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nb Innisfree

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Everything posted by nb Innisfree

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  5. That's what I thought once as I gaily flicked the valve from hot to cold, Gordon Bennett, I thought I was a gonner for a few long seconds as I fumbled to shut it off. Won't be trying that again.
  6. No idea which is best but our cheap Aldi job works great. As for boat rocking, once dish is aligned centrally to signal then it will stay locked on even if boat rocks.
  7. FWIW our 24v large frame Leece Neville is a manual excite one, just requires a live feed to the excite terminal, I use a switched feed so I can start the engine with the alt off load then switch it in when I want - when first started leisure batts put alt into full output and can make slow speed manoeuvring at tickover a bit tricky + it takes some load off starter batt. To remind me to turn off live feed when engine is shut down I also fitted a buzzer from excite switch to D+ otherwise alt will be permanently excited (oh happy memories from when I used to be like that!) Maybe a bit involved but it does give a bit of handy flexibility.
  8. Yes the thicker the better under gunwales, not to prevent rust but to prevent condensation forming on the underside of the foam For rust to form oxygen has to be present, spray foam excludes oxygen so even a thin coat that has adhered correctly to the metal will prevent rust. So either your foam didn't adhere correctly in the first place and allowed air to come into contact with the steel and resulted in rust forming or rust had already formed beforehand. Before any foam is applied any loose rust or paint should be removed, ideally a coat of good quality metal primer should be applied to improve foam adherance.
  9. A well placed solid fuel stove will sort out any heating issues, in fact you will be opening side doors to cool off if you let the stove get a bit too hot, even in very cold weather, no prob once you have mastered the art of stove adjustment. More than once I have gone out into the snow and ice in shirtsleeves for a bit of relief!
  10. To finish off paint the groove with blacking using a small brush.
  11. After we had our shell spray foamed by an established firm I carefully inspected and found quite a few hard to reach places where the foam hadn't quite penetrated fully, unavoidable really as the spray is directional. I finished the job by injecting aerosol foam into tiny cavities, took nearly a fortnight of re-inspecting to finish but even then a year or so later I found one tiny spot behind the bathroom lining that dripped slightly in very cold weather, A quick squirt with the aerosol sorted it. I suspect some minor drips are very common on boats, usually concealed behind lining. ETA: You can get condensation on foam, in very cold weather we had it forming on 1.5" of foam on the underside of the front deck, caused by cold air trapped in the well deck maybe? Fitting a cratch cover cured it (by reducing the temperature differential I guess)
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  24. You used to get on my pip for some reason (probably mutual) but I'm starting to have problems resting smiling and occasionally laughing. Stop it, this is a deadly serious forum.
  25. We have venetian blinds, they can't see in but you can see and hear them. For really cheeky and nosey folk I wait until they are trying to peer in and quickly whip the blind up and stare at them! Seems to spook them a bit.
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