course, boats spend the majority of their time travelling forwards, so this type of design is popular.
Designs like the "Axiom" look to be symetrical, so should be equally efficient when operating in either direction.
However, for the short periods of reversing, I can't see that reverse efficiency really counts for a lot unless the boat is underpowered. If the prop is inefficient, then just give it more revs.
Extra revs *may* cause more prop walk, however.
But, as in the case of Mr. Brunel, you'd need to test two identical boats side-by-side without knowing which props are fitted to see if there is any difference in reality.