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Roger Morgan

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Everything posted by Roger Morgan

  1. I can thoroughly recommend sailing out of Conwy and Deganwy. Both marinas are excellent. The bay is reasonably well sheltered except from north-west. The only drawback is the fast tidal stream, which can exceed 3 knots. My boat (10 metre ketch) has been there for nearly 10 years.
  2. Is the engine a vehicle conversion? Typically, diesel engines designed for vehicle use need an oil change every 6000 miles (though some suggest 3000 miles). If you assume 30 miles per hour average speed in a vehicle this is 200 hours of use (or 100 hours if the 3000 mile figure is used). Boat engines are used at a more constant speed and a more constant temperature than in a vehicle so the oil change requirement is likely to be less severe in a boat than in a vehicle. However, a lot depends on the quality of oil used. Modern oils are likely to be longer lived than all-mineral oils. Hope that helps!
  3. Oops sorry, last attempt at a reply failed! The simplest way of 'calculating' output is to get a leaflet on radiators from a DIY shop or a plumbers merchant, and try to match the sizes and number of layers in the radiators on the leaflet to the ones in your boat. Then (see the other reply today) correct the output for the temp drop across the radiator (or more correctly, for the difference between the mean radiator temperature and the cabin air temperature). Use a 'linear' approximation, that is, if the temp diofference is half the specified value, your output is half the rated value.
  4. I am looking at using a Malaga for a seagoing boat. Propex technical dept tell me that they don't push Malagas for boats because they need a straight flue up the side (of a caravan etc). But I think that if you can accommodate a Malaga on, say, a bulkhead and take a flue up the 'far' side of the bulkhead and through the deck, it should be OK. If I can find space in my boat to fit the boiler, I can take a flue up the inside of a hanging locker. Malagas are hunderds of pounds cheaper than the comopeting 'Bootbolier' by Truva, so it is worth persevering.
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