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Everything posted by PaulG

  1. It's the wrong type of battery for leisure use. To quote from Sterling's FAQ's: "...for starting you have a large surface area of thin plates, for traction you have a small surface area of thicker plates. One is black and one is white, there is no grey area. So, if you are purchasing a battery and it has a cold cranking rating and the salesman says it is a deep cycle battery, but will also start your engine; then it is in fact a starter battery." http://www.sterling-power.com/support-faq-2.htm
  2. I've posted this before in another thread, but I use these: http://www.bltdirect.com/product.php?pid=8...+Saving+12+Volt The only drawback I've found is that they're a bit big. One arrived with a pin on the bayonette fitting broken off. The supplier replaced it with no quibble, and didn't ask me to send the faulty one back. "Ultraleds", take note!
  3. I'm not sure that the reopened Committee enquiry is going to find anything that they did not know before. They were told several times, albeit in "Corporatespeak", that BW would pull the plug on the Cotswold Canals. For example, in the enquiry evidence is a letter from the BW Chairman (Tony Hales) to the late (un)lamented Barry Gardiner (Waterways Minister) on 20th April 2007. "Moving to the Cotswolds, I included this in my letter as this is the most sensitive restoration scheme in which we are involved....BW would have been reluctant to carry the risk [of cost overruns] in the current scheme with or without grant cuts. The grant cuts leave no scope for the Board to carry that risk." Which means (with apologies to "Dragon's Den") - "we're out!" The Mon and Brec can be viewed as either the last straw or an excuse. Either way, DEFRA were informed in writing almost a year ago that, as a result of grant cuts, BW could not afford to continue with the CC project in its current form. However, they might possibly ask why BW were involved at all, never mind as Lead Partner, in a project where they were retrospectively "reluctant" to accept risk. Any competent business manager will evaluate the risk in a deal before it goes ahead and not wait until the deal is done to decide he doesn't like it. I wonder how funding bodies like the HLF will view projects involving BW in the future? It seems to me that there will be a certain lack of credibility.
  4. Thanks very much to everyone for their helpful input. Chris on Baldock - I'm going to carry out a few more checks as suggested (it'll have to be later this week). Thanks for the offer of help - I'll be in touch later on. Paul
  5. My Lister Petter LPWS3 overheated today. The pipes leading to the skin tank were cold, so it looks like a circulation problem. I took the thermostat out and it seemed to open ok in boiling water. I ran the engine with the thermostat removed, and there was still no coolant circulation, so it looks as if the water pump is US. Drive belt is tight and pulley is turning. Access to the front of the engine is good, so I might have a go at fitting a replacement myself. Anyone ever changed one? Is it a straightforward job, or should I get an engineer to change it? Any help much appreciated!
  6. Latest from the Cotswolds Canals Trust: "The House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee is set to re-examine British Waterways' regeneration and restoration role, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO BW'S DECISION TO WITHDRAW FROM THE COTSWOLD CANAL PARTNERSHIP."
  7. PaulG

    BNC Cruise

    Many thanks to everyone who responded. On reflection, it's probably going to be the "northern reaches". Sounds like I'll need to dig out my flat cap and ferret!
  8. PaulG

    BNC Cruise

    Oops - Spot of "finger trouble" this morning! For "BNC Cruise" read "BCN Cruise"!
  9. Thinking of doing our second cruise on the BCN this summer. Last time we took in parts of the Old and New Main lines, the Netherton Tunnel, and Dudley No1 and No2 canals. I'm looking for some advice on other parts of the BCN that are worth a visit. We'll be entering the BCN via the Worcs and Birmingham, and we need to exit onto the Staffs and Worcs at Aldersley about a week later. Any ideas on places to go in the meantime? (preferably with minimum time down the weed hatch!) Advice from those with "local knowledge" much appreciated!
  10. How about these - he's only got two in stock, though. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRASS-6-X-6-GRILL-NA...1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. No, I don't - the "technical spec" is a bit thin on the ground! But mine have survived so far. From memory, my charging system is set at 14.8 volts. These do have a high enough light output to use as main lighting (i.e. good enough to be able to read a book comfortably), whereas I haven't seen a LED lamp yet that has. It's also the only one I've found with a standard B.C. fitting. If in doubt, 12v regulators are cheap!
  12. Not LED, but higher light output. I've just fitted some of these, and they work well. The only drawback that I can see is that large size of the lamp. 12 volt fluorescent
  13. Right on the button, Rick. Just think of all the miles of waterways that have been restored without (and often in spite of) BW. If the CCT had been given a grant £24 Million a few years ago, the canals would be open by now. Time that "sleeping tiger" the IWA woke up and got some old-fashioned campagning underway, mobilise the volunteers, etc, etc. I'm off to polish me mattock.....
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