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Radio 4, Friday 24/10, You and Yours


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And so you just end up looking a fool. Of course I checked his figures, that's how I knew you didn't.


I know both the BW estimate of CC boats in London and the NBTA's count ( not so far apart but both a million miles from Salem's hyperbole.


I also know how to divide 50 miles by 880 boats.


You, on the other hand, rather than actually let any facts get in the way of your prejudice-blinded view just leapt on wanderer vagabond's statement without thinking it through or checking it.

I only look a fool in your opinion. I would have look a fool if I hadn't admitted I hadn't checked the answers.


So go one prove your mathematical ability and give the real figures.


What blind prejudiced view? I merely took somebody else's figures thought what that might mean and asked a question. I am sorry if you think asking questions is being prejudiced perhaps your grasp of the word isn't too good.


Oh and while you are proving your superiority how many boats are heading towards London per month?

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Are you sure you know how to divide 50 miles by 880?


50 miles = 88,000 yards


88,000 / 880 =100


100 yards = 300 feet so Wander Vagabond was correct


Assume space for 70 foot boats means you can get 4 in each 300 foot space. That by the way is 280 feet and the rest of the 30

spaces between.


So 880 gaps each taking 4 boats = 3520 boats.


Now will you please answer the question of how many boats are heading towards London each month?

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... One thing not yet discussed is WHY 'You and Yours' did the article. My impression although they didn't actually say, was that CRT approached the BBC and requested it. ...


I don't think this is how these pieces are usually produced, by the BBC or anyone else. They certainly wouldn't allow CRT to dictate some 'message'.


Living on a boat in London is very topical, interesting and newsworthy. It wouldn't surprise me if Joel Cox, the radio journalist, happened to see lots of liveaboard boats around London, became curious about them, wondered how cheap or not a lifestyle it was, chatted to a few boaters and quickly came to see there's a good colourful story here. Then contacted CRT to get a balanced view. Of course there'd be dozens of other ways of pitching it.


I thought the CRT chap was pretty open minded about living aboard: just think about what you're doing and whether you'd like it before buying a boat.


Is that right what the story says: the number of liveaboards in east London has doubled over the last year?

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