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Graham Davis

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Everything posted by Graham Davis

  1. The post I reported, and which has now been removed, made accusations and some inappropriate remarks
  2. Already been discussed: http://www.canalworld.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=51697
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  5. You've gone all black now!! and put some slippers on!!
  6. Well no one else has said it, so........ Is your battery charged enough to power the pump?
  7. Pah!! Rubbish!! We had at least 2 hours without any rain today!!
  8. I don't think a maximum of 7% is "significant".
  9. We had our house and retail premises on the market for 18 months, and had 3 viewings, but no offers. Took it off the market and 3 weeks later the people who did the first viewing came back to us and will be renting the house and the shop for 6 months, with an option to buy at the end of it, or extend their lease. We're happy with that.
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  11. Have you never heard of a boat and butty? Do you know anything about the history of canal carriers and how they managed with a boat and butty?
  12. I'm surprised I haven't seen more "air brush" work being done on canal boats. Surely that is a modern method of sign writing?
  13. Don't like to be pedantic, but............... the title of that link is: River Stour (Worcs) at Kidderminster
  14. Actually it isn't technically illegal to use a microphone whilst mobile, just a telephone. The Law expressly states "telephone equipment" which CB, etc, are not. It was written that way to allow the likes of the Emergency Services to continue using their equipment. However you can still be prosecuted with "without due care and attention" for using a microphone.
  15. Because as the pressure builds up it will find the weakest point to try and escape, and that could be the exhaust pipe, typically at a joint or even the manifold. And in your case above you did both, so how do you know which actually stopped the engine?
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  17. No, you need to stop ait getting in, so you block the air intake. (This has been said several times already!!) If you tried to block the exhaust all it does is "explode" the weakest point along it. Deltic's were fitted with CO2 bottles, I believe.
  18. SEND HIM TO THE STOCKS!!! You can't call Bones "mate"!! Shocking!!
  19. There is a very low one near Hereford Station, and another into Caersws Rugby Club. Don't know the height of those though.
  20. Craddock's, the Land Rover parts people, near Walsall nearly always have 24v alternators from FFR LR's.
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