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Everything posted by TheBiscuits

  1. Yes, the Swan and Railway is probably the finest architecture of a pub in Wigan. Pretty good beers too. And it's only about thirty yards from the best beer in Wigan, under the railway line in the arches: Wigan Central https://wigancentral.bar/
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  7. I've recently switched from Three to iD Mobile - a Three piggyback MVNO - and in the same device in the same location I get considerably higher data speeds on iD than on Three!
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  11. You used to move Mintball more often than that ...
  12. The Liverpool Hilton (30 yards and up a bit from where I usually moor in Salthouse Dock) charge around £200 a night. The first time I went in, Sid was concerned there was something wrong with the free electric because I didn't bother plugging in. (CCer so not used to having mains hookup available.) Some boaters apparently connect their shore power cable before their mooring lines! I preferred free for a week, but £15 a night isn't unreasonable.
  13. Haven't you ever seen a 12 foot wide bathroom on a narrow boat before? It's like those big Winnebago RVs where the sides poke out to give more space inside!
  14. I like standing next to bonfires on boatyards, and when the ripped out bulkheads are well alight I ask if the keen novice boat owner used them as templates for the new bulkheads. I usually learn some new bad words about then ...
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  17. Usually between 0 and 45 degrees if that helps ...
  18. Expensive in anodes though! I was speaking with a boater who got stuck in Salthouse after the end of their winter mooring a few years ago due to the lockdowns starting before the link opened. They got an eye watering quote from the only crane on the dock, and ended up getting a diver to replace anodes in the water ... Others who planned ahead switched to zinc anodes before being moored in brackish water for a planned five months!
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  21. Must be someone else's turn by now then ...
  22. If you don't like them in series you could try wiring them in parallel ... (Disclaimer: This is a geeky joke. It's not a technical recommendation! )
  23. Has it? Surely we all understand that cycling a lock uses exactly that lock's volume (L x W x rise) of water. I can't see why a staircase would use more than the suggested two locks worth of water.
  24. Dobson Lock services on the L&L. Worst ever! We once interrupted a mate "filling" his water tank to get enough to fill a kettle. Which took two minutes for a litre and a half ... he stopped bothering with his hosepipe, we didn't bother trying ours and we moved on. Talking to the CRT bloke we saw there, he laughed and agreed. The maintenance yard are under strict instructions not to fill their kettle or wash their hands if someone is trying to use the shower! Apparently Yorkshire Water were complained at years ago, and to meet their own delivery targets (pressure at meter, not flow rate) they reduced the diameter of the supply pipes. Good water pressure, job done ... I haven't ever tried that shower.
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