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Advice from BioMagic


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I have to add some additional Biomagic to my tank every other day which makes odour control expensive. I contacted Traverna to see if they had an alternative product, they mentioned BioGreen a new BioMagic product and put me in touch with Alex Notman of BioMagic. I thought that many forum members might be interested in his reply. Alex has given me permission to share his advice on the forum.





Hi George,


Alan at Travena did contact me about this but I waited until I had word from you as I didn't want to jump the gun as Travena are one of our retailers but have not yet added our products to their website. Both Travena and BioMagic have an arrangement where we use each others products, we supply them with BioMagic and they supply us with a biological fluid that contains bacteria and enzymes.

BioMagic alone relies on the resident facultative bacteria which are stimulated by the oxygen and nutrients in BioMagic. However, to maintain an odour free tank it is necessary to maintain the oxygen level high enough so that all the bacteria in the tank as well as those clinging to the underside of your valve and seals are in contact with the product.


To be effective as your tank fills, it is necessary to add at least 50-ml of BioMagic a week with enough flushing water and maybe more as your tank becomes fuller as there is more volume to treat.


It is also a good idea to mix some BioMagic 50/50 with water in a trigger spray bottle then use this to spray around the toilet bowl and valve before and after use to ensure that the bacteria in that area are treated, you can also spray down your breather vent if odours are coming from this.


Aerobic bacteria do not create hydrogen sulphide gas so no odours are produced. Only bacteria starved of oxygen become anaerobic and these do produce hydrogen sulphide gas so cause odours.


BioMagic in the correct dosage and with enough water added, turns the bacteria in your tank aerobic, these will remain aerobic for as long as the oxygen supply remains high enough to support them.


BioPro-Green has been developed to address the problems associated with calcium build up in tanks and cassettes which is caused by male urine, hard water supplies and certain medications or supplements. A hard chalky deposit can accumulate in tanks and on valves and this tends to absorb all nasty odours and is difficult to remove.


BioPro-Green comprises a mixture of regular strength BioMagic + a special fluid that contains bacteria, enzymes, surfactants and a calcium bond breaking agent so would help you if a calcium build-up is the possible cause of your problems.


The big problem of being environmentally conscious and trying to protect our planet is that it is far more difficult to eliminate odour by natural means than it is to simply poison everything in the tank and therefore everything else the contents come into contact with.

It takes a little more effort and understanding on what is actually going on in the tank before you get the system working to your satisfaction.


The very fact that you say it is OK for two days then you have to add more, makes me think you have not been adding enough, or there is a build up of matter and bacteria under the valve and seals which cannot be in contact with the BioMagic in the tank, you may find that the spray suggested will cure your problem, some people use nothing else but the spray and find this is all they need.


Before you give up on BioMagic, try these suggestions then if you do need BioPro-Green, I will be adding it to the website next week when I get back from Scotland.


I hope this help a little.


Best Regards, Alex Notman.


BioMagic UK Ltd.

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I use Travena's products in my pumpout tank.


The one's that I have found successful (following their advice) is Septic clean 250 (added as a new charge following pump out).


I then add Oxiplus every week to aid with oxygenation.


Oh..... and probably most important of anything - only ever clean the toilet with Bioclean. Obviously most 'normal household cleaners would kill the Poo Munchers


Seems to work fine



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